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Jan 2024 · 153
Hell Time
Vivian Jan 2024
I am currently living in hell now,
for having vile family members.
They're so bad for me somehow,
horribly worse as their tempers.

Feeling messed up with all of them,
they'd give me hot-tempered thoughts.
All four of them could make mayhem,
making me sense such horrible loss(es).

Thinking of them as just evil folks,
having me frowning to just all four.
That'd retain for my brain's chokes,
now I'd close my bedroom's door.

I would hate them as being vicious,
making me thinking to going away.
Whipping down now so suspicious(ly),
since as every harsh night and day.
This poem is in ABAB form, and as my other poems, has 100 words.
Oct 2020 · 207
Watching Childishly
Vivian Oct 2020
I am now actually feeling old,
and so currently being as an adult.
My mind would need to unfold,
with a sickness, I'd have insulted.

Spongebob has such funny episodes,
which has me watch, feeling as a kid.
Then my spirited instincts could explode,
under any of gazing, seeming: third eyelid.

It’s amusing, to watch like a child,
while my attention seeming absurd.
Since I love watching, thinking wild,
just to any whimsical, funny word(s).

I could watch just then any day,
so could have instinct elevated.
My feeling do not then seem gray:
my thoughts aren’t complicated.
This poem is about how I watch as a kid. It is in ABAB form and has 100 words, as  my other works do.
Dec 2019 · 329
Daddy's Nasty Phrase
Vivian Dec 2019
There are so many harsh words,
that aren't meant to being heard!
Any striking, probably never kind:
Daddy has several upon his mind!

We can all having some bad days,
that then won’t going our ways!
Daddy has several all with others:
then he's bellowing just at Mother!

Daddy yells so much: it’s just sad,
he can then just getting easily mad!
Mother would actually keep quiet:
because who’d want to start a riot?!

While working wrongly in schemes,
tough at Mother, as Daddy screams!
She would actually be keeping calm,
Vietnamese, he's hollering: "f* Mom"!
This poem is about my Daddy's horrible phrase. It is in AABB form, and as my other poems with 100 words.
Dec 2019 · 164
Posts Recalled
Vivian Dec 2019
Pictures are usually so nice to edit,
while poems are also amusing too.
My works have been given credit,
so with my computer, days seem blue!

While I try to happily strive every day,
my eyes are then set on my works a lot.
As I do seem them on really good display,
I have my works set in correct thought(s)!

After many of my nice portrayals are up online,
my posts are liked by friends and family members.
Seeing as I have them praised to be "nice or fine",
that's how I am able to amusingly able to remember!
This poem is in ABAB form and, as my other works do, has 100 words.
Dec 2019 · 167
Online Script
Vivian Dec 2019
I love writing poetry just so much,
as words would be kept in thought.
While I really think of words as such,
any could then have them really, a lot!

In English, I used to have A's from teachers,
and they would compliment on my scripts.
As they had my regarded written features,
so many had be recognized, and picked!

Throughout the times which I would write,
I would then have them posted nicely online.
Of course I would love to read them on site(s),
seeming them usually to be pleasantly fine.

I had some of my poems been applauded!
This poem is in ABAB form (except for that last line: free verse), and as my other works, has 100 words.
Nov 2017 · 5.0k
My Two Precious Sibs
Vivian Nov 2017
I love my younger siblings lots:
having one sister and one brother.
We keep ourselves in our thoughts,
because we cherish one another!

Tammy is my sister's name,
while my brother is then Tim.
I love keeping our pics in frame(s):
both sibs look great to me, so slim!

We're chatting online so much:
keeping each other up, of course.
Usually loving to keep in touch,
together, we're kept: a strong force!

On holidays, we stay back at home:
to play games and take tons of pics.
We're all kept together in good zone;
our hearts are all definitely so fixed!
This poem is about my two siblings, while in ABAB form and has 100 words  as  my other works do too.
Nov 2017 · 618
Burned Out
Vivian Nov 2017
Beating up is how I feel today,
since I grasp to be really sleepy.
Perceiving needing to then pray,
it's sad: I'm sensing, really ******.

