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  Oct 2019 Fearless
I know God is leading my way
I know He watches over my back
I know I'm surrounded by His Angels
So no fear for the arrows that fly my way

I know my flesh was made from clay
But His Spirit in me is why I am great
I know the enemy will always try to take his shots
But I know the Lord has made me his boss

I know I am who I am by His grace
I know He will help me finish my race
I know this life that I live is not my own
I'll forever submit to the One on the throne
Fearless Oct 2019
From morning till night so many steps we take
and so many filled with a fear of mistake
if I do this thing how will my future fare
but if I do that thing, will I ever get there
indecisiveness comes and steals all our breath
so frustrated and lost and scared half to death
to have enough energy snort lots of *******
then fill that xanax 'script again and again
gotta drink to relax and forget all the stress
hungover and frazzled, your life is a mess
what if I had done this and not that
did I make the right choice? wait, am I getting fat?
there's so much going on that you lack concentration
and everything's spiraling causing frustration
perfection perfection, if you can just reach that goal
then you can finally relax then, and deal with the toll
If you were to just take one day at a time
don't even think ahead to the end of this rhyme
just take each day step by step, hour by hour
because honestly, you don't have any more power
you cannot control what will happen tomorrow
whether you'll be filled up with joy or with sorrow
a soldier who ran 10 miles one bright morning
that night found himself with one leg without warning
A millionaire's yacht burned up in a fire
for all his hard work and right thinking to fill his desire
a guy with the perfect family life
suddenly finds he has a cheating wife
nothing is certain in this world we're in
except for the bad repercussions of sin
relax and enjoy the years of your prime
and just live your life, one day at a time
Fearless Oct 2019
Bouncing happy can't contain
this beauty born from struggle and pain
I know I annoy those still in the dark
who eye me like a hungry shark

It's not that I am actually annoying
it's just that their misery is so cloying
it's needy and saps all of their strength
they go on and on about it at length

I want to hand them a bottled cure
but there's one thing that I'm very sure
that if they looked for help from God
they would not feel like dirt that trod

everybody trying to use them for stuff
taking and taking, it's never enough
nice to everyone so they won't be hated
but never feeling their appetites sated

So now I go on my merry way
and for these souls, I often pray
I sometimes see them start to change
but there's only so much in my range

So turn from your misery, turn to hope
the self-help obsessively saying don't mope!
Like, oh, well I'll just be happy then
this is not within the ability of men

You cannot do this all your own power
to sit at the top of some imaginary tower
You were built to rely on a loving Creator
Make that decision now! There may not be a later
Fearless Oct 2019
Tonight I prayed to set you free
you may not know that you were not
but you've been locked inside of me
in a heart that's full of rot

resentment, anger, jealousy
fear that you will hurt me so
you've been consuming all of me
even though you did not know

So now I asked the Lord to take
this fear I have of losing you
I did this for both of our sake
even though you've not a clue

I'll love you till my dying breath
with true love there is no fear
best friends until even death
if this can be, it will be clear

I cannot love you on my own
my ego just gets in the way
but Jesus' love has set the tone
so now I'll stop and come what may
Fearless Oct 2019
I am your God, no God's before me
This was a command for you, don't you see?
For if you love Me more than any other
then you won't be needy or clingy or smother

You shall not make an idol to pray to
a thing you can look at that can't even hear you
it will make you believe that I am not real
make you frustrated and numb, so you cannot feel

You shall not take My name in vain
this I told you for your own gain
for when you throw my name about
and use it when you scream and shout
you forget that I am the God of all
and you make Me seem so very small
How can you trust me to handle a prayer
if you don't even really believe I am there?

Remember to keep the Sabbath day
now listen to what I have to say
you will burn out, hopelessness will set in
if you ignore this and turn to sin
work will become the most crucial thing
causing anxiety and sleepless suffering
you will be bored, short tempered and stressed
that's why I gifted you with this day of rest

Honor the parents that I gave to you
don't hate them no matter what they may do
they are human, they'll make a mistake
but listen to them, for your own sake
if you give them your love and respect
then here is what you can hope to expect
they will respect you right back, you will see
then you will all live more peacefully

You shall not ****** another with thought
this shouldn't be something that needs to be taught

You shall not sleep with another's husband or wife
this will cause all of you nothing but strife
pain of betrayal and despairing rejection
can spread faster than any other infection
it destroys our ability to perceive love
and that is our best gift, straight from above

You shall not take what doesn't belong to you
there will be consequences, this is true
you could end up in jail locked in a cage
filled with sadness, despair, and all sorts of rage
the person you stole from will feel violated
and you will be guilty, and loathed, and hated

You shall not be a false witness in court
to condemn someone to a life that is short
if you lie under oath you are hurting another
and God said you should love him like a brother

You shall not covet your neighbor's things
not their big house, fancy cars, or glittering rings
then you will think you never have enough
and you will be so caught up in just stuff

There are two commandments that often are said
thinking the 10 are long gone and dead
the first is love Me above no other
the second is love yourself and all others
These are a statement to encompass all
so listen to these commands, big and small
Love me above others is all the first four
the last 6 help you to love others forevermore

Love is the thing that makes all this make sense
so you can have a happy life from now, hence
so make sure you love in all that you do
and you will have a happy life too.
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