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Windy-Flames Feb 3
The pains, the frightful turns.
Oh, how I wish I had never met your eyes.
They invited me in despite the war tune your heart played against mine.
Was it the beauty of your lips that drew me in as I looked,
Or the beautiful scar on your shoulders that told a story your eyes wouldn't let my ears hear?
I should have walked away that fateful day in the alleyway.
My mornings have become restless, like my nights.
I dread that you really meant the break-up song you sang while gazing at the red moon.
Windy-Flames Jan 26
Love's piercing ache
Seeps into the soul's depths dark
Heart's heavy burden
Windy-Flames Jan 24
Hushed mind, cold heart, still eyes.
Just the nightmare you need to numb your spine.
The latest frenzy in town.
Windy-Flames Jan 24
My quill and scroll are ready, like a warlord ready for battle.
I want to describe every ounce of me to vanquish your suspicion.
Below is my mind's layout, clearer than those of the empires you seek to conquer.

My heart, a place you can hide freely,
Without being afraid of hidden mechanisms.
I present to you my eyes,
They are like a mirror that can see and show your dead emotions.

The sound from my voice box can dispel your nightmares.
Dare you to argue with me,
Even red roses blush upon kissing my body.
My feet are like fine jade shining in the morning sun.

I am a live painting in the eyes of men.
Dare to ask your heart when your eyes behold me,
I am the goddess of beauty touching your heart's door.

— The End —