I'm keeping my head up, slowly,
because I'm enduring to be tired.
Having me then did feel *****,
I don't need my parents, required.

Holding up my really slow head,
is really, just indeed, truly hard.
I’d thought to stay back in bed,
but Mom and Dad will not guard.

I don’t know why I'm so drained.
Washed-out is how I currently feel.
It’s hard to keep my wiped brain.
That's how I hope that it can heal.
This actually has 100 words, as my other works do, while in ABAB form.
Nov 2017 · 344
Love Writing Poems
Vivian Nov 2017
I do always love writing a lot:
usually just poems and stories.
I'd need to think nice thought(s),
with many just good categories!

Writing is really, just so fun for me:
I do actually write, then, everyday!
People have told me I’m "whoopee",
and so that has me think to say "yay"!

Whenever I write, I would smile,
with valuable logic in mind.
I usually grin at any my file(s),
seeing them being very kind!

I actually love editing as well,
so I have asked on Facebook.
People have correct words, swell;
so now I feel off of the hook!
This poem is in ABAB form and has 100 words as well, as my other works do.
Nov 2017 · 263
Wanting College Again
Vivian Nov 2017
I prayed I could attend college,
being am sadly sick at home.
While gaining more knowledge,
I sadly cannot, with syndrome(s).

I stay at home with such blunder,
with "meds", Mommy "helps" me.
She has me sadly has me wonder:
why can't I capture up a degree?

School seems so okay for my siblings,
since both of them behave smartly!
They are out there, then chilling,
studying, maybe never harshly.

If I could ever attend school again,
I could indeed make more friends.
Being in my heart, soul, and brain,
they could stay up until the ends!
It is SUPER funny that when I had written this on here, I didn't know how many words were in it. When I c&p'ed it in Microsoft Word to check its status, it actually had EXACTLY 100 words, as my other poems do. This one is also in ABAB form.
Nov 2017 · 432
Poems Are Fun!
Vivian Nov 2017
While I am currently really so ill,
I have to then now stay at home.
That has me able to then actually chill:
able writing with such a sweet tone!

I love writing poems a lot,
since I've had people applaud.
It has me have nice thought(s),
even some are still, maybe odd.

Reading poems is fun as well:
I'd adore reading the internet.
For me, it is just super swell,
studying is never any threat!

When I’ve posted my works up,
I had people compliment them.
Writing and reading is fun, yup!
I now do not feel as dumb.
This poem is in ABAB form and as my other works, has 100 words as well.
Oct 2017 · 339
Mom's Sad Walk
Vivian Oct 2017
My family has two precious dogs,
who we always take out on walk(s).
Today my Mom took 'em out, maybe jogs,
when I didn't know she went which BLOCK!

I called her, wanting to go out with her,
but she actually said she was almost home.
She just wanted 'em out for a quick transfer,
ergo, my Mother have me feel SO alone!!!

Mom just wanted 'em out for a course,
but she just went for about ONE minute!
She now makes me feel just the worse,
since she has changed my mood, spirit.

Yep, Mommy actually adjusted my FEELINGS.
This sad poem is in ABAB form (except for that sad, last line: free verse) and has 100 words, as my other works do too.
Sep 2017 · 264
Daddy's New Gift
Vivian Sep 2017
My nifty Daddy usually buys things online,
since he then finds things that are just so fine.
That had me, myself, find a neat purple diary,
which Daddy bought without any inquiry!

But then I found another one, prettier,
for it was looked better on the exterior.
Being my second favorite color, gray,
that's how I loved its exquisite display!

It was sadly not currently in stock,
with its seemed precious and nice lock.
Daddy'd bought it when then available,
yet when got it, almost looking terrible!

While I then did not like that new present,
Daddy returned it, for how much he'd spent!
This poem is about my Daddy's past new gift and is in AABB form. It has 100 words, as my other works do too.
Sep 2017 · 375
Today's Panic Attack
Vivian Sep 2017
Today I asked my Daddy to buy me shoes,
but then I changed my option of the pair!
He then screamed at me, saying I had bad views.
That had me crying, as I walked slowly upstair(s).

