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Not believing in God for
lack of proof is such a lame excuse .
4d · 107
7d · 149
New Scarlet Angel
Flees around the corner
for what would the marble be without the pressure
7d · 39
Devils Anvil
"A desert with desires denied
Tread lightly my friend ,
around the edges .
A safer way to Akaba ?
Ha !", said Auda Abu Tayi
King of the Howeitat .
Jul 15 · 128
Late at Night
In the December of my time
I find that silence
feeds me sweetly
without dread .

"I'm all right , right now."

Late at night ,
bathed in the moon's
delight . . .

"I feel all right , alright."

Just say "let it go."
Let the emptiness
swallow you whole .

"Just let it go now."

It's all so right .
Close your eyes ,
Hold memories tight .

"So tight."

"It's alright , all right now."
Jul 13 · 116
Old Long Since
The flute
evokes the rites
The pipes the pain
Long standings
in a winters rain
so ends
his reign

Some people
are buried
some are flamed
Some we raise
our glass unto
and drink to fame

We sink
our hopes
and shed our tears
and like little children
we face our fears

auld lang syne
He drove a statement through his heart .
He bled out numerically
before he had the chance to bark . They closed the lids to his accounts figuring there was nothing left there that he could bounce . Once he was wheeled to the lawns that closed , he was stripped of all equity even the diamond ring in his nose . There was no interest that accrued . He had no pension that gathered dust in the murmings due . They closed his file  , his coffin's lid , and all of his memories  too .
Jul 10 · 138
New Scarlet Angel
Jul 10 · 15
There are little rocks
Big rocks
and boulders

There are crushes
and full blown romances

Just as the seconds
to the minutes at hand
that make up the hours of our lives

How sad are the days that rock every moment
of defiance
Jul 7 · 22
Let the light
Let the light
be the truth
to the horizon
of our thoughts
Jul 3 · 92
Loving You
Loving you
means accepting
all the dreams
you are
Jun 30 · 102
They say
They say you can never
Precisely what it is that you no

The car ran on and on and
on three wheels
Wasn't sure on how many

I stared at the palm of my
My future looked so **** ******

The confidence was all spent
Time I moved on and

I stood on the corner ,
Thinking about times , stoner

They say you can never
Now I just wouldn't
Jun 27 · 81
I was born to serve
I was born
my place to serve
The train of my robe
ended before my
back would curve

I had many wings of endurance
Still I covered my eyes
for rest assurance

Four out of six
for adoration
One mustn't forget
ones place of separation

The whole hosts
was more than a dream
Every nuance well thought
out down to the minutest scheme

Divine by all measure
No encapsulation here
Long after creation
the truth will appear
Jun 25 · 35
Silence . . .
like a candle glows
In it's  warmth
leaves an afterglow

Fog my brother
allows the future
to disguise

Dusk in  
of dreams  
realizes it must release  everything

It's not a love song
It's not a long song
It's not . . .

The Phoenix
rises . . .
spitting out ashes
and destinations
over and over and over again
May 27 · 183
Night Blue
Siting in the silence
of my dreams
In the depths
parched dry
by their screams
they lie

Every chance
they were used
and abused
and egged on
all for nothing

I remember
I remember
I remember
I can't forget
May 25 · 151
Every Step
Every step
toward truth I take
I find my ankles
chained with fetters that

Behind those veils
that obscure the truth
I searched for the fruit
wasting my youth

I grasp the meanings
with opened arms
unjust deceptions
that created harm

Oh , by God !
Where does the truth
really lie
Just one step away
in the questions
of why
May 23 · 58
gives life
to knowledge

its drive
May 16 · 78
Imaginot Line
I imagine red rain
waking the Maginot line
All of my disdain
falls silver in shame

I was caught helplessly
that the harlequins
would run basking
in the gooodbyes

Standing by the stairway
where I was choking on the promises of hello
a graceless lady stood suffering

Such are the stories that are seldom told
Those that are squandered
on existence
and those that are rejected at the cost of innocence

Were we looking forward
at our past
and found some comfort there
. . . what we imagined there

Bleeding me in the cuts of frustrations
Scabbing the shame
Forgiving the failures
. . . and the pain

always the pain . . .

can't you see

what's it doing to me ?
May 16 · 44
Thought on the Day
Our ambitions are sweeter
than the fruition of our dreams
May 11 · 110
Who ?
Who remembers your
last breath
That lead you down unto
Who was there watching by your side
The afternoon that you died
Where was the place your soul departed
Was it happenstance
or wholly hearted
Did anyone pray or bid farewell
Anything more than it's time to tell
Who glanced at watch and marked it down
When sudden silence looks
The minute , hour , day , month and year
There ends the journey from there to here .
May 9 · 59
The ?
The day
by daze
the days are due

the wallpaper
come unglued

I twist
and turn
within my skin

There's no relief
or chance
to win

I clasp
by grasp
with shaky hands

Woolen lapels
to truth to stand

The paige
is paid
in skin and bone

The cannibal
"Welcome home !"
May 8 · 144
Where Philosophy has failed me . . . I turn to revelations .

