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now is not the time for tears
bind whatever is broken
prop yourself up
your confidence seems to be flagging
a death sentence for straw dogs and hollowmen
such as we
it's over but it won't go away.
blithely turning toward a closer ground she measured her body in the mirror's reflection for the inside capacity (adequate at any), of the ornate casket she had ordered to have intricately carved and lavishly inlaid.
she was in a fantastic space for a good-natured case of the ****-its. 
Dani was dying.
she was small in stature and large in awkward.
jotting the numbers down,
her eyes - just a bit of dust 
smiling through and reaching for 
the coin she tossed 
-her way out the door.
     god how she mystifies me.
in awe, slack-jawed and my face hurts from laughing with her.
it's like a hundred million tiny yellow butterflies were released at penelope's wedding to a sky of falling ashes from a small grass fire next county over. 
     that's what i feel like when she laughs. i am going to miss her when she goes-
i can't really wrap myself around a comprehensive strategy for creating a space within myself that will be without her. 
i have lost interest in trifling 
i spend my time at a job that's just a good reason to walk that far. 
     i come home with fresh fish and flowers and a couple of album finds from "the pig and the gator" record store.  
guy clarke, Willie's 
"redheaded stranger", and an early Romones e.p.
     Dani loved, i mean loves records. so do i. ****. loved. that sort of tears me up that i wrote that. 
     anyhow, we crack beers and eat fish and listen and talk and laugh and spend the rest of most nights trying to find my disappeared dog Luke Sidewalker. i miss him so incredibly deeply that my gut hurts so as to nearly stop me from breathing.
     i feel that i am so many people when i am with her.
     that's the mystic. she sort of leads me to where i am most comfortable in her presence. she showed me where.
that you could be in pieces and not get nervous about it. 
     i can't imagine tomorrow. and i can no longer remember yesterday,
but as the ******* ghost of this day;
i hold no real promise. 
this is it. 
     here she is; opening the door as she thumb flips her coin with something near to indifference. bloww.
she puts a smile on me like she's swinging a haymaker. 
"tails", she whispers. she is looking at me as if there is something worth looking at. 
she hands her coin to me.
butterflies and ashes.
when someone you know becomes someone you knew.
some mensa smart
Ms. Jones
you always seem
to land the same part

play the mystery woman
that nobody's ever known
what is the time now praytell
in your locally tragic circus?

you're hard to hit
while you are moving  
around and alone at night

carnival grounds flood with roosters
crowing and announcing first light

spinning target girl
eyes shut you cry while still hoping
that I don't miss with the knives
horse flagging hard in these hard boundry lands
holding trace leather; with these gnarled bad hands
spirit nearly broken from this seemingly endless long ride

seeking shade from the sun
but the shade from my saddle can't hide:

the hole in my ribcage
or the lines in my face
no tell (**** I'm weary), sit saddle, betraying no trace
of the years i have gathered
or the miles-

i have ridden alone
gone hungry
been cold
this ain't the first time
i've ridden...
but this time I'll die,

as well will my brothers
don't it hurt to discover
that it always all comes to an end?
and there ain't no one  reason
to lie to myself,
to lie to myself
or pretend

no, there isn't one reason
to lie by myself
or pretend
that there ain't no more reasons
boogersun and jMike where they are wanted and welcome and with you is difficult for me with all of these people I think. I'm gonna try for your heart. Where wee bit more jackets of many colors are modestly sized for business.
Lone duck is one flight for flighty figh for free...draw the kids back up here where they were and... Destiny.
Andyl karl loge is destiny
whomever he's supposed to be.
I'm gonna get out from here to where
they are wanted
and welcome, you see?
See seems to be a friend of it all
Galaxy nexus and fairy tales tall
to come galore from the heliocentric nevertheless;
yes the most of thunk think love in the sink sunk.
going as i see fit
working the inside
wonder as purpose
nearer my self to thee
dreamfuel merepond

relaxed as i near
my path becomes me
color and sound
and bright tastings

follow my fingertips
as they trace
their own ways
through spirit
wandering smile
stardrift and space

eyes wide twinkling
with admired images
of those things loved and loving
their own recreation
in my singular
and most individual mindlight
wish work
doors dark
alive on some
edgewater planet

a lost culture
with sacred ritual
night surgery theatre of the blind
Not what i had planned
not that i mind

chewing my way 'round some crow and pigeon pie
tasting all of the words again
Not the whole truth
One part lie

now swift
now fleet
what it takes
maybe miss
don't ever quit

spirit move through
the weight
of my soul
without its rooms
without this tiny vehicle

mudpie memoir
die unless you get there
through the night

strange travelers bending it
like water
like love
like light

with a little luck
For heaven's sake
push will come to...

my love
It isn't fake
where's the light?
I'm bending it
just as they taught her

For Everette,

Mnemosyne, and melpomene
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