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Aug 2020 · 109
Stay Calm
M McCrea Aug 2020
We take
And we we take
And we take all your stuff
But never too much
We only take just enough

First your hope
Then your dreams
Then your joy
Then your trust

But don't worry too much

All that we take
We replace
With cheap substitutes
And ruin
And waste

And for everything else

Your depression
Your grief
Your loss of all hope
Your tainted beliefs
Your mistrust
Your inconsolable fear

We've got a pill for it all

In fact
Your first dose is right here
Aug 2020 · 149
Air Too Thick
M McCrea Aug 2020
Walking seems
Seems like a good idea sometimes
Till your walking
and you see
And you see the edge and decide
Decide to fly

could be
Could be harder than you would like
If the airs too thick and stagnant
Stagnant air inside
The air's too thick here inside

So we're all gasping
And clinging
And sticking to one another
Not breathing
Not flying
We're all dying
We're all dying

Sometimes I think that I know
what your thinking
Sometimes I think that I know
what to say
Sometimes I pretend that Im not
so ******* lonely
Sometimes I pretend that I'm really ok

I'm not ok (I'm not ok)
I AM this way (I AM this way)
This way I'll stay (But it's okay)

Cuz we're all gasping
And clinging
And sticking to one another
Not breathing
We're all dying
And clinging
And sticking to one another
Not breathing
Not flying
Not flying
We're all dying
All dying

We are all
already dead
May 2019 · 239
Come Night
M McCrea May 2019
When dreams are more real than reality
I sleep the day away
But darkness still brings nightmares
So come nightfall
I depart my bed to play
McCrea 2019
May 2019 · 475
Mr Hyde
M McCrea May 2019
A long time ago my Happiness was taken from me
They dragged it away kicking and screaming
They took it and they locked it up in solitary confinement
No trial
No jury
It was meant to be a life sentence
For a while I just accepted this
I told myself there was nothing I could do
Then one day I decided that was *******
This was my Happiness and I was getting it back
So I went to the place where it was imprisoned and searched
Eventually I found the dark and dank cell where they put my Happiness
With a little effort I was able to pick the lock
And finally let it free
I rushed in to greet my old friend
But to my dismay I discovered it had changed
My Happiness was locked up in total darkness
All alone
For so long…
It had become Insanity
M. McCrea Jr. 2019
Feb 2019 · 442
M McCrea Feb 2019
All our lives they've been telling us
What's right
What's wrong
Stuck, in our heads like a song

They tell us to have faith
To shut up and just believe

But what the f--k is faith
And who the f--k are they

They try
Pushing us down unlit paths
Then punishing those who stray

But the great ones
Are those who challenge them
And walk another way

They tell us to have faith
To shut up and just believe

But why ask us for our faith
When they're lying through their teeth

Greatness is to walk away
When the demons in priests' clothing
Are begging us to stay
M. McCrea Jr. circa 1998-1999
I wrote this in my junior or senior year of High School
Feb 2019 · 2.3k
M McCrea Feb 2019
Keep saying you don't want it
I like when you lie
Keep saying you dont want it
I like when you cry

My little snowglobe
Love to shake you up
Then watch the chaos inside

Do you hate me yet
Yeah, it's better this way
You hate me, yet
You still let me stay

My little snowglobe
Does it hurt your ears
When I tap on the glass
Arguing in the car last night
My foot ******* the gas
Probably shouldn't drive so hard
When it's raining so fast

My little snowglobe
Did it hurt when you cracked

It hurt me too
It hurt me too
It hurt me too

I want you back
Written by; M. McCrea Jr. 2019
Domestic abuse kills.  #men.against.abuse
Feb 2019 · 1.0k
M McCrea Feb 2019
We crossed paths again today
But how I saw him seemed to change
I noticed the fine details
And wrote them on this page

He's wearing filthy rags
Of pure gold
His hair matted and clumped
Is beaded with pearls
His ***** unkept beard
Hides rubies in every curl

His face, covered in dirt
Is kind and aesthetic
His callused and scarred hands
Have never formed a fist
His body is thin but strong
His voice is kind and gentle

People part when he passes
They move far away
They ridicule and hiss and scorn
Disgusted faces that they all make
They talk in hushed whispers
As they point and stare
I can barely stand to see this
But he doesn't seem to care

Today I walked beside him
Just to feel his pain
But what I felt was peacefulness
That feeling was so strange
M. McCrea
Feb 2019 · 245
M McCrea Feb 2019
On a cold clear night, a dream
A dream of thirty-seven

Thirty-seven thin figures stand
Upon a smooth white plain
That glistens like purest sand
There bodies completely still
Yet long auburn hair dances
Lightly back and forth
As if under water

Though these delicate figures wear all white
What they harbor remains unknown
Are they angels, bearing gifts of love and life......

