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May 2015 · 397
Delores Atkins May 2015
I've never been a fan of loud churches.
I've never got so full of the spirit that
He's made me jump out my seat or speak ancient languages.
I guess my tongue was too simple for the divinity of it all.
But there's something about the silence that calms me.
Reassures me of He who birth me is with in me
He moves inside me with no sound.
Yelling is the last thing I can think of when my eyes close.
Head bows and eyes close to welcome him to work thru me.
Wanting to never lose sight of all that He has planned for me.
It's hard to His voice among the choirs' voices but I can manage.
When God speaks it's never a yell
But a whisper.
A hand on my shoulder wishing me peace
My knees never tire of kneeling in his presence.
Patience is something you learn first in church.
I use to wait for those quiet moments.
When the congregation was at a standstill and before the priest could collect his words.
It's in that silence that He appears
In His full glory
And who would I be
If I didn't stand back and listen in awe.
Apr 2015 · 477
A Poem For Him
Delores Atkins Apr 2015
I want to be the arms that hold you in the middle of the night.
The ones that you never expected to feel so good but offer you comfort you only could find
When there's a pen in your hand.
Or a bottle
Which ever would make you feel better I want to be the hand that reaches out and passes you a life jackets
but never let's you sink into it alone.
Because I know what it's like to be left in an ocean with out any thing to float you to shore.
Let me be the raft the guides you to land and let you know that not all of us are alike.
Some people need patch work in order to support you.
You've been grabbing pieces that never knew what it means to be a part of a whole.
See I used to be a tree.
An entity of life feeding others the oxygen they needed to thrive.
So it's in my nature to be life support.
The kind that doesn't need to be given credit for being the only ear with in whispering distance.
Applaud me with thousands of kisses.
Shower me in acceptance and I'll photosynthesize it into love.
Deeper than the roots I dug before
I adore you the way the lady bug adores it's wings when they lift her up
I want to lift you out of storm serge.
So the waves of insecurity won't bang against your head
Those levees you built to keep the water out of your heart were only meant to say it for me.
It's ok to tear down those walls
I'll be there to help you pull them down.
And when you start to plant your first tree
I'll dig the hole and nurse it
Into something more than you ever expected.
Apr 2015 · 473
Love Is
Delores Atkins Apr 2015
Love Is
Love is waking up in the morning and thinking of you
Love is off key singing about how much I love you
Love is acting as if your singing voice doesn't **** my ear drums.
Love is that undeniable attraction I feel like I can't not touch
Love is that grab you and hold you closer because your never close enough.  
Love is bringing you chocolate when it's that time of the month and making sure you have your Midol but never complaining about what a bitc- nice loving person you are at the time
Love is sitting back and letting you ramble on and on about work which I don't understand a lick of but I agree with you anyway
Love is that last bite of my sandwich that you know I want but ask for anyway and right before you take a bite I eat it my **** self.  
Love is reminding you to take out the trash every time you try to stack things on top like your playing Jenga
Love is spending my Saturday nights at home because that's where you are
Love is letting you go out on Friday and knowing you'll call when drinking goes to far
Love is picking up the phone as soon as it rings because I know who's on the other side
Love is reminding you about picking up milk before you come home
Love is holding your hand as I commit the rest of my life to one person
Love is squeezing your shoulder and biting my lip to stop from cursing
Love is more than just words scribbled out on a page
Even if it is a four pager love letter

— The End —