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I was frantic…
Panic thrummed inside me like vibrating strings
I then clutched to my positive side
But My shiver was deep and wide
Just like the ocean
The danger was like the roar of surf in my ears
Cold feelings grew inside me
I felt as though  they would eat me alive
I swallowed against the knot of fear that raised  in my throat
But I know somehow I couldn’t sink into the swamp of fear..
Because then I’ll never get out…
I love the smell of rain.
It's the smell of life,
of renaissance,
of nature in all its glory.
Sometimes i just stand outside,
in the plain rain,
and let it wash my body
and my mind,
let it cleanse my soul
and wash away my shame and sins.
And I just stand there, thinking.
Thinking about the universe,
thinking about the beautiful nature that surrounds us,
sometimes even thinking about you.
Sometimes I laugh.
Sometimes I cry.
Sometimes I can't feel anything but the rain.
                                                           ­                                  DCimpean
                                                        ­                                               2014
This is an older work of mine, and it was originally wrote as a monologue and I just recently decided to make it public as a poem. It was written in a very special period of time in my teenage life, after experiencing love for the first time. It was just a beautiful rain outside and I considered it deserved a little more admiration, so I put my feelings into words. Hope this speakes to someone else there too. It's about fascination just as much as numbness, gratitude and self awareness and acceptance.

— The End —