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Look at me
body splayed
edges frayed
nerves shot
broken girl
in utter dismay

where's my parade?
my band of trumpets
my banners and balloons
my celebration of me
instead all that i am
is totally strewn

the tarot cards fall
before me
i am the hanged man
Face against the sky.
nothing left to do
but let out
my painful cries

it was supposed to be
marching to my own
to the rhythm of
my own beat
but I lost it all
when she left
all I can do now is
admit defeat.
from Tarot Series
A woman with 2 jugs
and 7 stars
twinkle, twinkle
there you are.
Pouring out upon
the land blessings
and nourishment
held in one hand.
Seven stars
above your head
of the
third eye
solar plexus
and root
points in your body
that run down your spine
Spinning wheels of energy
almost as old as time
The bird overwatches
The holy ibis of thought
If you happen to receive
the Star card
chances are it's a sign
Renewed hope
and faith.
Optimistic outlook
upon the your
very state
It's a positive
sign things are
changing and a sense
of healing is soon
on it's way.
The stars are already
yours so breath into them
and claim your
renewal of spirit today.
from Tarot Series
A God,
A King,
An Aries,
"The Green Man".
Head over Heart
is only
part of the plan.

Calling out
For us all
to step into our
Power and Authority
Not Ego and Superiority

Protecting the people
they serve
With a fierceness
that doesn't
bend or swerve.

Yang of the Yin
Encouraging Balance,
Control and Affection,
from without and within.

You won't find
these traits in
or blame
in Fortune
or Fame

On the contrary,
The Emperor
is Encouraging
Us All to see
there is true
Power in being
the best we can
from Tarot Series
My sin,
to miss the mark
in life.
as above, so below.
I effect, my own
final outcome.
living daily
in a tomb
self made
the cup
to renew,
to refresh,
only attacking
my problems
a sword of air,
thinking it sharp
a deceit,
a manipulation,
false words,
that never come.
pretty pink
to needy ears.
a false manifestation
of words unspoken,
merely hoped for
in denial of truth.
The magician
although powerful
influences with
I seek the earth
below my feet
pentacles of sand
with every step.
I discover
I cannot walk
only fall.
A quest
for the truth
limping through
in hopes of
finding fire,
the wand breaks
beneath the strain.
laden with
her broken oath
to love
The magician lies.
from The Tarot Series
There's a world outside my window
but my drapes are pulled closed tight
I don't wish to go outside my room
even though I know it isn't right.

My world is solemn since you left
my days spent lying in this bed as
I try so desperately to get you
out of my head.

You're just a green dot on a screen
while I sit here on Instagram on my own
waiting for a word, any word, to know
I'm not all alone.

I wonder will I be this way forever
living in this tomb that once was my bed
I want to forget about you, but I love you
so I cannot seem to get you out of my head.

The sun is shining outside and it's a
beautiful sight to see, I wish I could
make myself want to be out there all
footloose and fancy free.

But my soul just wants you and there's
no substitute to be found, the world
is all in shades of grey with out
you around.

Oh what a pain is heartbreak, what a
sharp knife within. I don't feel anything
anymore. I'm an imposter here inside
my own skin.
Oh temper, temper.
Did you take your medicine?
I don't remember.
Fresh foliage falls flawlessly floating free finally
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