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Fearless Dec 2019
Dear God I'm so alone, why have you left me so
I feel so confused, so much that I don't know
I'm guilty for my past, love I don't deserve
all of your Commandments I'm trying to observe
if I can just be good, then will you hear my cry
when I'm crying out, will you answer why?
why have you deserted me to be all alone
is there nothing I can do, so I can atone?
please hear me when I pray, I can't get out of bed
I'm so tangled up, with the thoughts inside my head

Dear child you're not alone, I'm always by your side
I'm trying to be close to you, it's you that ran to hide
I don't tell you everything because I want you to trust
that everything you go through is something that you must
there's not enough that you can do to be good enough
I love you no matter what, regardless of that stuff
I told you to do things, because they're good for you
not because I just wanted to tell you what to do
my sacrifice has saved you, not all of your work
so stop thinking you are God, or you'll feel like a ****
get up off that bed, and with others share my love
and I promise I will bless you, with good things from above
Fearless Dec 2019
I met a pretty man, like a vampire
and my loving heart he did desire
so I gave it to him willingly
and he ****** out my ability
to feel love again in my heart
once he'd torn "us" apart
he ****** the love right out of me

then I met a Man, like a zombie
His loving heart He shared with me
He gave Himself up willingly
and infected me with the ability
to feel love again in my heart
and to share it with every part
with all who came in touch with me

So love not like a vampire
consumed with your own desire
but love like a zombie
and 'infect' everyone equally
disclaimer: this is about sharing love, not about sleeping around
Fearless Dec 2019
Who's there?
Negative Thought
Fearless Dec 2019
on a green hill with sun up high
you plopped down next to me with a sigh
we laid in the grass and talked for a bit
and I was charmed by your sharp wit
you reached out and took my hand
a gentle touch, made me feel grand
a breeze caught your hair as you looked at me
and I wanted to tell you what I see
your blue eyes with flecks of gold
your chiming laugh that never grows old
a hope for love is in your eyes
though you try hard to disguise
before I can stop it, my hand reaches out
my mind is racing, all my fears shout
I ignore them as I touch your face
then you pull me in, to your embrace
your features smooth a smile there
you look like you have not a care
I know God's smiling down at me
and now I can clearly see
how He has listened when I pray
and gave us this beautiful, sunny day.
  Dec 2019 Fearless
joseph g schelling
My good friend thinks well of me.
I like it when she's around.
She has a heart that's caring,
Love in it there does abound.

There is an immense beauty,
That's found in my good friend's heart;
In my heart from that of hers,
Gently love it does impart.

Florists are known for roses,
And forget-me-nots of blue;
But these flowers can't excel,
My friend's heart that's gold and true.

I must be thought highly of,
My heart is touched by her love.
Fearless Dec 2019
What is a dream and why is it there?
are they portents of doom for something unfair
do they predict things we cannot yet see
why are they so confusing to me
some of them tell me what I want to hear
and others just serve to fill me with fear
they're all such a jumble they just make no sense
but I hate when they leave me feeling so tense
then sometimes when I'm awake in my day
a flash of a dream pops by but won't stay
and I get that odd feeling of de ja vu
does that ever seem to happen to you?
I keep a dream journal right next to my bed
to record these odd things I dream in my head
sometimes I go back and read them to see
if there was a clue or some kind of key
but mostly I cannot make sense of it all
there are no psychics, 'cause it's all God's call
so I sleep soundly each night in my bed
and see what weird thing will pop into my head
Fearless Dec 2019
His name was Mort
he had a hideous wart
when he got into port
all the wenches would snort
but he waltzed up to the fort
and attended the court
where he drank some fine port
and had a nice chocolate torte
he had eyes on a consort
a tryst with her, he'd had to abort
his mission, her father did thwart
so he drank *** by the quart
and fought men for sport
the rich he'd extort
for he was that sort
for this fair escort
he would not resort
to actually court
her image of him, he dare not distort
and that is why, he'll always fall short
but he got a passport
and got on a transport
and learned to support
himself in Freeport
and that my dear friends, is all I have to report
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