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Love is when you are missing some of your teeth
but you're not afraid to smile
because you know your friends will still love you
even though part of you is missing

Love is when your hair is falling out
but you don't wear a wig
because you know your friends will still love you
even though part of you is missing

Love is when you lose your arms and legs
but you don't hide away
because you know your friends will still love you
even though part of you is missing

Love is when people accept you for who you are
and you can relax and breathe free
because that's what love is
Inspired by Emma k aged 6

I don't know this person but it was something I read online (first 4 lines) and I thought it was very cute and true and I wanted to share it with you
 Dec 2014 Violet Girl
I was on the streets
Alone and dying, looking for someone.
Then, You came along.
You had a heart for me
So You picked me up and put me on Your back.
Carrying me home, You told me You loved me ever since.
For in that moment,
You introduced me to the feeling of living.
I didn’t want that feeling to end.
“No wind
No traffic lights
No one
Could ever stop me from loving You back.”

Said my soul.
My heart and mind
Oh why oh why should I go back
To those lonely streets?
I want to be with You and You only.
But I keep
You gave everything to me.
My friends
My family
My life
Your heart
But I didn’t care.
I only cared for myself.
Every time.
I always fall in the same manhole.
And yet, You still reach down to me with your hand and tell me
“It’s all right.
I love you.”

Every time.
I am sorry.
No matter what we do, we will always be loved by Him.
John 3:16.

— The End —