Twelve months they whisper
First once then twice

.....Or malevolent beings
Bringing forth illness and tragedy

Twelve months they whisper
Now ceaselessly

Awake, oh bright beautiful morning
Sun shining through the still drawn shades
Downstairs loved ones waiting
To celebrate this speacial day
Upon the kitchen table
A pure white cake
Thirty-seven candles all aflame
Loved ones gather round
To sing aloud
Happy, happy birthday
My fears about getting older now haunt me even as I sleep
Feb 2019 · 344
M McCrea Feb 2019
It's not the first time
And it won't be the last time
That mistakes are made
Feb 2019 · 303
Truly Beautiful
M McCrea Feb 2019
There's is nothing as beautiful as a beautiful face
Radiant skin.

A face like no other
And eyes like the sky
Physical beauty in every way
Then we locked eyes
For only an instant
But it seemed all that I needed.

As a vain grin stretched outward
And screamed
I'm cocky, conceded!
I'm better than you because I was born this way
I have eyes like the sky, and a statuesque face
A body that's thin with curves in all the right places.

She saw me, enamored
And it humored her
And just as quickly my thoughts of her changed
There is nothing beautiful about a beautiful face
Unless there's a heart twice a big
With humility,
M. McCrea Jr.  2019
Feb 2019 · 269
Cure Me
M McCrea Feb 2019
A cryptic message is scribbled
on a small white paper
Then passed to a thin pale figure
as he leaves the small room.

Pale figure ride
Pale figure glide
This will surely be your cure
One last hope for the hopeless here

But why cure a man in one day
Why collect a single fee
When they can treat him for a lifetime
And get paid repeatedly

Oh poor sickly pale man
If only you knew
What cruel jokes they play
At the exspense of you

Ride pale figure
Glide pale figure
Into the arms of a thousand angels.
M. McCrea Jr. 2019
Jan 2019 · 243
M McCrea Jan 2019
He won't eat indeginous
Says it's way to bland.
Won't try meals from the melting ***
That is this land.
Said he tried it once
And it made him ill.
This is why he won't venture outside
Of a happy meal.
But his tall tale is still amiss.
Says he vsited an eatery
Where they feed him this;
A whole chicken in the ***
The feathers give the soup flavor,
And fleas.
Oh please, oh please!
Let's eat the supper then enjoy the disease
That comes when you succumb
To a poor sous chefs orders.
Maybe he is right?
Maybe we should secure our borders?
Nah, the man's just rich and crazy.
White hood hanging in the oval office
Like, "Bannon made me."
Back to his reteric about the borders.
One tall order from a short sighted man
Who thinks building walls
Can protect "the promised land" .
Land, of course, that was never even ours.
He'd be better off living somewhere like Mars.
Red-orange skin, meet red-orange soil.
Mixing martian sand with his Mcnugget body oils.
So maybe, maybe we'll all get lucky one day
When Musk builds a rocket ship
That'll carry him away.
This is a personal opinion and is in no way meant to offend anyone. Please, I do not want to begin a political debate. Lets know we can have different beliefs but still be civil, friendly even.
Mark McCrea Jr. 2019
Jan 2019 · 359
M McCrea Jan 2019
They are why I breath.
They are why my heart still beats.
I know it sounds cliche,
But I really do mean it when I say,
If it was not for my two daughters
I would not be alive today.

Living life outside my mind
Is a struggle everyday.
But the hell that rages within my head
Makes my life an unfair game.
The cards are stacked against me.
Im reminded in many ways.
Plus, bipolar people have a thirty percent
Increased chance of suicide.
At least that's what they say.

