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her sweet toothless smile
napping or yapping at us
with a heart of gold.
I miss my granny.She was the best.
thought into inaction
and action to help shape the World.
The best and most beautiful
Things in your life
Cannot be seen or ever
Touched but you have to
Feel them with your heart.
True Love ❤️❣️❣️
Gold is heavy
increases spending power
can be a smile
For there are no words
That can describe you

You love so deep
And so pure

You make things so simple
Yet so beautifully complicated


Behind your shine  is a world full of dark

Long nights of you crying
Longing for a purpose

But, even though your broken
and cracked
The light still shines through the pain
From your beautiful soul
Sometimes the happiest and purest people are the most broken
The city is calm in the corona sea
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