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Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
I feel so special and thought of sometimes,
When I think of you each night and day,
And when I see you, I see blurred images,
I love you more than words can say...

You're so everything! This love is unbreakable!
I can't resist your eyes, it's true!
The hate and despair fade away into shadows...
I am absolutely crazy for you!

Your soul is never-ending; your heart is over-reacting,
And my heart is truly in your hands.
I could leap and fall 'til life was done,
But YOU are the focus of my plans.

This intense happiness is everything my love,
And for you, I thank Heaven above.

All my love, Sorrow x
Feb 2015 · 374
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
Feb 2015 · 404
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
A bud to be a flower
Tree from a seed and water
Never love but loving hour
Always care
Never hurt
Feb 2015 · 509
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
Sudden chest cramp, neck cramp and leg cramp in one! *** BODY?! Q^Q
Feb 2015 · 318
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
That's the time I decided to write this.
Why you ask?
Well... I thought it was the right time,
To tell you about me.

I listen
I care
I love
And I especially love *you...
Feb 2015 · 846
Mind Fuck
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
Is your answer to this question no???
Feb 2015 · 376
Me or You...?
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
Are you like me?
Or am I like you?
I don't know...
Do you?
I don't think you do...
Because if  don't...
You don't...
Feb 2015 · 476
Clockwork Heart
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
That's the sound of my heart.
One day it will stop.
When I meet you...
...And I belong to you...
Feb 2015 · 458
I Hate You!
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
You are the candy in my day,
The fluffy white frosting in my sky
And the sugar in my heart...

I hate you! Why?!
Feb 2015 · 947
Valentine's Day
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
On Valentine's Day,
There's Cards and Roses.
No need for acts or lies or poses.
Cos' there is only one thing you need to know,
As there is only one feeling you need to show.
You need to be honest, clean and sincere.
So here it goes loud and clear,
My love for you is so very great,
And it has been up to this date.
But still I'll remain your silent lover,
And leave you wondering who's undercover.
I love you with all my heart,
And ache all the time we are apart.
This poem of love is from me too you,
No matter how you feel or what you do
Feb 2015 · 440
Little message
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
You follow me, I follow you. Promise? Promise. *** Love you people!!!

Yours gracefully (¬w¬) Sorrow Hysteria

Feb 2015 · 326
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
I'm looking at you
And I can't stop smiling...

Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
If you was here
Where I was
You would be bashing your head
Several times against the desk

"Don't do this!"
"Don't do that!"
Oh *******!
You silly old bat!

I know who I am
And I ain't changing!
If you think I am
From a tree you'll be hanging!
I'm seriously gonna flip!!!
Feb 2015 · 553
On the day she left
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
The day she left,
It wasn't the same
She used to laugh
And play with her
Brothers and sisters

On that fateful day,
She did not return
The heartless shadow
Had left with her life
In his jar of hearts

On that fateful day,
She fought 'til beginning to end
Wouldn’t give up soul
When she lost her hope
We all did, too
The battlefield covered
In pain and sorrow

On that fateful day,
We all lost love
We lost our hope
When that heartless
Being made the
Final blow,
We knew she had lost.

That Fateful day,
She never came back
She was too far gone
In a better place
She will not see darkness

Later that fateful day,
The world was quiet
No grief
Nor sorrow
We soon saw that heartless
Again, remembering...
A selfless angel lost
To a selfish demon

On that fateful day,
That demon played
She suffered the same
Fate as she did
Because we avenged
Her leaving

On that fateful day,
She left us
! know this doesn't rhyme. Deal with it. ¬w¬ ***
Feb 2015 · 422
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
To those people who read my stuff.
Thank you! I only joined yesterday and I had to get some of my ideas out there! And you peeps are bothering to read it! Love you peeps! This means everything! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yours gracefully (¬w¬) Sorrow Hysteria ***
Feb 2015 · 325
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
Red can mean a lot of things
But most are blind to that
All they think is one thing
They are as dumb as a bat!

It can mean love, war, blood and passion
And also mean "ATTENTION!"
It looks good in most fashion
But I prefer ****** 'affection'!
Grell would go cray cray if he saw this!
Feb 2015 · 471
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
Everything has a beginning
Everything has an end
But not everything is forgiving
And not everything can mend

A broken heart…

Something’s are broken
Full of despair
But few that are broken
With love
Can be repaired
Sweet **** Made In 50 Seconds
Feb 2015 · 467
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
Something is hurting inside of me
Ripping my soul in two
It’s never right… never wrong
It’s the way of things

Why…? Why does this have to happen?
I feel something… breaking apart…
Falling apart… it’s hurtful

It’s the pain
Sometimes that life
Like lovers breaking up
Like friends ditching friends
Why… does this happen?

It’s not going away…never going away
It’s never ending… it smells my fear
It’s like sorrow, death and grief put together
Make it stop!

It’s the pain… that hurts my heart
It’s never going away
My life is falling apart
It’s ripping my soul into two halves
Please make it stop!
Please make it stop!

It’s the pain… it’s the way of life
It’s going on for all eternity
It hurts and it’s going on and on…
Help me out of this deep darkness of despair

Help me… help me… please
It’s swallowing me up
Laughing at me for my foolishness
Its killing me from the inside
It’s the pain… of a life worth’s of despair, death, sorrow and grief
Help me… please

It’s the pain of living…
**** me please...
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
Grell Sutcliff
Sorrow Hysteria Feb 2015
Fear, followed me
Killed me
With cold hands
Twisting my heart
And tearing my soul
Hiding underneath his
Silk red long hair
And looking at me
With green piercing eyes
Appearing like a shadow
A soul Reaper named

Grell Sutcliff…
Okay, This Took Me, Like, 5 Seconds xD

— The End —