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is like walking around with an umbrella and waiting for it to rain.
"Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift."
"where almost all of us are so desperate to be understood,
we may forget to be understanding."
Caught in the waves of confusion
Tossed and turned and disillusioned
Pessimism and criticism
Making choices and wrong decisions.
Storms are rising whirlwind winding
Lost in the clouds no place for hiding
Playing this game of tug of war
No one in agreement anymore.
What we need is a meeting of minds
It is a must with these changing times
But change will never come to be
With this strange old world called reality.
For now we all can have a vision
Before we face the final collision
So never throw your hopes away
The colloidal course can stay at bay.
No need to fight against the tide
And get lost within the ocean wide
Let's  board upon that passing fleet
And let it take us where waters meet.
So much division in this world with all differant views  
Will we ever find unification ore common ground.
Will one day Our raging seas find a fountain where waters meet
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