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  Mar 2019 Aadi
b e mccomb
i dread the day you learn
for the first time that
you can't just love all
the darkness in me away

and no matter how much
you care i will still toss
and turn at night and scars
might still appear on my skin

i dread the day you realize
that you can't cure me
and sometimes all you can do
is stand next to me and
hold my hand through fog
pouring out of my ears so black
and thick we can't even see
each other's faces

i dread the days i can't
get out of bed
the days you want to
take me out and all
i can manage is a prettified
shell of myself

i dread the day you learn
that sometimes no matter
how hard i try i still can't
pull myself together

the day you learn that
there isn't an answer
you can give that will
save me from my fears

you aren't the first person
who has tried to love the
darkness inside away
my family and friends
have given it their all
but someday you too will learn
that if love could
cure mental illness
the world would be
a much better place
copyright 8/6/18 b. e. mccomb
Aadi Oct 2018
That was the end
the last day
the last goodbye

the train was waiting
it has been three years
me, you and us

you came to see me off

That last hug which never came.

Did we say bye?

It was all silent.
Aadi May 2018
Into the solitary arm
Within the silent calm
In the story without you
Your absence sinks

In the truth and the absurd
In the pretensions and the substance
While I cling to the other
Your earthly hour rings

So live a lie
You will help.

So live a lie.
It will help.

For the truth isn't on your side.
The lie will always be.

— The End —