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Fearless Nov 2019
A 20 something boy afraid of it all
of all responsibility big and small
he ran from the girl who loved him the most
as if she were some terrifying ghost
he ran from the thought of settling down
and these fears ran him all over town
into bed with this girl and then that one next
sending so many girls a different text
couldn't keep track but thought it was funny
different girls when it's raining or snowy or sunny
as long as they told him that he was the best
and never put his fragile little ego to the test
but then one day they just stopped being fun
then tables turned, and they started to run
they ran from his charm when he offered dinner
and he started to feel like a ***** old sinner
nobody wanted him, he felt all alone
though occasionally one would throw him a bone
he loathed the attention of the girls that he had
they were all washed up and used up and sad
was this what was left what it all had come to
it's what he deserved, he knew that much was true
alone and broken, at the end of his rope
he downed some more *****, he'd lost all his hope
he cried out to Jesus to save him from despairing
from all of those mistakes he had made without caring
Jesus reached down, and said you are enough
relax now, I'll take care of all of that bad stuff
you are My son, I bought you with My life
You can still be worthy of a loving, smart wife
treat her with care and she'll love and respect you
I will help you be good to her in all that you do
she won't dishonor or make you look bad
and she'll hold you and care for you when you are sad
If you turn to Me and trust in My hand
I can give you a life that is really grand
throughout history I've made courageous men
and for you My son, I will do it again
I'll make you so strong that your ego won't break
I'll make you so confident, you don't have to be fake
I'll make you so loving you won't have to try
I'll make you a man, and it's ok if you cry
Fearless Nov 2019
I cried and cried and cried
I pleaded, thought I had died
This must be hell I am in
how did this happen again
I fell in love and it broke me
I begged God pleadingly
just let me be loved please
is He just a big mean tease?
No, He set me free now
it's amazing that I can see how
the fear that controlled my mind
has now all been left behind
If He had given me what I wanted
I'd have used it up and flaunted
I don't need that I'm too good
just wanted to know I could
He changed my heart though
so now I just go with the flow
I know He's got a great plan
and now I'm His biggest fan
He did miracles gave me a sign
while teaching me not to whine
He knew that what I wanted
why my soul was so haunted
was because He was the one
so now my life has begun
I'm happier than I've ever been
living a life free from my sin
because He forgave me my past
and He's saving the best part for last
Now happiness doesn't depend
on career or on money or men
it bubbles up from inside
so maybe I will be a bride
or maybe I'll have lots of stuff
but I don't need it to know I'm enough
I know this all sounds a bit odd
but it's because I'm a child of God
Fearless Oct 2019
I sneak up behind and follow you near
my footsteps you will never even hear
I smell your scent and touch your hair
it's wild and tossed without a care
I've tracked you through this lonely night
thought once or twice to give you a fright
I laugh to myself at my own cleverness
but you're enticing me with your nearness
I have the power, I'm strong and fast
but somehow on me a spell you've cast
so now in your shadow I follow behind
trying to wrangle my nature to be kind
You're so delicious I cannot wait
as you stand next to the cemetery gate
so I step from the shadows and try not to smile
so maybe we can talk for a while
if I were to smile then you will just run
and for me that won't be any fun
I like to toy with my food 'fore I eat
not to treat you like you are just meat
After we've conversed for a little bit
and lured you down to talk and just sit
then I brush my hand across your slim neck
just one little bite, aw what the heck
the place where it beats, your heart in my hand
I pull myself back and I start to stand
then I see a strange look in your eye
and **** in an instant you take off and fly!
My night is all ruined, my hunting is done
turns out you were the one having fun
But then you fly back and you land in my arms
and again, I'm at the mercy of your many charms
  Oct 2019 Fearless
Your glory is brighter than the sun
in its brightest intensity
Your Spirit in man is divinity at work
in humanity
Your mercies is like series of heavy rainfalls after years of drought
Your love is superabundant, inexhaustible,
too much to run out on
Your loveliness has no likeness
You alone truly art God and Lord of all.
Fearless Oct 2019
You sit there alone, tears down your face
another dark night, morning full of disgrace
he said he would call, but you haven't heard
you sent tons of texts, but heard back not a word
he touched you so tender, his hands on your cheek
did things that made your knees just go weak
you talked and talked and he shared his life's goal
you both knew that you'd found a match for your soul
but now he is gone, and without a word
flew right out of your life, like some giant bird
you're shattered and broken, was it all a lie?
this pain is so much that you'd rather die
there is one who is there, He's sat by your side
He's caught in His hand, every tear that you cried
each moment you've spent in bed with popcorn
He's been there for you, watching you mourn
the loss of love that's been ripped from your life
the wounds that cut deeper than any sharp knife
He wants you to know that he loves you so
there is no place inside you so dark He can't go
He can bring joy back into your lonely heart
He is with you always, you're never apart
Though you've betrayed Him and treated Him rotten
He loves you so much, not alone, not forgotten
Fearless Oct 2019
Be in this moment
this moment right now
don't think of the future
or stress about how
you'll get where you're going
not because you know
this life never tells you
exactly where to go
so live right this second
take a deep breath
you cannot control
the moment of your death
there is no formula
to repeat the past
can you not see
you're going too fast?
right now is the time
it is all you've got
spend it wisely
and realize it's a lot
you'll pass up your life
focused behind or ahead
don't you know yet
we all end up dead
It's the only life
that some ever get
I see why you're stressed
'cause you don't know yet
that God can take care
of all your petty needs
if you will go out
and plant His love seeds
so worry no more
'cause there is a life after
stress free and fun
and full of bright laughter
Fearless Oct 2019
There is only one way that you can go to Hell
I hope that you can understand, that I wish you well
There is only one sin that is far to great
that you can never enter in at Heaven's pearly gate
It's not murdering a person, right there in cold blood
Moses murdered someone, after Noah's flood
It's not stealing all the things that don't belong to you
the thief on the cross will be in Heaven too
It's not sleeping with another man's wife
though this will cause you so much strife
David slept with one even though she's married
he'll be raised to Heaven too, right from where he's buried
Plotting in your heart and withholding all your love
this is the mark of someone not sent from above
but even this dark soul can change and find a better way
and then this abuser will be in Heaven too someday
The only thing that you can do, to miss out on all the fun
is deny there is a God, and not believe that He's the One
All you have to do, is admit that He has come to save
believe that He has forgiven all the ways you misbehave
He is not condemning you, you do that to yourself
and you try to make up for it, but amassing too much wealth
money won't make you worthy, and "good" won't get you "in"
all you have to do, is accept His love, that's where you begin
Hell is not a playground full of great rock bands
they won't be handing out free beer in lovely cushioned stands
Hell is not a fire that burns you in agony evermore
Hell is when you realize there's no second chances anymore
Hell will burn you up and you'll never even be a thought
Hard work and good behavior, nope, Heaven can't be bought
Heaven is a place that you can't work to get in
you just have to trust Him, He will save you from your sin
no matter what you've done, Jesus really loves you
and He always will, no matter what you decide to do
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