When my Mother heard my sobbing's sniffle(s),
she accused of me at being "just like a baby".
To me, her statement seemed like a riddle,
thinking it meant she thought I was crazy!

As I wept of short breath, slowly to my room,
I started to shake with my pounding heart.
It had me think I was doom(ed),
knowing I was just off the chart...
This sad poem is in ABAB form. It has 100 words, as my other works do too.
Sep 2017 · 276
Obscure Inside
Vivian Sep 2017
I am currently attending college online.
Right now it is sadly just very boring,
since I don't understand works assigned.
They could make me fall asleep, snoring!

I really wish I could attend school outside,
since being inside, to me, is just very hard.
Works have actually almost have me cried,
so I feel hurt inside, actually sadly scarred!

With no one around me these times,
I seem as if I was a stupid failure.
That would have me then whine,
since I don't have works in favor!

I cannot recognize any assignments,
since my mind is just, really blurred!
This poem is in ABAB form (except for that sad, last line). It has 100 words, as my other works do too.
Sep 2017 · 5.4k
Mama Juice
Vivian Sep 2017
My Mom always makes nice shakes,
that we actually joke: "Mama Juice".
They could really win sweepstakes,
being much better than Jamba Juice!

Mama Juices could have fresh fruits:
my favorite flavor is usually avocado.
I’d really just love any Mama Juice,
being nice to drink and then swallow!

I'd drink smoothies just everyday,
since pure fruits could be their flavor.
Mama'd have me instantly go "YAY!",
since any shake could be a lifesaver!

I used to think of a bigger tummy,
but now am still feeling so healthy.
Enjoying Mama Juices being yummy,
thus I always then drink them: plenty!
This poem is about my Mom's shakes and is in ABAB form. It has 100 words, as  my other works do.
Sep 2017 · 200
Vivian Sep 2017
I am a very sad, distraught girl,
who has a mind in a sick swirl.
It is rough for me, being so sick,
feeling crazed up, like a lunatic!

While at home, alone, I feel down.
So, of course, I usually do frown.
It is hard for me to feel thrilled,
I now think to actually be killed!

My mind seems like it is broken,
so I have wistfully wish it'd open.
It seems like my soul is smashed,
so it actually feels as if it's thrash!

While I do have my Mother pray,
things around still do seem gray…
This poem is about my suicidal thoughts and is in AABB form, and has 100 words as my other works do too.
Sep 2017 · 1.0k
Cherished Photoshop
Vivian Sep 2017
Logos are really fun on Photoshop,
so I make them from lots of sites.
They are really enjoyable to crop,
at any dear angles or any heights!

Editing pictures are amusing too,
and so I Photoshop any ***** ones.
I do love making any in good view(s),
so have actually alter precisely: tons!

I've had people compliment my work,
and so am indeed very proud of them.
Any could have me smiling or smirk,
since my precious hobby is like a gem!

Analyzing pictures is while such a fun hob,
it could also, for me, be like a prized job!
This poem is about how I love Photoshop, and is in ABAB form, except for those last AA lines.
It has 100 words, as most of my other works as well.
Aug 2017 · 2.6k
My Precious Family
Vivian Aug 2017
I love my parents so much:
my parents and siblings rock!
We always do stay in touch,
naturally together, we'd talk.

My Daddy is his company's boss.
He does prosper; he rocks in there!
Understanding any profit or loss,
he can clearly make any, being fair.

My Mommy is our housemother,
so she stays inside, to clean!
She flourishes like no other,
always praying, for some scene.

I love my younger siblings as well.
Probably, we shall never depart!
They both thrive, being super swell,
of course, both in my dear heart.

My whole family will cherish to me!
It is SUPER funny that when I had written this on here, I didn't know how many words were in it. When I c&p'ed it in Microsoft Word to check its status, it actually had EXACTLY 100 words, as my other poems do. This one is also in ABAB form as well (except for that nice, last free verse line).
Aug 2017 · 489
This New School Year
Vivian Aug 2017
Our summer is about to end,
and so school is about to start.
At our sides, we'll have any friend:
each one, close by in our heart(s)!

