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Jan 2015 · 214
Riot Jan 2015
what are we gonna do now that the ocean is cold as the snow on the ground?
why do you look at me now that the tears are dried up?
and you try to make me smile
as if the lightning didn’t strike my heart
as if this family isn’t torn apart

Did you hear her heart stop beating?
while her trust, it starts to beat
wake up
do you really think she needs your hopeless and terrible terrible love
Jan 2015 · 251
Riot Jan 2015
when the family is cold
everybody fights for warmth
in the corner of the memories we all had together
but the time is running out
and it's time i'm running out
if thats the only way to bring the summer back
Jan 2015 · 150
Riot Jan 2015
i'm sorry
Jan 2015 · 166
Riot Jan 2015
i just don't know what to say anymore
Jan 2015 · 681
Riot Jan 2015
you think she deserved to be hurt
because she was out with her friends wearing a mini skirt
i guessed when the lines are blurred
you can't really tell whose right
your mom or your dad
your mom saying "get her with respect"
your dad saying "get on top"
her saying "stop... stop... stop"

broken and bruised
her body has been used as a play thing
up on the stand he asks "what were you wearing?"
instead of crying she says
"i'm flattered but my outfit wasn't that mesmerizing
would you ask a mugging victim why he had is wallet on him that night?
so why would you ask a girl if her jeans were skin tight?
why don't you ask the parents why their sons head wasn't on right?
or why at the store the tag on my skirt didn't say
"get ready to fight for your life?"
and hey your suit looks nice attorney
maybe i should stab you for it
would i go to jail
or get away with **"he wanted it?"
Jan 2015 · 172
Riot Jan 2015
when they renewed their vows
thats the first time he said out loud
how much he loved her
and she was so proud
because in his eyes wasn't the broken child
black and blue
it's the man that learned to love
Jan 2015 · 517
Riot Jan 2015
bow down to me
you’re nothing without my fury
with clouds in your eyes
and smoke in your belly
don’t question my love
come to me my love
let me show why you dropped everything for me
for a couple of hours
with death in your hand
for a couple of hours
you might just understand

in the clouds
where everything is perfect
where all the stars aline
in the clouds
one more drink is worth it
just shut up and trust me
and walk across this burning bridge
it won’t hurt a bit my love
don’t be scared of my clouds
Jan 2015 · 248
black and blue
Riot Jan 2015
wishing she was dead
didn't get there on her own
she was manipulated by the silence
while love was unknown

left her body without bruise
but her mind was beaten black and blue
so she was left abused
while he stood over her muse
Jan 2015 · 179
Riot Jan 2015
i’m opening my eyes to see
everything i strive to be
this is how a hero flies
Dec 2014 · 228
new years
Riot Dec 2014
it's been a long year
it'll all be different now
to all who made a change
come up and take a bow
but for the rest of us
maybe this time
it's a new year
don't stay behind
don't change who you are
but don't stay the same
be the person you always wished you could claim
Dec 2014 · 264
Christmas (10w)
Riot Dec 2014
forget the one that gave you life
because santa gives x-box
Dec 2014 · 893
Riot Dec 2014
left out in the world everyone fears
darkness creeping over the years
but breaking through her lips
a hallelujah
for no one can take away from her
the praise she fought her whole life for
she screams
and cries
for nothing but hallelujah

hell bound baby
far from loved
family chains
family blood
silent prayers
she seeks a star
atop her lungs she says "no more
hallelujah isn't what i'm looking for"
she stopped for a moment
and stopped looking for stars
for she thought they were to far
but her hallelujah lies in the moon
she never thought would be covered by clouds
but it's not gone now
for there's an ounce of light
for her to seek
til the end of the night
and to this girl i say

he still hears you
Dec 2014 · 354
she's gonna die
Riot Dec 2014
she's gonna die because of me
everyday i see it
in the broken vocabulary
that angers it's way out of her teeth

it's all my fault
nothing i ever said was right
i used to believe in happy endings
but happy just doesn't sit right
with me anymore

she tells me she's alright
but i never really was able to tell truth from lies
some times i wish i could close my eyes and take her place
because her lips
emotionally purple with my medicine

she's gonna overdose on words
she's gonna choke on all she's heard

her midnight thoughts are darker than the way my father looks at me to this day

she's gonna die if i speak up
and try to save the day

i won't do it
i won't do it
my sowed mouth will stay
i won't let her see the demon that dwells in me today
though every demon started as an angel
this angel isn't made of clay

my broken mask
my empty flask
my silence saves the day
so i'm not gonna finish a thought
unless it would make someone happy

