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You know that I will die of your love and you torture me
That is what I mean by I love pain more than anything else
That is what I mean I am " ******* "
Don't look at me like that ,
You know I'll lose control
And as soon as you whisper my name
By the little movements of your lips
Sailing on each other
I feel mine sailing on them
And suddenly
It's a Miami beach
With hot cheeks
Sailing on the motionless waves of you
This was about an imaginary character in my mind to make me step away from that main person in the middle of my weepings last week.
I once loved a man,
but I was never the only one.
he whispered warmth into another’s arms,
And I was always in a run

I cried where no one listened,
beneath a sky that knew my name.
And when he held her, soft and certain,
the story repeats—so maybe I'm to blame.
چگونه سر نهد بر خواب، آن رویای دیرینه؟
چگونه سر کنم دنیا، پس از این درد در سینه؟
تو رفتی و مرا جز غم، نمانده هیچ در عالم
تو می‌دانی، که می‌دانی، چه در من کرده‌ای کینه

بگو از رازی ای خاموش، که در چشمان تو پیداست
بخوان با من ز آوازی، که این شب‌های غم را جاست
ببین این صورت من را، که اشک و آه می‌رقصد
بزن بوسه، که درمانش در آن لب‌های تو پیداست

ببین این چهره‌ی محزون، که بعد از تو ندید رنگی
که بعد از تو فرو رفتم، به عمق سردی و سنگی
تو را هر روز می‌بینم، ولی دیدن کجا یارا؟
دل من بعد تو افتاده در گرداب دل تنگی 

تو را در خواب می‌جویم، که بیزارم ز بیداری
تو یاری تازه می‌خواهی، و من مستم به بیماری
تو یاری تازه می‌خواهی، و من در ترس جان دادم
که روزی بعد از این غربت، مرا از یاد بسپاری

رها کن هر چه بود و نیست که این ویرانه آباد است
مرا این عشق ویران کرد ، ولی این درد فریاد است
تو رفتی ، برنگشتی هیچ این دیدار ما آخر
به دور از تو ، به دور از من، که این دنیا، آزاد است
چه ها با جان خود دور از رخ جانان خود کردم
مگر دشمن کند اینها که من با جان خود کردم
نبودی و ندیدی آنچه را بر من گذشت ، من چون
خیال عشق را مدفون در دامان خود کردم
ز خود راندم تو را، در غُرب ، بر قلبم جفا کردم
چه ساده درد دوری تو را درمان خود کردم
گمان کردم برای ماندنت، بودن همان کافی ست
که اکنون مرکب این دیده ی گریان خود کردم
همه روز و همه شب می دهد فکر تو آزارم
خودم زندانی و عشق تو را زندان خود کردم
همه مردند و بر مزار عشق با مرگ رقصیدم
تو رفتی و ندیدی خانه را ویران خود کردم
طبیبم گفت درمانی ندارد درد مهجوری  
غلط می گفت ، خود را کشتم و درمان خود کردم
UriahHeep Feb 11
You did not have the nerves to tell me you didn't want me anymore,
So you held on until the string collapsed.
And I was holding on from the other side,
Pushing tight,
Pulling still.
The string tore,
And I shattered,
All in pieces.

Opened my eyes—
There was no you,
Nor was there me.
It was all gone.
You did not have the nerves to tell me you didn't want me anymore,
So you left,
As soon as I fell down.
You were gone.

I am still
In the corner,
Staring at the place you put both your feet on,
The places you touched,
The magic you infused
All over the things that were once ours.
They're no one's now.
The things we loved
Turned into monsters haunting me all night long.
And your stories
Became nightmares.

Where are you?
Would you still remember me if you met someone with my name?
Would you remember my face if you saw me in a crowd?
Would you recognize my voice if it came to you in a sleep?

I am no longer me,
I'm a book haunted by all the memories we had.
I'm a cage holding myself inside, not letting myself out.
I'm a prisoner taking care of myself in this prison.

I am disappointed.
Never told you about that, did I?
That I also cried
When you thought everything was fine, when you did that.
And I said, "That's alright.
I've been through hell, but I'm back."
I cried,
Cried blood,
Until my blue eyes turned into a river.

My face crooked,
Every little inch you touched,
I washed those places,
But the stains never leave me alone.
You never let me live on my own.

Are you happy?
Are you free?
Have you found the one you've been looking for?
Or just anyone who isn't me?
How could you stay so still while I was drowning in my tears?
I bet you knew how I would feel.
Still, you left.

So go now, go.
Burn the letters, though the memories won't leave you.
They never did.
I was blind.
I was living in my own mind,
Making you what I wanted you to be.

Because I loved you. I swear I did!
I loved you, and I love you still,
By the places you linger,
By the words you said,
By the songs we sang,
And the stories we made,
By the touch on your skin,
Our touch, which reached the moon.
I swear I love you still...
And I fear I always will.
UriahHeep Jan 31
Rain washed away your footprints,
others came,
and theirs dried.

The flood reversed the ache of your absence,
the storm left my heart in ruins.

You left, yet you remained
deep in my heart,
in the echoes of my throat,
behind the farthest windowpane,
within these brittle, misplaced words
that I struggle to arrange.

A cold, dark night
without you, with you in mind.
I try,
to shape something from nothing.
Yet nothing comes.

I wondered:
why does nothing grow from nothing?
Why does a storm within silence
bear no fruit?
Even the signs that tied me to you
were illusions.

My mind was never yours.
Yours was never mine.
There was no mind at all.

I wrap my hands around my neck
a necklace or a noose?
Trace my veins,
sip their pulse,
offering you every drop.
You drink,
you smile,
you dry me out.
And I laugh,
until my last drop vanishes,
until my image dissolves in your eyes.

I laugh
because I love you.
You laugh
because I love you.

I close my eyes to see you.
You close yours to forget me.

I pack my sorrows,
leave from love to exile,
from home to nameless streets.
No tears to water your garden
no tulip years from now to remind you of me.

You won’t remember.
Even your tears are rehearsed.
I know you’re relieved.
I know you know.

I leave,
from one grief to another,
carrying this hollow body
to where another waits.
To love, to leave,
again and again.

be happy.
I am gone.
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