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Fearless Dec 2019
Sometimes there is no action, that will not cause a rift
through lots of dumb scenarios, we sift and sift and sift
if I do this then that, all these effect and cause
makes us unable to act, we only can give pause
but to do nothing is an action too so what are we to do?
this round and round about is what leaves us feeling blue
the reason for this is, we're afraid of what others think
someone's always hurt or mad, it makes our stomach sink
we cannot see the future, but God is in control
constantly trying to predict, is what is taking toll
if you think about it with a positive spin
God can take whatever you do, and He can help you win
All things work together for good for those who love the Lord
so you don't have to fret about consequences you can't afford
now, that being said, that only means if you are doing right
because if not, you will end up in one big heartbreaking fight
So pray and pray and ask Him for His guidance on this day
then the consequences won't be too high for you to pay
Fearless Dec 2019
she wandered down a well worn path, that she had trod before
afraid that she would wander it again forevermore
there never seemed an end, to the random twisting ways
it was so confusing, that it left her in a daze
people she passed talked to her, but she heard not a sound
and she knew that she would not, till the exit she had found
they tried to interact with her, but she was not all there
because the winding road she trod, was with her everywhere
from time she to time she peaked, out of the windows of her eyes
to see if there was someone, who could heard her desperate cries
but the winding road had trapped her, and they just couldn't hear
so she continued wandering down the maze of all her fear
she knew there was an end, and someday she'd find a way
but unfortunately for her, today was not that day
she grabbed a piece here, and another over yonder
to try to put this puzzle together for a picture that was fonder
a picture of it working out and life all making sense
but too many pieces missing, just made her really tense
then there was a flash, and she sort of got a look
of a path that might open up behind a tiny nook
so she pushed a little there, and it started to give a bit
and that's when she decided, that she would never quit
Fearless Dec 2019
little cold splashes on my face in the rain
as God's beautiful grace washed away my pain
He said I am enough, you need only to ask
then in My Presence, I'll allow you to bask

A warm feeling flooded through my whole heart
and I knew He was there, we are never apart
I'm never alone, and I'm always ok
even when I am having a stressful day

I've not been abandoned He has answers for me
He just wants me to trust Him and wait and see
so He can show me the things He has done
and that when I let go, I have finally won

So I opened my hand and I gave him the man
that I had been trying so hard to understand
the one who had hurt and confused me like hell
and now that he's gone I know it's just as well

We cling to the things that we think we need
our egos and emotions we are trying to feed
but when we don't hold to a thing that is here
that's when we no longer have any fear
Fearless Dec 2019
It's impossible to love a person who thinks they are God
strutting around saying "look at my ***"
I work out all day and I'm perfect as well
and if you don't think so you can all go to Hell

It is possible to love a God who came down as a man
loving everyone around Him with a wide open hand
He was kind and selfless and perfect in love
because His source of perfection came from above

one is a leech and takes all that he wants
his own "greatness" he so freely flaunts
he's selfish and arrogant and loves only himself
though he pretends, there's room for nobody else

The Other doesn't take a single thing from you
He's patient and kind, and shows you what to do
there's something that I should probably mention
He will never be flashy and demand you attention
Fearless Dec 2019
A pool of glistening tears, spreads beneath my knees
I hear the wind rustling, as it's blowing through the trees
I feel like I am broken, abandoned and alone
searching the whole world, to try to find a home
I used to be the loudest one, laughing in the room
now I'm in this empty place, quiet as a tomb
I drank till I blacked out, my head down on the bar
ashamed to say I've gotten, behind the wheel of a car
now my heart is broken, he ripped it into shreds
and I've never felt so horrible, as on my heart he treads
and yet I wonder now, as the gloomy lifts away
was I more broken then, than I really am today?
My head was full of thoughts of getting what I wanted
and all of God's great gifts, I ever freely flaunted
and now my heart is filled with sorrow and with prayers
but now I feel His touch, and I know He really cares
so I've come to the conclusion, though I thought I was fine
that all that self-assurance, was never really mine
that confidence I thought was running through my veins
was really just the devil, pulling on my reins
now I'm breaking free, and though it hurts at first
I know that had I stayed like that, it would have been much worse
so I've come to the conclusion, there's a purpose for the pain
and if you can push through it, you have so much to gain
Where once I was a shattered glass, the pieces strewn apart
now I am just dealing with a normal broken heart
It's been taped back together, but its not fully well
I'm afraid that everyone who looks at me, call always really tell
Those cracks across my surface are letting the light out
but they also let the love in, and that's what it's all about
Fearless Dec 2019
Like dandelions in the wind
I scattered all my fears
I wished upon the shooting stars
and let sunshine dry my tears

The cool clear water bathes my feet
the wind is in my hair
a dragonfly is buzzing by
and I have not a care
Fearless Dec 2019
Dear God I'm so alone, why have you left me so
I feel so confused, so much that I don't know
I'm guilty for my past, love I don't deserve
all of your Commandments I'm trying to observe
if I can just be good, then will you hear my cry
when I'm crying out, will you answer why?
why have you deserted me to be all alone
is there nothing I can do, so I can atone?
please hear me when I pray, I can't get out of bed
I'm so tangled up, with the thoughts inside my head

Dear child you're not alone, I'm always by your side
I'm trying to be close to you, it's you that ran to hide
I don't tell you everything because I want you to trust
that everything you go through is something that you must
there's not enough that you can do to be good enough
I love you no matter what, regardless of that stuff
I told you to do things, because they're good for you
not because I just wanted to tell you what to do
my sacrifice has saved you, not all of your work
so stop thinking you are God, or you'll feel like a ****
get up off that bed, and with others share my love
and I promise I will bless you, with good things from above
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