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 Jan 2022 Ryan
Elizabeth Squires
it is patently obvious that the HP site's server
isn't functioning
as the 502 Bad Gateway notification
does regularly

the webmaster hasn't yet repaired
the faulty connection at his
and in not doing so he's losing many
a poetry writing

with the ongoing problem
being left
how can his ill attention to the matter
ever be

sooner rather than later the poets
will desert the
for they'll grow tired of the message
constantly hitting them in the
 Jan 2022 Ryan
Kris Pretorius
why did we cry when the **** kicked in?
its like we’ve always been
a black and white frame from a love filled scene,
or a joy filled dream

but when the morning birds sang we found ourselves not in the clouds
rather bound to the ground

the joy from the night before paved the way
for a bleaker reality,
one in which we could not see,
the subtle, right in front us,
everyday beauty
 Jan 2022 Ryan
vienna bombardieri
Soaked to the bone with top-splashes of news
I cannot create what I need on my plate
I want songs, I want poems, I want so much more
then the bad news I hear on this forked road of hate

Drenched from the fear that has clothed my days
I refuse to adhere to the orders they give
one day I hear truth one day I hear lies
one day we are living one day we might die

Pass me an umbrella the rain has drenched me anew
its pouring in a helter skelter way, and I don't know what to do
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