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Fearless Oct 2019
lost, lost, it's totally lost
out on the sea it's tossed
I looked along the beach
but it was just out of reach

I looked among some boats
because I'm pretty sure it floats
I looked in some seedy bars
thought I'd found it in fast cars

I looked along the Florida coast
but all I found were men who boast
and I looked up in Seattle too
because I didn't know what else to do

I looked among my family
but my hands started getting clammy
I looked among my friends
but that's not where this story ends

So I looked in movies and books
and stories of captains with hooks
and I looked inside my heart
that's where it was lost in the start

Something is so hard to find
when it's only a thing in your mind
courage, peace, a purpose to hope
a reason to laugh and not to mope

Then I looked into the sky
that's when I started to cry
I stopped trying to control my fate
because I know now, that God's my soulmate.

Now that doesn't mean I can't wed
that I have to be alone till I'm dead
to care and to feel comes from above
so now, only now, am I free to love
Fearless Oct 2019
Every time we speak, I feel like you are judging me
so I spout off without a care, nonsense to regret later
I don't know how you do it, but you make act defensively
when with everyone else, I'm a lover not a hater

I just want to talk to you the way I talk to others
but with you I cannot be myself, I don't know why
anyone else, can be instantly like sisters and brothers
but after you and I talk, I always want to cry

You make me so frustrated because I can't just be
and I don't know if it's you that's making this so tough
or if all this difficulty exists inside of me
All I know is that it never gets better it's always rough

You interrogate and fluster me and make me feel dumb
do you do it on purpose? Or is that just my perception?
then I leave our conversations feeling glum
It was so easy to talk to you at the relationship's conception

I think the best defense against this defensiveness
is to have a good offense of humility
I will stop trying with the impressiveness
and hopefully this will cause more tranquility

Your constant need for adoration is exhausting
but that is not my fault nor my job to fix
but if my own arrogance is part of it's causing
then I shall take that one ingredient from this awful mix

I don't know what problems are you in you
but I can do a lot to change the things inside of me
for some reason, I'm stuck on you like glue
I just wish that you could relax and be happy
  Oct 2019 Fearless
May you overcome all of your addictive behavior.
May your desire to chase the Lord at all cost here.
May your heart be filled with overwhelming love.
May Christ always grant you the peace you need.
May everyone that you meet touch your heart today.
I pray that you are being blessed today and always.
That you fill his love and knows that he does care.
For his love is overpowering and quite healing too.
Fearless Oct 2019
I love that adorable little black nose
and how you perk up when I ask "go?"
your big brown eyes follow me around
you always come over when I am down
your tongue is purple with a little pink
when you run off you come back and stink
your a free spirit but I can tell
that we're kindred spirits, you know me so well
your hair gets all over the place
but you have the cutest **** puppy face
  Sep 2019 Fearless
I must admit:
I am unwilling to give
even a hint of consideration
to the thought of being anything,
anyone other than that brilliant,
briefly lit comet,
hurtling toward home.

It matters not
where I land,
or who takes pictures from the ground.

This is only a trip.
This is just a ride.
So fleeting, so fiery,
that you wouldn't want to pause to wonder
what you look like up there,
or else you might miss
the very things that make
your fires unforgettable
and your blast burn true.
Fearless Sep 2019
I lay on the hard tiles of my rooftop balcony
The city lights make the night sky like a dark day
billowy clouds roll by as only the strongest stars shine
wistfully, I pretend to wish upon the dim little lights
The lyrics to that old Disney song echoing childhood
my wishes take stronger form, as I beseech the Heavens
I don't care for the hopelessness and the doubts I feel
I fight them with every ounce of my willpower
but it is not enough, Divine help is the only hope
It always comes when I least expect it, but it always comes
The love that I feel, and the fear, the endless restlessness
a mind consumed by the misfiring synapses of ADHD
I want to stay, but I'm afraid that I will run away
Even though I love you, and I'm afraid you fear this too
If only your love would glue me to the ground
While God's love would heal our tattered minds
Then our hearts would be free of this fear at last
And we could share a spot while we stare at the stars
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