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Fearless Dec 2019
His name was Mort
he had a hideous wart
when he got into port
all the wenches would snort
but he waltzed up to the fort
and attended the court
where he drank some fine port
and had a nice chocolate torte
he had eyes on a consort
a tryst with her, he'd had to abort
his mission, her father did thwart
so he drank *** by the quart
and fought men for sport
the rich he'd extort
for he was that sort
for this fair escort
he would not resort
to actually court
her image of him, he dare not distort
and that is why, he'll always fall short
but he got a passport
and got on a transport
and learned to support
himself in Freeport
and that my dear friends, is all I have to report
  Dec 2019 Fearless
kieran dacey boylan
A single crab escapes the ***
Where several would be doomed;
The fate of one becomes the lot -
Boiled and consumed.
They tug and tear each other down
Dividing limb from limb
As each attempt to scramble out
Will pull another in.
But humans are a clever lot
(Though some, we may have doubts)
For when we fall into the ***
We help each other out.

Spineless as a decapod;
The ones who got ahead,
When scrambling up the ladder, trod
Upon another’s head.
Fearless Dec 2019
We come into relationships and expect them to end
treating the other as an enemy, not as a friend
with fear and distrust we play a dumb game
and then we call quits, but then repeat the same

some aren't surprised when it all falls apart
they had expected it to, right from the start
they don't want people to think they are dumb
so they'd rather break themselves until they are numb

what if I go into this, thinking it's fine
that in the end I'll be yours, and you will be mine
what if I just start with a wide open heart
and believe that nothing will ever tear us apart

is that not how our love lives were meant to be?
when did this kind of love start making us feel guilty
when a man and a woman are made man and wife
that was something that should last all our life

these break-up games that we've hurt ourselves by
they are not normal, no, this is a lie
but just because you've been hurt so many times
does not mean you'll constantly pay for your crimes

become a new person and open that heart
wait for the right one, and make a new start
save your body and mind for the one you can trust
and stop thinking it's love, when it's really just lust
Fearless Dec 2019
One of those days when it all goes right
One of those days when you've got no fight
One of those days that fits like a glove
when to everyone around you extends some love

It's nice when you have a day that is happy
and though this poem might be a bit sappy
I had one of those days on this sunny day
and I'll tell you how it got this way

I have no idea, there's no formula for it
you can't run your life by control or whit
some days things go right and some go wrong
some days you cry and some days sing a song

The happiest days are gifts from above
showered upon us by God's great love
He brings peace and blessings to those who wait
we just have to trust Him with our fate

Don't seek out those days, they will come
if you struggle and strive, you will be undone
just relax and trust, I know it seems odd
but when they come, don't forget to thank God
Fearless Dec 2019
A man swung his pick in the cold
but then became bitter and old
he gave up instead
'cause doubt got in his head
so the next who came by struck the gold

in an attic there once was a man
he had thought up a grandiose plan
so in someone else's house
he started drawing a mouse
and because of him we have Disneyland

he couldn't get anything right
try and try as he might
after 10,000 tries
and so many whys
he finally made the bulb for the light

two brothers just like me and you
what they were doing nobody knew
people thought they were crazy
and their plans were hazy
but then one day that little plane flew!

So if you come to the end of your rope
don't you dare just sit there and mope
giving up isn't right
so stand up and fight
you'll win if you just hold on to hope!
  Nov 2019 Fearless
They say our lives
Are made of choices
Many turns and
Many voices...

Forks in paths
Right or left?
We're on the cusp
We're at a cleft
We're in the clover
Or bereft!

At times the choice
Cannot come slow
But we can't choose
Which way to go!!
Of the outcome
We can't know
It's the high road
Or the low...

Should we climb
A path that's narrow?
Or the broad road
With our fellows?
Or bushwhack through
Straight as an arrow?

Brave the thorny way.
The briars.
The broad road
Full of thieves & liars
Or find the path
That takes us higher...

I suggest
You take THAT WAY!!
I hope so more
More than I can say!
Accept Jesus Christ today!

For the way is narrow
The gate is strait
But a fulfilled life
Will be your fate!

You must choose.
At LAST... be FREE!
Be with the Lord


Catherine Jarvis
(C) 11/29/2019
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