This coming fall, let's learn,
since teachers love student(s).
Let's try out grades, to earn,
in each season, every unit!

Together, we should study a lot,
of course, in any of our class(es).
Keeping in our minds, taught:
everyone would want to pass!

This school year must be swell,
so all of us must then keep tight.
Classmates would want to excel,
and so, of course, then be bright!

New days should dazzle!
This poem is in ABAB form (except for that funny, last line - free verse ).
It has 100 words, as most of my other works.
Aug 2017 · 382
My Harsh Life
Vivian Aug 2017
I am an actual English author,
and am also an actual artist.
It is sad if my works bother,
for I am never the smartest.

While I like to write, draw, and edit,
I still feel indeed dumb, very bitter.
My projects do actually need credit:
at times, I literally feel as a quitter.

Sometimes it is hard to pay any attention,
since my sickness has me so stressed out.
It is difficult for me, having question(s):
my whole life has me to have doubt(s).

It is truly hard for me to live,
so I feel foolish at many times.
This poem is in ABAB form (except for that sad, last line - free verse).
It has 100 words, as most of my other works.
Aug 2017 · 407
Out to Meet More
Vivian Aug 2017
Encephalitis is a sad sickness I have,
making me not able to attend college.
I've really been staying at home all day,
it has me with poor knowledge...

I actually lost most of my friends,
so really wish I could make more.
That means I need to get back out,
instead of at home, staying soar...

If I could get out of my house somehow,
it would be able for me to meet new folks.
That would be nice for me to greet a lot,
having me grasping on to my hopes...

I would really like to make more buddies.
This poem is about me wanting make more friends and is in ABAB form (except for that last line - free verse).
Aug 2017 · 338
My Future
Vivian Aug 2017
When I am going back to college again,
I will be hoping to make some friends.
Of course I will work my sickened brain,
while staying strong through odd and ends.

I am excited for my future classes,
since I will learn with new buddies.
While I pick up through my glasses,
maybe I shall master during studies.

My instinct is to write and to draw,
because I had people applaud me.
My works have been praised by awe,
so I am ready for anyone to see.

School is really such a big step,
to stride forward into my future!
It is SUPER funny that when I had written this, I didn't know how many words were in it. When I checked its status in Microsoft Word, it actually had exactly ONE HUNDRED words! This one is also in ABAB form (except for that last line) as well.
Vivian Aug 2017
My current life has me sick at home,
and so I do really want to get to school.
I'd be able to meet new friends in dorm(s),
instead of being alone like a dismal fool.

Since college is what I'd need to attend,
it is where I will have to learn from again.
I could also gladly make more friend(s),
so maybe I could even live in any domain.

I really do need to learn once more,
because I've missed classes as I'm ill.
Even though studying could be a bore,
there is so much I will need to fulfill.
It is SUPER funny that when I had written this on here, I didn't know how many words were in it. When I c&p'ed it in Microsoft Word to check its status, it actually had exactly NINETY-NINE words! That had me edit "I'll" to "I will" for it have ONE HUNDRED words, as my other poems do. This one is also in ABAB form as well.
Jun 2017 · 375
Boat Tea Party
Vivian Jun 2017
There was once a little pleasant boating party,
with a bunch of neighbors meeting up to chatter.
While sitting outside, they each spoke up heartily,
about how their lives were going about any matter!

While everyone were chatting in engaging gossip,
they all drank either delightful tea or wine as well.
Each cup was so sweet, almost as a  precious blossom,
because various chalices each had a delightful smell!

That get-together was unquestionably very lively,
since anyone who was on that boat spoke sweetly.
All of the people idolized the celebration brightly,
so each had their behaviors to accompany neatly!
This poem is in ABAB form and has exactly 100 words.
Apr 2017 · 2.2k
Why I Was Suicidal Again
Vivian Apr 2017
I always webcam with CJ on Facebook,
since we actually became friends from there!
Everyday, we'd give each other nice look(s),
and sometimes, funnily even just STARE!