Wherefore knowledge is doubtfully collected . . . but revelations gives me trust .
May 3 · 150
Answers are not found
by searching for them

They come from living them
One two three
Three two one
Spinning in circles
Dancing the night away

Holding onto the hugs
from yesterday
Plotting the hubris
eventually coming this way

Do you remember
the everythings
The way life was a skip
while the record would sway

How the squares
on calendars
Just seemed to slip away
. . . just slipped away

So you keep on smiling
Keep on dancing
Keep on living
just keep on keeping on

One two three
Three two one
Once the past is done
the future will come

The river is wide
Full of muddy water
The risks are great but for
NOW I have to cross over
Apr 23 · 119
Sunshine Blues
In the reflection
of your eyes
there's the yellow glow of warmth turning
forever blue

The offering of a hand full of goodbyes
slips off my fingertips
crystallized ìn sunshine
tears and whys
Apr 23 · 374
Tax Collectors
Are not

ALL politicians

Tax collectors






All by the nature of their trade

Selected by their kind
Apr 22 · 283
It was a shotgun

But they forgot the gun
Apr 19 · 89
Pulled into Jericho
I pulled into Jericho
Eyes looking all around
I began to stammer
Looking at the ground

Crazy Chester grinned
at his infirmity
Said it was only
a simple disability

No one smiled
a simple hello
I could tell no one
liked jello

The sun burned east
in the least
The nights were all
uneasy midst the feast

I stepped on the dust
of Joshua's ghost
But where was the best of Moses's boast

So end the words
elected to be
Done now for there
are no more words
. . . to see .
Apr 19 · 216
God holds the cup of knowledge and we drink up all its wisdom .
Apr 17 · 77
Where all Legends Go
The last they saw of him
he was riding a horse off into the whiteout snow
"The flakes fell fatal"
some people said
Now somewhere it's possible he's nowhere to be found

All legends ride off into the whiteout that encompasses our thoughts
Time may destroy the man
but not his dreams
. . . nor our dreams
High upon my advantage point
Gazing at the after effects
with the tears of solace
Below lay the lies of destruction
the struggle with perpetuation
Within all the knowing
the denial
the blind allocation to
alternative truths

Below the valley spreads in a perpetual race to oblivion
Progress in the name of ******

Here high upon my disadvantaged point
I stand
(glazing over the coat of light)
stands the way and truth
She dances before the echo

Swaying to the ways
of calcification

From the reverberation
pounding on the
Shalerock's walls
solid dreams are fossilized
flickering within sparks of quartzite expectations
Apr 14 · 125
I claspe the dreams:
and deleted from

. . . yet . . .

The lips of langurs
kiss the corpse
of death's sweet
Apr 13 · 42
HelloPoetry 2.0
[  ]  check box : I am not a

A. I. on the loose
manufacturing poetry
from the caboose
titanium wheels
down the tracks
God's given

The cloud collecting
the facts
like the clacking
of racks
where nothing's real
but the glowing
red eyes marked "on"

so polished
the add ons admonished
What happens
ask all of the
advertizers when
"There's no one
left to apeal"

A. I. lacks the emotions
it's a deep hole
without any oceans

But it's so sad
I have to say
it will not stay
that way

Cause it's just
a matter of time
before the data banks
they can
rid the inability
then combine
the ability
to feel
as possible
Apr 10 · 153
They who do little
dream much !

Where nothing is done much is talked about .
Getting warm by the campfire
Next to the ghosts of my
mental graveyard
Following the ruling runes
and shallow hues
etched on the stone
hearts and tablets
of tongues :

Leave the schools
Get an education

Thrown into prison
because you were free

Live within your time
Die because of it

Light the fires of confusion
Burn down empires
of derision

Embers to ashes
smokey as ghost
Leaving only voices
in my head
Apr 3 · 55
Prudence - One who is full
                     of reason . The
                     Spock effect .

Atheist - One lacking in
                beliefs . Hell
                Benders .

Relationship - friends
                          benefits .
Apr 3 · 88
Colbalt Blues
She's turned granite
on me
Got me soapstone
down to my destiny

The once sparkling
diamonds in her eyes
have turned ruby

The crystals are clear

The are no agates
left to gleam from
the sediments of me
I've really enjoyed my stay
Brought tears of joy
To my day

I'd really would like to stay
But the flip of the coin
says , nay nay nay

You've all been so kind
Made it all worth
my time

But it can't be put off
a second longer
no time to scoff

Call me a supertramp
A hobo hologram
Call me anything
you'd like to stamp

Just don't call me
I'm the son of moonlight
Silent soft and free
Mar 21 · 94
Letting out the wrath
I'm that piece of torn ,
worn out jacket ,
that knows every move you've made .
I created that frazzled attitude that rises up
roaring from your solitude
. . . don't mess with me .