**what i say could mean more than a gun to the head
and i won't let her die because of words that i said
Dec 2014 · 421
Riot Dec 2014
let's just pretend you never told me you were about to lie
let's pretend that everything is gonna be just fine
let's pretend i don't bend over backwards not to hurt you
while we're at it
lets also pretend i'm not the problem too

let's pretend to know each other
let's pretend i'm alive
let's pretend like i did something to make you mad
while all your feelings subside

some times i wish i had got one thing right
other than saving the life you choke yourself with
Dec 2014 · 295
watch it
Riot Dec 2014
watch your tongue
one wrong letter and your sentince can come down
and all the people involved will be nothing to you
or vice versa  

watch your tone
one out of pitch mix and you'll have yourself in a fix

watch your words little girl
that was your friend you almost knocked on the floor
she caught herself this time
but not anymore
God knows she watched your words before
Dec 2014 · 357
Riot Dec 2014
ugly is a word that’s been overused
it means you’re happy without makeup and your high heels shoes
it means you don’t see in the mirror what they try to tell you
ugly is a weapon used in war
fat means your rib cage sorta hangs out
and you don’t eat much because your stomach’s full of doubt
and it’s hard to believe that you’re able to breathe
with the rope they have on you
Dec 2014 · 225
Riot Dec 2014
i wanna believe that you’re alright
but i’ve never been able to see sadness in your eyes anyway
i wanna know that you’d fight without me
but you were never a fighter anyway
i wanna know you won’t give up
but this isn’t why i’ve been so pushy
i want to know you are ok
without having to take from what i gave
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
Riot Nov 2014
heart bleeding
i take a step up
here i am
i’m breathing
in this world it’s do or die
don’t touch me
i’m leaving
i never liked the taste of silence anyway
Nov 2014 · 237
happy thanksgiving
Riot Nov 2014
hello poetry users
no matter whats going on
we all have something to be thankful for
so lets share thanksgiving with the world we live in
i'm thankful for my God who made me the person i am today
what are you thankful for?
Nov 2014 · 489
Lifting up
Riot Nov 2014
lifting up
breaking down
crying world
i am your clown
making up who i am now
trusting no one
screaming loud
hurting others
by not hurting self
heart on sleeve
memories on shelf
lifting up
breaking down
look out world i'm on my way to town
Nov 2014 · 282
Riot Nov 2014
i live inside my own reflection
hold on tight
no sense of direction
perfect girl no tears no lesson
perfection is not perfection

cut open my heart
and promise not to look inside
you'll no longer feel you something to alive
Nov 2014 · 700
Riot Nov 2014
my life
is that of a butterfly
i flit and flutter
and don't ask why
today i live
tomorrow i die
a butterfly knows
where a butterfly lies

my wings
are that of a dragonfly
pair by pair
i zip on by
today i live
tomorrow i die
a droagonfly knows
when a dragonfly no longer flys

my heart
is that of a honey be
i work my stinger off
for someone elses needs
then something bigger
will one day take it away from me
a honey bee knows
but a honey bee doesn't see

my brain
is that of a fruitfly
nothing more to life
then being hopless
scraping bye
today i live
tomorrow i die
*a fruitfly doesn't have anything to hide
Nov 2014 · 236
Riot Nov 2014
brace yourselve
oh people
of fairytales and friends
it's time someone told you the truth
the face of you
oh people
who talks on your behalf
will never talk to you
there comes a time in your life
were people think they know you
but the truth is they speak for you
and never speak to you
Nov 2014 · 187
Riot Nov 2014
sent from above
don’t know what it is but she’s had enough of...
never free
of memories
just like her reflection
it’s not always what it seems
she wishes she could be free
Nov 2014 · 732
Riot Nov 2014
have you ever seen a demon?