While we were talking today with each other,
it'd been, actually, almost past my dinner time!
I heard a strong call from my Daddy, not Mother,
who screamed being downstairs was a full CRIME!

He yelled at me for answering from upstair(s),
telling me I never follow his strict rule(s)!
I guess there're lots that are actually fair,
but I really still do feel like a fool...

That's why I wanted to die.
This poem's in ABAB form (except for that sad, last line - free verse) and, as most of my other writings, has 100 words.
Apr 2017 · 328
Our Hearts and Souls
Vivian Apr 2017
Of course, everybody has a mind,
for their brain to works their way.
It is worked out for mankind(s),
so such head functions each day!

As our soul go with our brain,
of course our spirit go along too.
We speak, to always obtain,
by all means, we'd always grew!

Our heart grow along as well,
definitely lovely as we regard.
Bodies express feelings, and tell,
as what we should find, starred!

I hope we will then indeed understand,
to grasp feeling, of how to know.
For while noticing is not a command,
any heart and soul, of course, show!
Apr 2017 · 1.0k
Vivian Apr 2017
With my sickness, I'm a monster:
Encephalitis has made me wrong.
Every month, I get to my doctor,
who tells me to actually stay strong!

For I seem like such a horrid being,
my disease formed me to that.
I'm now in a nightmare, dreaming,
since my head’s just spat!

It's sad I sound like a freak,
I've really lost most of my friends.
How I'm now, like a geek,
it just seemed like the end!

Suicide was what I'd thought of:
but good thing I then got through.
Since every lives’ great to adore,
no one’s should ever look blue!
I hate how I've been sighing so much these days...
Apr 2017 · 1.6k
"Your" For "You're"?!
Vivian Apr 2017
Of course we always do learn,
while attending any schools.
That should then have us concern,
how we must comprehend rules!

Do you know what “you’re” means?
It is both “you are” combined!
Those two words'd make teams:
can't you keep them in mind?!

Teachers'd teach us for sure,
having us properly study a lot.
When I see “your” for “you’re”,
my mind steams up, pretty hot!

Gosh, it's really, being so weird:
lots of folks just don't understand.
People'd need their heads cleared,
considering grammar's command!

Sheesh, guys, please of now upon you: how we need APOSTROPHES with "re"!
This poem is about my annoyance at how some folks can't understand "you're" and is in ABAB form (except for that sad, necessary last stanza/rule).
It has 100 words, as my other works do too.
Apr 2017 · 670
My One Wish
Vivian Apr 2017
I am at home nowadays, with a sickness.
With sad ‘Encephalitis’, so poorly fixed,
it has in my weak body need a fitness!

This illness made me lose friends and school,
since those symptoms are harsh, just so cruel.
My body makes me feel like a mental fool!

My specific wish is to get healthier again:
I really want to pick up nicely in my brain.
Ergo, I want not have to, nevermore, complain!

I hope when I am lively with knowledge,
that shall be able to get back into college.
All of my loved folks me could be astonished!
This poem is about "my one wish", and is in AAA form. It has my 100 words, like my other works do, too.
Apr 2017 · 3.6k
My Two Dogs
Vivian Apr 2017
My pups are in bed,
both tightly together.
They need their head(s),
because of the weather!

The ground is so wet,
such clouds in the sky!
They shiver, like threat:
I 'd ask myself, "why?!"

Seeing me, they get up.
Yoshi watches as Kirby grins.
Clawing our door, both of my pup,
would be as just the cutest twins!

I open the door, for them.
They'd sit, being so gracious.
Being just the cutest gem(s),
my dogs, they're precious!

They perform their neat tricks:
both wait for their sweet treat.
I’d give each one, transfix(ed),
of course they then both eat!
This poem is an ABAB poem/non-fiction story about my two sweet dogs. (Those two last lines are in free verse.) It has 100 words, as my other works do too.

— The End —