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deliberate and willfull
this undoing
become intricately, surgically still
this calm indicative of nothing
but nothing is what calms going-on

the machines continue their humming- harmonics
shiny in their timid dark dew
friction free
nearly silent
so soft
these mechanics
sing with a voice so exquisite
that lulls me and draws me further
further away
further away
further down

away from noise i won't filter
away down in the dark where i like
to hidden rooms kept there
in the nighttime
away where the dust doesn't dare
nor does vision
elope there
with his new bride; sadness
nor joy come along with the lame
there, just a small installation my comfort
where even the wind speaks in whispers
careful to not rouse the rain
when all of my sacred seemed heresy
nightime came out in his boots

hyenas and jackals
and wolves and curs
laughing and yapping and howling
their din
the sole noise in that darkness
save the blood singing inside of my ears

those canine predators lope easy, in endless pursuit of my courage
which has flagged after waning these years

i fight the urge to lay down
shake my head
turn around
and walk on bones
worm eaten by years

into the caress of this moonless oblivion
knowing that i am more hungry for bravery

after a turn without stumbling
though i cannot see
i return to this place
turning back
a thin man in a dream

smoke rising as i lay down
a signal sent to no one
sweating and breathing hard
from a walk up the hill
running down leaks in the line
the pressure is up
where it's supposed to be
i better get water this time

three days without
with the heat
as it is
news travels slow on this side
but i know what i need
to finish the job
and squeeze out without notice
in the dark on the quiet
high tide
Curious with night things,
Manuel and his dog dug up the returned.
Their eased mind's local was already watered. 
Gladys and the mighty
came awake for the recognitions.
The returned gave praises to Manuel and his curiosity.
They ate breakfast for dinner together. 
Soul as food.
Break your bread.
Break your back.
Set your table. 
Lickety split was.
Manuel and his dog are.
Gladys and the mighty is:
allow always...loci.
stagger and fall
scraping your bones
knowing it is all due to
having been exposed
to your own poisonous venom
For which there is no known antidote
miniature wings beating
heat waves the quiet still air
glances taken without notice
smiling at the color of your hair
a moment, a wish, worth repeating
looking down, coming up the stairs
floating, windbourne water lotus
orchid honey, other things rare
i am dreaming of
the furthest room down the hall,
the slight fall of the chest as someone sighs deeply

the watery gaze that sees nothing
save dull and diffused light

of reasons that have the stink of rationalization on them

of slight couched in invitation
to yesterday's cancelled reservation
for the chance to revisit the ultimatum
where live words held in the mouth
words now sentenced to life
for murders never said

of the memory of tiny actions
for the sake of their intended

of small bright wings painted with the faces of children laughing
that flutter in what appears to be aimless flight yet always alighting with precision on the nectarless flowers
in their artificial meadow
of sleep without dreams or waking
Please wake me
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