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  Feb 2018 Ricki
with elegance and charisma
he sweeps into the room
consciously making heads turn in awe
he smiles, a gentle lilt to his lips
he is a gentleman of the past
bringing with him swoons of dainty women
his eyes are sharp and his heart sharper
he bats away confessions as easily as dismissing a thought
he pursues none
for he needs none
to give him amusement or pleasure
he immerses himself in history
and wonders why he was born
in a time and place where he feels as if he does not belong
Ricki Feb 2018
You seem to accuse my affection as flirtation.
I have come to a realization:
your skull must be thick
and your brain dull
to believe
my niceness could equate to a desire to bone you.
It is no torture being my friend;
there is no horror to the friend zone
JUst your daily dose of conceit
  Feb 2018 Ricki
Ivan Brooks Sr
Come sit my brother let's have a talk
I rather we hug and not fight
Come take my hands let's take a walk
Together as one towards the light.

Bare with me my dear brothers
In spite of everything going on
And though we're from different mothers,
Maybe we can embrace and get along.

Why are we dying in the inner city wars
Like we've never heard about love?
Why are we fighting over sneakers and cars
When will this madness really be over?

Come sit with me at the table my brother
Come break bread and eat with me.
For it's time to love, forget and forgive each other,
For we are family and our hearts beats the same.

Maybe a final call will help...maybe
  Feb 2018 Ricki
she calls herself
"damaged goods"
as if the past stains her future with ***** fingers
marking thoughtless insults on her forehead
for all to see and judge
as if her gaze is shrouded in darkness
only able to comprehend pessimism and bleakness
never able to find love
for she is broken beyond compare
as if her lips will never be able to find another's
for she is so repulsive none will touch her

she fears that strangers can see through her
thinly veiled paranoia
and her vision turns their bored gazes into accusing glares
silently judging her with every blink
she wants to crawl away
and pull her knees to her chest and cry
she wonders if her smiles,
stretched thin across her cheeks
are obviously fake
she wonders when her acting career will be up
and then she will be tossed onto the streets
her defectiveness obviously revealed
to an invisible crowd, watching and waiting
for her time to be up

she calls herself
"damaged goods"
because she cannot comprehend
how valuable she really is
the same way a sunflower brightens a desolate field
she brings laughter to the heavy hearted
she brings admiration from the shy
she brings comfort from the ones
just like her,
who are afraid to be themselves
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