their eyes fill with hatred
but they act like saints around other people who don't know them
and i pretend not to see the demon
that has tortured me since i was seven
because they say it's against the bible not to love him

this very dark
that hurts my sister and not me
if she would just keep her mouth shut
we would all be happy

and as it looks into my eyes
and decides to spear me
i wait for him to look away
take a deep breathe
and remind myself
"that's not a demon
that's daddy"
Nov 2014 · 663
Riot Nov 2014
i’m sorry for the pain i cause
but i swear it’s not my fault
i fear that myself
and all I've taught
might not be worth the mistakes I've bought
maybe if i tear the skin
i can keep myself from caving in
long enough to save the world
that we all dare to live in
Nov 2014 · 501
Riot Nov 2014
people around you don't break because of you
i've had my share of broken souls
shattered more than a few
so please end this silly convo
and let me talk to you
so i can tell you how strong i am
i know what i've been through
like when i wasn't able to help the girl
who split her life in two
to this day she's a memory
i thought i broke her too
but out of the mess i have handled
the things i have seen
the stories i held onto
the blood that i bleed
the strength you see
is not mine
it's the God that rescued me

that's what i've been trying to tell you
my tears aren't all dried up
but the God who gives me strength
makes sure i don't give up
and you could never break me
with the wings God gave me
the worst that could happen
is if you flew with me
Nov 2014 · 390
worth in pieces
Riot Nov 2014
your worth is in pieces
doesn't mean you can't be healed
world we live in isn't worth it
i can breathe it
i can see it
i can see you really mean it
i'm not the angel
i'll act like it
you don't know enough of me to get behind this
it's all so wrong
we're both so strong
you're not holding me back
i gave you a lifeline and i'm holding on
and you're right
you are nothing

nothing more that:

the good don't shield the bad
but they get you through the night
your worth is in pieces
and as long as i'm alive
i'll help you find it
did you really think you would get rid of me that easily?

the judge of fair
is the God of mercy
the God that stands with you and me
don't make excuses on why you can't be with me
because the only thing between us
is a computer screen
Nov 2014 · 330
with love
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
Riot Nov 2014
maybe Switzerland never to a side
because they never got the full story?
Nov 2014 · 554
my friend jayden
Riot Nov 2014
my friend jayden
i used to love him
but now...
i don't know who i'm loving
this person changed
i thought it was just a mood
but now he's sinning in his anger
i don't know my friend jayden anymore
i wish that i could help him

my friend jayden
needs all the prayers in the world
i pray for him
but it doesn't matter if i can't see his hurt
my friend jayden scars me with the amount of hurt that's going on inside
i just hope and pray
that he will be free from his hurt
in time
Nov 2014 · 475
this old man
Riot Nov 2014
this old man
he played one
he  played nick knack with a gun
with a nick knack patty whack
give a dog a bone
this old man has no more hope

this old man
he played two
he played nick knack oh so blue
with a nick knack patty whack
give a dog a bone
this old man has no more hope

this old man
he played *three

he has no more family
with a nick knack patty whack
give a dog a bone
this old man has no more hope

this old man
he had four
parents kicked him out the door
with a nick knack patty whach
give a dog a bone
this old man has no more hope

this old man
he played five
he hangs with this ol' bee hive
with a nick knack patty whack
give a dog a bone
this old man has no more hope

this old man
he played six
he killed all his friends with bricks
with a nick knack patty whack
give a dog a bone
this old man has no more hope

this old man
he played seven
he forced himself into heaven
with a nick knack patty whack
give a dog a bone
this old man has no more hope

this old man
he played eight
just found out his girlfriend's late
with a nick knack patty whack
give a dog a bone
this old man has no more hope

this old man
he played nine
let's just say he learned to fly
with a nick knack patty whack
give a dog a bone
this old man has no more hope

this old man
he played ten
never played nick knack again
with a nick knack
patty whack

