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I danced with the devil, I danced all night
He took my hand, for a while held me tight
I kissed the devil, I had me in his sight
I worshiped the devil, everything felt alright
He wrapped his arms round my waist
He kissed me , it was the sweetest taste
Someone knocked on the door, devil roared
His clock on my shoulder, my shadow he chased
I fell in devil's arms , he looked into my eyes
"I love you truly though I'm the master of the lies"
Tonight devil fooled me , he made me laugh , I cried
I worshiped the holy devil, the devil was the wise
"I'll get you in the darkness , I'll show you what to see
I'll get you where you want to , the place you want to be
You choose to leave or love me , you choose where to stay
I'll let you in or tell you out , you see, I let you free"
I took the devil's hand ,  fully obeyed his rule
I kissed the devil hard, blinded I'm the fool
I looked into his eyes, a total lover's sight
We loved each other truly, the night was cruel
I never saw the morning, I was trapped in that night
Devil loved me truly, his loved I almost denied
Devil may now hate me , or look for me in the dark
My soul lost and my body wanders , I fell off devil's height
To you I write , dear devil, I love you darling still
I love you deeply baby, and that's all I can feel
I left you, I'm so sorry , I though you didn't mind
You now may try to find me , but my soul will never heal
I wish to see you once more, even if it's in a dream
I wish to feel the cool breeze once more upon your hill
I'll post this to the darkness, the place you took me the night
I'll follow the postbirds, to find my lover's sight
UriahHeep Feb 23
If I have been untrue
I hope you know it was never to you
For I have made myself a something you would love
So if you want a lover
I'll do anything you ask me to do
And if you love another kind
I'll wear a mask for you
If you want someone to walk by
On a snowy sunday afternoon
You know you can take my hand
And if you want a place to be
For long you have owned my land
And if you ever want to leave
For the day, I have digged my own grave
And if you choose to stay
Then I admit you have been brave
For no one loves a silhouette
With an unraveling mask
And if you'll love me baby
You've done the hardest task
So let me drown myself
Inside the black hole of your eyes
The gravity is pulling me
And I'm tired of all my lies
And if I break into tears
Just go and leave me, don't you try
Your eyes are filled with sorrow
It's too soon to say goodbye
Me, I play the piano
said one
me, I play the violin
said another
me the harp, me the banjo
me the cello
me the bagpipes, me the flute
and me, a rattle.
And they talked talked
talked about what they played.
No music was heard
everyone talked
talked talked
and no one played
but in a corner one man remained silent:
"And you, Sir, who remain silent and say nothing,
what instrument do you play?"
the musicians asked him.
"Me, I play the barrel *****
and I also play the knife,"
said the man who until now
had said absolutely nothing
and then he advanced knife in hand
and killed all the musicians
and played the barrel *****
and his music was so true
and so lively and so pretty
that the daughter of the house’s owner
came out from under the piano
where she lay bored to sleep
and said:
"Me, I played hoop
ball, chase
I played hopscotch
I played with a pail
I played with a shovel
I played house
I played tag
I played with my dolls
I played with a parasol
I played with my little brother
with my little sister
I played cops
and robbers
but that’s over over over
I want to play assassin
I want to play the barrel *****."
And the man took the little girl by the hand
and they went into towns
into houses, into gardens
and killed as many people as possible
after which they married
and had many children.
the oldest learned piano
the second, violin
the third, harp
the fourth, the rattle
the fifth, cello
and they all took to talking talking
talking talking talking
so that no more music was heard
and all was set to begin again!
  Feb 23 UriahHeep
Robert Frost
A voice said, Look me in the stars
And tell me truly, men of earth,
If all the soul-and-body scars
Were not too much to pay for birth.
UriahHeep Feb 20
You know that I will die of your love and you torture me
That is what I mean by I love pain more than anything else
That is what I mean I am " ******* "
UriahHeep Feb 20
Don't look at me like that ,
You know I'll lose control
And as soon as you whisper my name
By the little movements of your lips
Sailing on each other
I feel mine sailing on them
And suddenly
It's a Miami beach
With hot cheeks
Sailing on the motionless waves of you
This was about an imaginary character in my mind to make me step away from that main person in the middle of my weepings last week.
UriahHeep Feb 20
I once loved a man,
but I was never the only one.
he whispered warmth into another’s arms,
And I was always in a run

I cried where no one listened,
beneath a sky that knew my name.
And when he held her, soft and certain,
the story repeats—so maybe I'm to blame.
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