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Summer Gold Oct 2018
I remember
I remember when I was young
When I could run around aimlessly
I remember when I got in trouble
For goofing around with my bestest friends
But, now as you get older it all goes away
Now there's the stress about homework and school
About tests and projects and teachers
About people
You cant do anything you could
So I suggest to enjoy it while it lasts
Because one ay you are gong to miss
The days when you were young
  Sep 2018 Summer Gold
andromeda green
i look down to a knife plunged in my chest
my heart lays elsewhere
wrung out and lifeless.
how, can i be expected to breathe
when there were never lungs to support me.
how, can i be expected to breathe
when i'm burning on the inside out.

- a.g.
this can be interpreted in many different ways. you can look at it like the aftermath of a death of a loved one, or dealing with school and homework and basically life on top of everything. it's a little gory if you think about it for too long, so sorry in advance for any vivid images :/ please leave a comment about your thoughts :) they are very appreciated
  Sep 2018 Summer Gold
andromeda green
Santa Fe, Texas
May 18, 2018

welcome to America.
where there had been 11 school shootings before
the end of january of 2018.
welcome to America
where the mentality of the attacker
is the problem,
and not the system.
welcome to America
where a 17 year old Pakistani girl was killed in her school
among 9 other beautiful souls.
welcome to America, Sabika
which was greeted to you nearly six months ago
where you arrived in the "land of hopes and dreams"
to learn and grow and achieve.
welcome to America
the country that showed promise from the looming Taliban threats in Karachi, your hometown.
welcome to America
the country that you were going to help save Pakistan
by building stronger US - Pakistan relationships
and showing women empowerment by being
(possibly) the second female prime minister of Pakistan.
never again would you watch fireworks explode in the sky on August 14
never again would you count up your money on Eid
never again would you eat your mom's biryani on a hot summer day.
welcome to America, Sabika Sheikh
your hopes and dreams were alive and floating
in the land you gave your heart to
and the land that would take it away.

- a.g.
on May 18, 2018, 10 people were killed in the school shooting in Santa Fe High School. among them was Pakistani exchange student Sabika Sheikh, who was to return to Pakistan in 3 weeks. she was 17 years old. please comment your thoughts and feel free to write your own poem about one of the hundreds who have been killed in school shootings across the US.
  Sep 2018 Summer Gold
andromeda green
one, two, three
one, two, three
one, two, three
i count the seconds that pass by me
floating away
into the unknown
there is a scene laid out in front me
with the actors and actresses taking their places
i am simply a side character
watching the plot unfold
some friends besides me
a couple of laughs drift away in the distance
they escape my grasp
i can’t seem to touch anything

everything is too perfect, too good, too scripted
everything is right in front of me
life is awaiting ahead
not even an inch away
yet it’s not real
i’m not real
i can’t feel real.

- a.g.
i know i’m here but i still feel so far away. nothing feels real.
  Sep 2018 Summer Gold
andromeda green
i don’t love everyone i meet
but i do love all the food i eat

- a.g.
i’m getting tired of love poems so i decided to make this... :P
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