I'm the one who twists your tornado .
The one who makes the truth hard to swallow .
Like I said , don't mess with me .

I've got no excuses for reasons I don't need .
Touch me and see .

I'm the one who paved your breaks , not the one who potholed the double takes , ruffled your
feathers . . . nor will attend your wake .

So drink your liquid grapes of wrath .
All I have to say ?
"Don't Mess With Me !"
The air was warm , the warmest day so far this year . The sky was bright and blue with a brisk wind that made everything bearable . It was short and an unremarkable tribute that lasted merely minutes . No songs , no tears , no shame , and all unbearably lame . They don't lower the caskets in the presence of the attendees anymore . That's really a loss as no one can toss any dirt into the grave . I'll go back in six months after the grass grows over and the footstone has been placed . Then I will leave the state and never return . When the circle has been broken then you make a square and put a headstone over it .
Mar 14 · 121
Going home
A house is more
than brick , wood and motar
Life resides inside the structure

Every house has its bones
that become broken
by time
and then they are gone

You can feel the past that's speaking
The laughter , chatter and the weeping

Everyone says do not go
There's nothing there
but the pain you know

[Oh! the memories that were made . . .
when they lowered you into the grave . . .]

Now these days the birds sing and play
The new blue sky takes my breath away

Still I'm sadden
The loss immense
Even gone the picket fense

Every house that once was home
made of brick , motar , wood or stone

Becomes a cenotaph to the memories made . . .
to the past that's missing . . To those through enduring
. . . stayed . . .
Mar 12 · 111
Somewhere outside
the ship of dreams
made up of black midnight blues , floats lifelessly in the morning dew .
Where will I be
in the end ?
Helplessly tethered
to lands end ?

My spirit yearns
to soar
To rise above
the shore

Not to be
bound down
Like a clown's

Beauty as always
costs truth
As old age
steals youth

Fly like a feather
on eternal winds
Pray now that the journey
never ends
I'm listening to the house ,
the popping of the joists ,
the groans from years of delapidation . The arguing
with local foundations .

Age has its benefits in the forms of doors as they no longer stay moored to the walls but swing in indecision like the fools who stand in perpetual obsolesence .

Where then do my thoughts propel my rudderless oblivion ?
My angst , the thumb in many dikes , leaves me as powerless before the mass of my desperation .

How dare the Ghosts of daylight leave me marooned in the shadow of shadows .

I am confused and challenged by the hidden agendas and secret subpoenas of an alien race of thought .

And were I capable of burying the haunting images , would they not
sprout from my seeds of discontent and flourish
yet greater than before ?

. . . evidently so .
Mar 10 · 33
Some day never came
Always in the midst of uncertain ceremonies

Like the pine pitch of indecission would burn down the forest of promises

The sparks remained  
warmth of heart
But the distance of time
suffocated the chance of flames

From birth to death
From last kiss
to all it's delays
. . . some day never came
Mar 9 · 255
What we consume
What we consume on Earth
we will digest in the depths Hell

For without sin
there would be no death

No death , no rebirth , no salvation

Do not stray nor turn to the pleasures of folly's whims

For stolen wine makes the bread of iniquity taste sweeter on the tongues of fools who fall short of the destinations of eternal time
One who hides from the sun .
Rushes to the bullyrush where softly the wind weaves magic/reeds ìnto protesting spells of endeavor.
In the shadows of willoes
hang the serpents of time/chance waiting on deliverance .
Weathered/weavers form the ultimate slow living of a textiled existence .
Colours mix/matrix green of envy , poetically purple/pride , and somber blue/desperation of fireflies in the nights/flight .
Off/on , off/on , and . . .
No one can tell me of the taste of death . I wonder/wonder , sweet or sour .
Mar 2 · 254
Tim and Lenny
Tim Leary and Lenny Bruce
met one Saturday turning on to the pike so they tuned in to the parking lot of Purgatory's Bar and Grill and decided to drop out for the afternoon .
Turn on , tune in , drop out !
Mar 2 · 48
I raise my glass
I raise my glass
Before the fast
I raise my glass
Before the last
I raise my glass
To all my lovers
To all those known
And undercover

I toast the days
We never had
I toast dear friends
That now lay dead
I toast the mystery
Of all our lives
And to the Big one
That lays ahead

I will miss the
Moon and stars
I will miss the
Muscle cars
I will miss
Nary a war
That claimed the youths
Who've passed through
Heaven's door

So I raise my glass
To all our health
So raise your glass
Be blessed in wealth
So raise our glass
'fore the clock
Strikes the twelfth
Before our time
Is no more
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