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Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
We should learn the Human being again: empathy-tolerance! Pushing into the deepening pits of the wretched while the remnants of the evil that keeps germinating! Every Man is a corpse-One and only lonely star-island, brooding in himself; His bleeding points of Odyssean wounds are bruised and bruised by inner soul-demons at their pleasure! The graceful flutter of black night-butterflies With angel wings sprouting, cherishing Goodness! Into the tiny cups of loyalty-hands Should be placed, as a secret gift of grace, The purple-planet of the throbbing heart: the palpable metamorphoses of Being!

Man may forever submit and surrender to the magically unexpected moments; fluttering shadows fly on the spider-webs of trembling done destinies! The childish curiosity of ripe incompleteness still vibrates in the balmy evening stillness. In every star-gaze, as a reckoning, there stretches a drop of untold glass-bead!

I've played my ever-childish roles often enough: the hissing penguin chubby as well as the orphaned, wailing, whimpering child! And I only wondered when, among all the curiosity-seekers, would Morality and Love ever join hands to shake my hand?! - It would be nice to get out of this troubled, shipwrecked earthly circle once and for all! To learn to believe and trust again!

To feel romantic, breathless sighs like secret X-ray magnets in another's beating heart, when the rose-fingered Dawn greets us daily with her honeyed rays!
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
I would like to cling at last to a rock of refuge, which has an angel face; which does not judge in vain, and does not sue. It stretches out its angel-winged back to me, And like a sure fortress it protects me impregnable! In my eyes I would have such a lady of backbone, Who with her superstitious holy glance Would lift me from the hell of the muddy earth, When all is not well in this world.

In all the minutes of eternity, two faithful petals of a flower, Our heart's voice would tremble for each other, And the deceitful, ***** play of our thinking minds Would be the romantic music of our naughty kisses. In naked bodies, confessing and confessing each other, we would solemnly open ourselves to the other, as the Alpha beginning of primeval creations. Perhaps we could heal the stigmata of the stateless-prodigal Time, which daily bites into us with its executioner's claws.

The Nihil-claws of murderous nails do not matter to him who is protected and lifted up daily by the power of enduring, secure love! In the still countable bliss of our presence, radiant in its earthly surplus, we may yet feel the mysterious-secret serenades of our throbbing echoing hearts; on the cherishing soul's mart of water-lily leaves, may we discover each other at last, like curious, deceitful little children; in mischievous-playful joy-curiosity! - What an incredible force of spirit could feed the meeting we have arranged!

The friend and the stranger would walk towards each other, and when we took each other's sweating hand, we could both rejoice!
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
A desolate, mysterious multitude of taboo-bending V.I.P.-partying, disco-ball, swamp-gardening, through which even useless late-night rambles, crying; in the indifference of predictable phlegm-faces swollen to a sea of mud, everyone is now merely a prisoner: no one can be free! From collagen and botox injections, like a bacchanalian company of cursed, puffed-up wax dolls, the canary-peacocks, demanding luxury, recognition, new unassailable privileges from higher elite powers!

Lonely, lonely doppelgangers mimic the taste and mass-bunkified commodity culture! A few light nights in the shade of a night's adventure forgotten, and the whole of the camouflage universe is ready! The cries of boastful infants echo from alley depths, barely heard by any! As the ancestral history of bones, if we can still piece together some important fragment of the cursed past, we should know and feel what things are to pass away!

Into the dreary uncertainty of the remaining tomorrows May soon drown him who scrambles worthily against the tide! The curious and tantalizing questions of waking sleep should somehow always be sought within themselves! On glowing golden-apple-bikini skins, sprinkling water creates sparkling pearls of truth! - Somebody or Something may still strike down swiftly - like a calculated desire for revenge - the teeming biology of blood molecules with uproarious animal howls, and no longer can one know on the pitiful debris of dried bone remains who was Man and who was the victim of the decaying victim!
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
The silent, statuesque shadows of timelessness are cast on everyone, if the mouth yawns in a single expressive movement, the eyes sparkle - as a light-hearted, silent blindfold, we try to capture the happy golden age of our memories as realistically as possible, and create it in Reality! We are softly embraced by the music of the flocks of birds waiting for Spring. The holy gentle melody of the tiny and inviting bells, running on the babbling wind, makes our beating hearts beat!

