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  Feb 2018 Ricki
Elizabeth Squires
error 500 has again*
reared its head
where all postings
were stopped dead

error 500 is the bane
of poets who want to write
flying its most annoying
notification kite

error 500 ain't
a fine anecdote
oft presenting
*the dreaded note
Ricki Feb 2018
I am living as static
amongst a chaotic mess
I am living as shy
amongst a world of socialites

my sister,
she is living as charisma
she is living as the current

I am living as a shadow,
not to her, but something else
I am living in fiction,
as she makes them laugh with brilliant, life-time diction

she is living as she goes,
doing all things she knows she knows

I am living half; she's whole
I am living as a fool

she is living half; I'm whole
she is living as a fool

I am living as I go
doing all things I know I know

she is living as a shadow,
not to me, but something else
she is living in fiction,
as I make them laugh with brilliant, life-time diction

I, her sister,
am living as charisma
I am living as the current

she is living as static
amongst a chaotic mess.
she is living as shy
amongst a world of socialites
Not from envy or an insult, we're just simply parallel
  Feb 2018 Ricki
Kurt Philip Behm
He shed his ego
Like a snake letting go
Of its skin
And wandered into
The land of
Ill intention
And the darkness
It harbored inside

His mirror had been shattered
There—left on the ground
Pieces to reflect
What was missing before
Until one after one
Each bad wish was contained
—light reentering again

(Las Vegas Nevada: January, 2018)
Ricki Feb 2018
I needed
naked crayons to color
scrunchies for my 3-inch pigtails
loose teeth for one soggy dollar.

I would
strip the paper skin from wax
pull my short brown strands
just about break my jaw

I was a child.
Ricki Feb 2018
What is a poet if not a victim?
For he seems to be the only exception to a world of goodness.
Oh, what better way to depict him, than his own victimization?
What is a poet if not a child?
Granted, some are aged, but they all whine.
What is a poet if not broken?
He does mention his glass shards on the frequent.
Do keep in mind that he will never be doing fine.
What is a poet if not psychotic?
For him and all his kind appear to be mad.
What is a poet if not sad?
Spoiled minds of the depressed kind truly are poetic.
What is a poet if not contradictive?
For him, it's quite addictive.
What is a poet if not guilty?
For he may not always have the ability to plea innocent and play the victim.
What is a poet if not old?
Granted, some are young, but they're all wise.
What is a poet if not whole?
He is full of courage, he is bold.
So tell me, how is he not whole?
What is a poet if not sane?
Sure, he may be vain and a little odd, but he does write with utter sanity.
What is a poet if not glad?
He writes of love and purple lips.
Though his happiness may dip, he truly is a joyous soul.
What is a poet if not a fool?
He does accuse and misconstrue.
What is a poet if not a man, just like me and you?
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