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Andrew Choo
20/M/Toronto, ON, Canada    disconnected_
Robert C Ellis
Greenville, SC    Only write anything that confuses you.
beth fwoah dream boleyn
England    i love writing. i try to let my subconscious write the poems. born may 1969.
36/F/Seattle    Through poetry we can learn practicing mindfulness towards all around us and more importantly, towards ourselves. Now, you can find my book on Amazon , …
Savannah    True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, As those move easiest who have learned to dance. -Alexander Pope
Ryan Holden
26/M/Middlesbrough - England    A Gemini that fell in love with writing. I write lyrics and of course poetry! I love writing about love, nature and modern society. I …
J Ames
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Abbottabad Pakistan    Books, Feelings, Chains of Life, Burning Fire, Misty Panorama, Love Symphony, Blooming Spring, Colours of Universe, Amidst Sand Dunes, Drizzling Rain, Violent Waves, Rising Moon, …
M/Kenoshaland    satirical bipolar musings/lyric nursery
Portland, ME    nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands
26/F    The future is shiny.
Gemineyed Gypsy
By the Bay    "I dream, there for I exist." -August Strindberg
Dave Slate
Writer and amateur optometrist.
Amanda Miller
Rae Harrison
Michigan    You deserve the world, I just want to be part of it. All poems are original & belong to me.
Christopher Hendrix
Blue Springs, Missouri    Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind. —William Shakespeare, “Hamlet” (III, iiii)
Lover of words. Cat lady. Green tea addict. Pianist. Med student. Still learning how to love the skies I'm under. My poems define me more …
Land of Nightmares    I write to cope with memories of a childhood filled with abuse. Even after 30 years a sound or smell can make me become a …
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