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Her mind
was a universe
of  juxtaposition...
love  hate               heaven  hell
peace    war
  passion  apathy       beauty  ugliness          
fantasty reality
happiness        melancholy
freedom captivity     strength weakness
innocence and guilt

It travelled back and forth
her albatross was a
perpetual quest for balance
other times she was certain
she wouldn't want it
any other way.
I’m so afraid to tell her I love her
so I only do it when I’m drunk,
or we’re drunk together
and still the words nervously tremble
they shake like orange leaves in autumn
and the wind doesn’t carry them
they just fall, quietly and unnoticed
becoming just a nuisance
to later be packed
into black plastic bags
and thrown to the curb.
All the while, all the ****** while,
she stood there, waiting for me
to unlock the gate in the wall
But I was the fool, you see, 
to think I held the key
For all the while,
the prisoner
  was me, 
not she
You somehow
seamlessly exceed
my expectations
and time
I don't really
need you
but I
want you
"Hey good lookin' can I buy you a drink?"

A Shakespearean muse cannot alas venture forth upon the fragrance of allure

"***? Are you high?"

Love is my intoxication and thus I've become an 18th century daffodil who shall remain chaste and true

"Dude! You got to hear this whack chick over here. Offer her a drink"

"Hey gorgeous... let me buy you a round! What are you drinking?"

I drink from the wine of discretion and allow its strength to escort me on as a golden fleece protecting virtue, honor and consequence

"*******! Dude! You weren't kidding. This chick is out there!"

"Hey Aphrodite... but why are you out alone with all your friends? Where's Zeus or whoever?

He rides the wings of Pegasus looking for our land of plenty while his heart resides next to mine in a dance of promise and expectation

"Well if it was me I'd be right here because I'd never leave you alone"

The heart cannot be bound by another; it must be allowed to roam free in the wilds testing it's will and only then can one know if love is fleeting or everlasting

"**** babe, whatever you're on I want a case...."

Search your heart for your true self; it is not an acquisition but a dormant flower waiting for you to shed your false notions of manhood and prideful restraint

"Ohhh kaaayyy." Good luck with that sweetie... I think my friends are leaving."

The hard part is to say it with a straight face....
I refuse
The call of my muse.
I will not prolong
His song.
Send me another
Fantasy lover,
Topple him
From my heart’s throne,
And let me be alone.
The price of inspiration
Is too high.
I’ll stop writing
I will try.

— The End —