You deserve
So much better
Than what you got
They're first thought
Shouldn't have been
That you're a disgrace
Or that you're doing this
To spite them
It should have been
To congradulate you
And help you
Every step of the way
Like they did with your brother
You deserve so much better
And I really wish
I could help you
And be there for you
But i can't
And that makes me feel
Like one the worst
People in the world
Right next to your parents
Who can't accept you
For who you are
Everyone should be able
To be who they are
Without being judged
After all this time
Why can't some people
Learn accptance
My best friend just recently came out to her parent as transgender and they're giving her **** about it. They've gone as far as switching off her wifi for days and they even tried to take her to non trans therapy whatever that is. She's become so depressed and even tried to attempt suicide. I feel so helpless bc we live in different countries. I just hope other ppl don't have to go through what shes going through.