But a man can't leave this world
Cannot simply walk away.
When he has two little girls
Who's faces seem to say,
Daddy, please stay.
M.L.M. II ;2019
Jan 2019 · 524
No Colors Here
M McCrea Jan 2019
Colors don't matter
Black and white will do just fine
To draw what's most real
Three lines
1st and 3rd line have 5 syllables
2nd line has 7 syllables
No metaphors
Rarely rhyme
Jan 2019 · 183
Sugar and Spice
M McCrea Jan 2019
Your taste in my mouth
Your smell wherever I go

It's sugar and spice
It's salt smoke and lies

A lifetime of pay back
For leaving your side
M. McCrea Jr. 2019
Jan 2019 · 159
A Dying Lover
M McCrea Jan 2019
Drifting in and out
Conciousness is fleeting but
She's still beautiful
My first haiku
M. L. McCrea II    2019
Jan 2019 · 150
M McCrea Jan 2019
Struggling to walk
Unable to breath.
Then, darkness.

Time and space separate.
No longer one
For just an instant.
And at that moment,
Something, like a dense fog
Is lifted.
With eyes wide I stare
And see beyond the veil.
Expect bliss?
Expect Nirvana?
No, what I see
Forever scars.
It still haunts dreams.
If only I had never looked
Jan 2019 · 159
Don't Care
M McCrea Jan 2019
They're everywhere.
Saying, ”Ignorance is bliss.”
And, ”I just don't care."

They don't care about truth.
They don't care about purpose.
They don't care enough to ask questions.
They don't care that who you are,
Is more than just the things you own.

No one cares about much,
Except, I guess,
Whats on the screen of their phone
M. McCrea 2019
Jan 2019 · 165
M McCrea Jan 2019
It's the perpetual me.

Constant, hopleless, melancholy.
Empty soul, reflection.

Transitions instantaneously.

Rapid, racing, pacing, mind-fully
Endeavors toward perfection.
About my bipolar disorder.

M McCrea Jr. 2019
Jan 2019 · 141
M McCrea Jan 2019
First it got cold and dark.
Then, time and space separate.
No longer one,
For just an instant.
And at that moment,
Something, like a dense fog
Is lifted.
With eyes wide I stare
And see beyond the veil.
Expect bliss?
Expect Nirvana?
No, what I see
Forever scars me.
If only I had never looked
An allergic reaction to meds stopped my heart and breathing. During this time I saw and felt awful things.     M. McCrea Jr. 2019
Jan 2019 · 157
M McCrea Jan 2019
You won't see photos
Of the exotic places
That I've been.
No pictures of expensive meals.
That's just not who I am.

My pen does all the talking
Through the ink that's on the paper.
So I write down all my thoughts
Before they dissipate like vapor.
I had just finished looking through Instagram when I wrote this.
M McCrea Jr. 2019
Jan 2019 · 126
M McCrea Jan 2019
Her temple,
It's mirror glass,
She worships a reflection.

Her body is my paradise,
No chance of her rejection.

We love ourselves more than the world.
That's why we're so connected.

We are fear and lust and hate and bliss.
Together, sin perfected
This is a sample of my thoughts on vanity.
M. McCrea Jr. 2019
Jan 2019 · 150
Most Days
M McCrea Jan 2019
Some days the flame burns
Hot and bright.
Thoughts run fast.
Mouth runs faster.
On these days
Many have learned,
Do not to approach,
Or surely be burned.


Most days the flame does not burn at all.
Not even a spark.
Everything serms cold.
The world is exceedingly dark.
Mind runs slow.
Mouth stays closed.

I will always wonder what it's like ,
to be somewhere in between.
I *battle ( not *suffer from) bipolar disorder
Jan 2019 · 137
A Loss by Flame
M McCrea Jan 2019
Small handprints on the bathroom mirror
Your reflection blurred, but never clearer
The tiles broke
The smell of smoke
And while the still warm ashes fall like ***** snow
You think,
"Why couldn't I just let it go"

You wanted to see it all burn
You wanted your anger to be the flame
You let the hatred be the fuel
So cruel, so cruel
But even the arsonist gets burned
When playing this dark game

Red footprints through broken glass
Singed photos strewn across the floor
Pass under blackened entryways
And through her bedroom door
Where the nightgown she was wearing
Is still melted to the floor

Down on bruised knees
Curse God
Ask why
No one was supposed to die
You watched the car back out the driveway
You knew no one was home
Since when did she leave your guys young daughter,
Home alone
Coprywrite. Mark Louis McCrea Jr. 2019

— The End —