**this old man has cut his throat
Oct 2014 · 414
story time
Riot Oct 2014
I've got a bad case of mistreated
i don’t know what they need me to say
i won’t stop bleeding till this war has gone away
this is my cause
this is your loss
i’m wounded
in every palace i pay for with favors
i’m rich
i’m listed as a talent
but is it only me that dies for wounds
that define sanity?
tell me a story
that doesn't start
and end
with a beating
Oct 2014 · 207
Riot Oct 2014
there's nothing inspirational
**about a mindless war
Oct 2014 · 185
don't look a gift prayer
Riot Oct 2014
a man prayed for a car
and got a horse
he was so mad
"God you know i want a car!"
but God had a different plan
despite this mans prayer
God wouldn't give him a car
because to get a car
he needs you ride through the valley
Oct 2014 · 176
Riot Oct 2014
sometimes real pretty
gets a little ugly
sometimes clean
is a little *****
sometimes you die
for life
you break for healing
so break honey

sometimes doctors are the ones doing the hurting
and we all now that strangers
are the ones doing the flirting

what you want
you won't find where you want it

pretty isn't in the magazines
it's in the little things
it's in the broken wings
it's in the rainy clouds
it tells a story
without a whisper
without a mumbling

*you're really pretty
Oct 2014 · 158
Riot Oct 2014
look at the little dove
flying in the wind
nobody ever sees beauty
as a cry for help
Oct 2014 · 606
the itsy bitsy spider
Riot Oct 2014
the itsy bitsy spider
went up the water spout
down came the rain
and washed the spider out
out  came the sun and dried up all the rain
*and the itsy bitsy spider
has amnesia
Oct 2014 · 401
Riot Oct 2014
a very high praise
to an unending god
too bad it's the wrong one
you stretch your hand out and bleed
and scream for what's to come
a heart out of place
it's all morbid to me
a very slow race
Oct 2014 · 218
my thoughts
Riot Oct 2014
and she was in your sight
long enough for you to know your place*
your thoughts were captured in a box
your finger wishing for another taste
a perfect melody of two
a broad memory of few

**my thoughts are captured in a box while i burn in hell for you
Oct 2014 · 290
Riot Oct 2014
sometimes it takes
giving up your right to speech
to settle an argument
so i'll the alone in my mind
while others think i'm ok
to stay in the circal of people who can help me
though no one can help me on my very grave
but sometimes you need to be alone
to stay
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
pretty little girls
Riot Oct 2014
pretty little girls
making it in the high heeled world
picture of health
when they’re really starving themselves
pretty little girls
looking at the scale and cry
perfect on the inside
makeup on the outside
pretty little girls
Oct 2014 · 191
do i tell them
Riot Oct 2014
What do I do when someone asks me
"are you ok?"

Do I tell them
I got a million miles closer to something
to which I had to stay away

Do I tell them my supposed "mentor"
Is now the source of my pain
And I could look in his eyes
Without seeing him
And see
He almost cared

Do I tell them that my father might be right
that I might be bipolar?

Do I tell them everything I've worked for
Behind their backs
Might have killed me in a second

If I looked back at at the trail of blood
That I left behind

Was there really a chance where I could have told them
*if I tried
Oct 2014 · 294
a holy wake
Riot Oct 2014
i went to a wake
but it was more
i looked at that open casket
and saw a memory of joy
and more
in the audience
at least 100 people
to remember this woman
everybody had something to say about her
everything was positive
and i truly believe

*we saw her up to heaven
Oct 2014 · 208
i remember
Riot Oct 2014
i remember when it used to be
just you her and me
pretending that we all were alright

but now that i see what i see
it's impossible for you and me to be
i almost let you manipulate me
because you tried

i remember when i first heard
the things you said about
the one you said you loved without

now i'm here and you are there
and maybe if you bothered to bare
the thought of a church without holy water
we could all be in a room without drowning

but still you stand in you're golden chair
never in need of us meeting you there
so now i say goodbye to you
remembering all we used to do
but there's a wall between a mental saint

*and her grandchild
Riot Oct 2014
love is a trigger
and she's gonna pull
Sep 2014 · 201
poster girl (20w)
Riot Sep 2014
she had life
she had love
but now she's merely a poster
reminding them she's gone
*where did she go?
Sep 2014 · 281
Riot Sep 2014
give me my heart back
i’m desperate to feel
desperate to be something more than a mask
i’m out on my own
and you think you know but at last
i’m accepting i’m a monster
but when the heroes are gone
i’ll put on my good guy armor.

you won't except me into your world
i'm forced to be nothing but
the bad guy in a book

would you be able to comprehend
if i saved you yet again
*what if the hero is a monster?
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Riot Sep 2014
since she was 11
she knew
being abused isn't a punishment
it's a birthright
Sep 2014 · 165
Riot Sep 2014
Sometimes on the right side
You still want the left to be
*a reality
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