Long distances can be shortened at any time - thanks to the hyper-networks of our digital age! The double news-beat of joy-sharing echoes our richly beating heartbeat! The prophet-trones of balmy, brooding nights are touched by the budding love-fly; and it matters not when, or by whom, the immortal metamorphoses of kisses among the swarming, nubile desires of the wombs! - To the identity thought lost, all can find it again!

From a single gesture, a universal cosmic compassion, or a great spectacle stuck in silence! In the deception, the chase and the pursuit of hopes may yet remain! We should engrave in everyone's soul the Goodness that dwells in everyone, as another strange sacrifice...
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
Because it can do nothing else: in an eternal circle of flight, the helpless man advances like an ant! The Möbius ladder of transactions is deliberately avoided or chewed up! It seems a boorish, outcast, degenerative homage to perceive something of our own superficial world without the seeing mirrors of searching eyes! From the settling shadows of ghost-moons Springing on the velvet of our nights Silent shadows of night menacingly stare!

It would be good to believe that the hearts of our modern, mischievous children are not yet tainted with deceit; it may seem a cosmic eviction order to deprive us of eternal playful curiosity by "some"! For he who has already become a participant in a premeditated plot cannot yet be sure of playing his role of imporvizator credibly; the night that is being built cannot be enclosed by anything but a sinister darkness of the underworld! A chilly imperturbability fills the air: the palpable Omnipresence is enriched with a strange mixture of pitch and paste!

In webs of lies insidious breeding dwells; deceivable, radiant lights fall on dying, pale moonbeams! Into a fading Nivive-nince the throbbing human soul becomes! Like a rattling robber-lock now clicks on the throbbing heart of us all, Iron-clasped, locked padlock! - The uncertain Future is already a soundless, outcast wolf-confrontation with conscious despair! In the cold space of a voidless Arctic, only the vulnerable can remain soberly clear, silently awake!

In the pearl-veils of sincerities that open the cloud-fractures of eyes, the immortality of the moment trembles!
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
The fear-tension in my heart is growing to literary proportions! My eternal-childish self is constantly fighting battles of existence between peace and eternal anger! I feel I cannot run away from the haunting dragon-demons of my uncertain future! However, if I were to ask friends to know with calm empathy the hidden reflection of my self, many would already give up their secret, cohesive relationships; superficial exhibitionism would hardly leave them any choice!

In my soul, there still exists a sinking, tossing, more peaceful Atlantis: a micro-macro Cosmos in the process of destruction! Sisyphus, disappearing on a bulldozer, whose pensive, otherworldly voice is for the umpteenth time deliberately distorted into nothingness! From a succession of memories, memories melt into smiles! - It seems triumphant annihilation when the Universe goes round and universally proclaims the universal naseous desire of blood molecules!

The trembling despair of rich shadows clinging to each other is like countless desert lives! The balmy evening breeze still circulates on high. The restless night, like a chill envelope, shivers and shivers the complex nerves! The honey-coloured sunbeams still cling like sunflowers to the scaly blood of cracked petals! A sky-high air, pregnant with proud light, is drained and dewy! - Unmerciful Being, like brown eyes, stares longingly at me: mortal minutes cease, for only the mischievous, pure curiosity shines like a sizzling magnet in existence!
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
The ancient calamity of the relationships that can be made on earth, The torment of all torments and shrinks me further! Often the consolation of new-sweet saintly-misses is of no help, if they reward for little trifles! No more need of the temporary possibility of continuation: cheap promises, false hopes! I should erase from my past the cursed minutes of my past, and what bleeds me daily! In the catacombs of my unhappy mind, I would in vain forget, The smelling filth soon accumulates!

On the infinite wall, once more, it would be well if a tiny, tiny crack could be found! Vain, obstinate epochs of defiance keep their hold upon their own! - Our disconnected, socially-hybernated senses may say otherwise; as if everyone else existed here in a dim, transcendent dimming! As now Celebrity dames, disowned seventh-coast V.I.P. faces parade in their every movement, playing the self-deception of calculation, and the unhappiest among them, who bathes in the radiant optimism of his being!

He who deceives himself with the antidote of consoling lies, Seldom receives from his inner self the redeeming message, That from the sincerity of his soul he has lost the known Essence! Were we to walk the sure path-way of things' definite, predictable emotions, and see in their context the beaded holy-eyes of others, we would be the embodiment of a hard, earthly Golgotha! - All farewells are now the stylist's made-up veneer of faces: long since run out from under them Executioner-plagued Time! Seldom can a change of age mark a sure bet!
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