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Everything smells differently in the rain
Mostly you on my skin
Loosely running down my fingertips
Between all ten toes


Breaking from you
I took a gold sharpie
Wrote your name on sidewalks
Bathroom walls
The sides of my shoes
The palm of my hands
I wrote your name everywhere

On everything  

So I can ignore how lonely I was
 Jan 2019 Postal Leo
How long do we have to sail to reach your heart?
They said the roads were paved with gold
But all I can see are the wet crushed leaves
the autumn sent crushes my heart
the feeling of warm cider hitting my lips
the way you smiled and hid your face in your cream colored scarf
your smile is the prettiest
so why hide it?
you always had a tired look
in your long sweater sleeves
large and soft
i can only imagine resting my head against your chest
but your gone
you left with the leaves
now they are wet as we can all feel the cold snow breeze
soggy on the dark tar roads
i miss you

— The End —