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-E May 2017
Friends we are but more I want

I want to count ever star in your eyes
Hug you longer than forever
Hold your hand through all the tears and fights
Girl you give me butterflies

I want all of you, Yeah the scars too
Becouse I know your soul its pure gold
Your Heart even more valuable than any stone

I  cherish every inch of you even if we get
ugly and old too
The world don't need to know your name
for me to love you this way

There is only one problem you'l never love me the same
because your straight.
But im proud to say I have fallen for my best friend

friend we are and friends we will always stay
But I warn you my love for you will grow everyday
With every breath I take
Happened 2017
PS; I Told her I love her she sayd its okay she don't treat me no different were maybe even closer than before, because we never lie even if its a difficult topic like this
-E May 2017
With the skies in her eyes and
a lion in her heart
She walks her path

With the birds in her voice and
a feather in her hand she touches
you deep within your soul

In the middle of the day she smiles
At night she slips into your mind
and takes your heart in trade
for a million butterflies
Originally Anather language Afrikaans
Happened 2015
-E May 2017
A stranger to seek
A stranger to hold
A stranger to keep

A stranger that will promise a kiss

And a kiss Goodnight
So you could sleep tight
Short and sweet
-E May 2017
Across the room beauty I see
In the eyes of a very young Queen
She wears her crown made of glass,
while shes hiding away in the corner of the class

I wish I could stop the tears not yet seen,
In these foggy eyes of My Queen.
She bends her head in her hands,
to give into the screams coming from deep
within her broken soul

I wish I could catch the tears rolling down her cheak,
Caused by a brake in the heart of a teen.

How dare he say goodbye
Turning his back on the eyes that wants him to stay.
The eyes that will drown if he walks away
Happened 2013

— The End —