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22/F    criticism is welcome and encouraged.
Kaitlyn Marie
F/Upper Midwest    ♡ I've come to shed a little light in my life.
Winnipeg, Manitoba   
Raphael Uzor
Lagos, Nigeria    @ralphyloo
Cailey Weaver
22/F/Florida    My name is Cailey Weaver. I am a writer, musician, figure skater, and neuroscience PhD student. My writing has gotten me through many tough times ...
South Texas    S O L A C E S S E C A L O S Orion is the first to greet me.
g clair
Poetry 2007-2015
Riley Ayres
21    "I am as they say, an answer without a question" - Erebus Victor
Theia Gwen
New York    “Hatred is so much closer to love than indifference.” Marya Hornbacher
Austin    A look inside
Chalsey Wilder
22/Two-Spirit/Space    I missed you guys.

— The End —