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Tom Richard Mar 2018
A few years ago at some point in a day
I remember sitting on a bay
A bay that was a tank holding fish
So many fish that I wish I had not eaten from my dish

I’ve had my fair share of meat
And I wish that instead I had something made from wheat
I wish I had just ordered garlic bread
Instead of something that was already dead

Every year cows pigs and millions of others
Are taken to the slaughter away from their mothers
Away from their small cages and all that they’ve known
Away from their friends and what they call home

Every year pigs and cows
Are raised to have their necks broken like bows
Why does everyone just this occur
When harmless animals are sent to the slaughter

Why don’t people just go vegan
And help the animals that are gonna get eaten
We need to change from societies meat filled plate
And argue the toss put up a debate

Why don’t we just tell them what it is
Even if some people wanna take the ****
I am a vegan, that’s what it is
I am a vegan, and I am disgusted

I am disgusted that society thinks its okay to eat meat
Something that from birth only gets beat
So instead I eat food made from wheat shred
Because I don’t want to eat something that is already dead

Animal bodies are casted aside into meat pans and fryers
Advertised by KFCs top of the range liers
It is not finger lickin’ good
It’s something that should not have been murdered before its adulthood

Now some people think it’s okay to pay 15 quid
For something that makes me wanna cry and it’s fried squid
Now they might say “I only have it on occasion”
But that squid had a life, plus its Asian
Why not just let them be where they’re meant to next to China
Instead of eating them in some chain restaurant diner

All of these animals are meant to have different life styles
But all it says on the packet is turn on the oven and twist these dials
We need to change what society tells us to eat
And we need to stop eating meat

Because if we don’t change
Then society will stay deranged
I don’t care if you say “but Tom its free range”
Because if you eat meat you don’t use your brain

At least not to its’ full potential anyway
And I hope you at least think about this all day
Because I want you to change you ways
So don’t take the cows away from their grass
And do something other than sitting on your ****

Stop and Think
Before you pick up the milk to take a drink
Because these cows pigs and millions of others
Are raised to be slaughtered and are taken from their mothers
I’m sure if you had a daughter
You wouldn’t want her to be taken to the slaughter
Because these cows, pigs and millions of others
Just remember all of them had mothers.
just felt like writing an empowering poem about the meat industry and veganism
Tom Richard Nov 2018
Society just takes a wall
Puts it in front of the oppressed
Puts up an ad to make us drool
the other sides a moral test

When we peak we are disgusted
But we make no change
Yet, the myths been busted
There's no humane free range

Slits and cracks shine light through sheds
Onto cages of thick blood floor
Upon looking there's chicken heads
But someone's locked the door

Living in silence of the death
Is something done so easily
A chicken takes it's last breath
Look away cos you get queasy

There's no right way to say this
Cos people just don't listen
Start to take the ******* ****
When I start talking bout their chicken

I want to tell them facts and numbers
But they just shut off my voice
Sitting in their fixed mind bunkers
Treating the truth as white noise

I wish it would all just disappear
The senseless murders of these beings
Especially when it' so plain to hear
the scream these aisles are bringing

People eat it no matter the cost
If it's life or 50p more
They don't think bout what was lost
They see meat and eat it as if by law
Gonna be doing more poems like this so follow me if you want to see more
292 · Mar 2018
The Past Only Lasts So Long
Tom Richard Mar 2018
Even on the darkest night
Only the living can bring light
So don't dwell upon those beloved dead
Lie still and look toward the future in your bed

At times it is okay to remember old friends and all the rest
But you need to leave it in a time when you knew it best
It is only natural to be overwhelmed with anger and emotion
But these often are not the best remedy potion

The past was only going to last so long
So let all that has gone be gone
Let memories wonder at the back of your mind
And don't be angry just be kind

Be kind to friends and family as well
And if you want to visit memories just give them a bell
I'm sure they'll pick up right away
After all they do nothing day after day

More often than not it's better to look forward in time
Because the past is usually sublime
Memories can cause emotion at the flick of a switch
And sometimes you can't just hide them in a ditch

So when you dwell on the past whether it's good or bad
Just remember that is the past and what you had
You don't have it anymore
So get up out of the chair and walk through the door

Leave the past all behind
In a cave at the back of your mind
Never look back...

— The End —