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Sehar Bajwa Sep 2020
time will grain your polaroids
and bury your touch
unloving you
Sehar Bajwa Sep 2020
"you were a parade of red flags but I screamed colour blind from the rooftops.
you see,
scarlet is the colour of both love and betrayal."
  Sep 2020 Sehar Bajwa

you haven't answered my calls in a few days
it shouldn't mean so much
but when the phone line lay empty,
i told the trees all about you through my tears
i left out the part where i said 'i love you' first
because i still pretend it was you

the moon listened when the trees went to sleep
and i asked her if she could keep a secret
she said she could, but i know she told the stars anyway
i whispered real quiet, so the wind couldn't carry it too far away

i'd love you, even if you broke me

my teary blue eyes
  Sep 2020 Sehar Bajwa
John Destalo
you invented
the word


to describe me
reversed war

saw me as

for this world
not ready to


for anything
including you

and you were

you always
had a way

with words
  Sep 2020 Sehar Bajwa
Trying to fix other people
Will not make you whole
Sehar Bajwa Sep 2020
the colour of betrayal far outshines Vantablack
its depth is a cumulus cloud of chaos and agony
tinged with the wails of a wilting wallflower
bloodied scarlet, a glimmer of unrequited love
purple promises writ into skin, bruised and broken
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