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 Feb 2014 T
Ali El-Shourbagy
your eyes never close
your brain won't stop thinking
bags under your eyes
sanity slowly sinking

your life loses hope
you find hope in dreams
since you have no dreams
its hopeless it seems

your skin has gone pale
your eyes have gone red
you're sick day and night
might as well be dead

someday you'll sleep
never to wake
but until that day
there will always be ache

its a sad reality
you must conclude
its also one
you sadly cannot elude

night after night
you "go to sleep"
a pointless endeavor
you don't sleep a peep

is a hard way of life
though you're not really living
you're watching the knife
slowly cut you to shreds
nothing to comfort you
not the pillows or beds

so you sit and you weep
you can curse and you can moan
but this is your life
and its your life alone
 Jan 2014 T
John Edward Smallshaw
If tomorrow never comes and time runs out
will I know?
Will I look back ,and in surprise with wonder flooding through my eyes and wonder where I am?
Will I still be a man or will I be mist
Will you miss me when I'm gone and then will the time that ran out carry on
If tomorrow never comes and I never see another day,
who will pray for me?

It's okay for me to wonder on the reasons why I might be gone,as age begins to take its toll,it seems that I have reached some milestone,attained a goal,
(I score at last when I have passed away)
Will you pray for me
Will you stand beside my headstone,head in hands,crying
or am I prying?
If tomorrow doesn't come and I do go,
will I know.
 Jan 2014 T
The trouble with never sleeping is that you start to develop weird habits and because of my diagnosed anxiety disorder i am constantly paranoid that i will develop ocd and perhaps it will take over my life like mtv true life tells me it will. insomnia is crippling and demeaning because no one understands that i only remember what day it is because i have a ritual every morning at 3:47 am that i cross out yesterdays date and now it officially begins today. the demeaning part begins when someone asks me why im so tired and i have to explain to them that i dont remember what it feels like to sleep for more than 3 hours or i just say its been a long day because who has the time to listen me talk about my sleeping habits or lack there of. in fact, i dont even have the time to listen to myself talk about it even though i’ve had almost 76 hours straight to hear myself talk. i didnt always have insomnia, i think it welcomed itself when you left because i always used to sleep with you, in both meanings of the phrase. i was afraid of the dark so you bought me glow in the dark stars and stuck them onto your ceiling and wrote little love messages on them so when i couldnt sleep at night, i could watch the stars you made for me.

Not laying in your bed anymore caused a **** load of thoughts to come racing back to my head. i thought about the crickets who always stopped chirping at 2:38 am, i thought about how i could hear her mother's coffee maker gurgle from the kitchen even though i was 200 feet away and you always liked to snore in my ear. i thought about the way you painted your room a different color because you thought it made you more grown up. i thought about zipping the back of your dress up before a party almost 10 months ago. i thought about you leaving me to go overseas one day. i thought about the seas. i thought about a boat fighting its way through the ocean and wondering why it wasn't moving anywhere because the captain forgot to pull up the anchor. i thought about not being able to breathe because you're gone. although you're probably home asleep in your bed. you're not over seas. you're not under the seas.

Sometimes you don't need water to drown.
 Jan 2014 T
2 a.m.
 Jan 2014 T
2 a.m is for parties
Showing off to loud music
And a thumping bass
**** and beer being passed around
As we try to forget the tragedy
That is our teenage years

2 a.m. is for the envious
The castaways constantly forgotten
Who wish they could be accepted
But don’t realize their pain
Would prevail either way

2 a.m is for forgetting
With a dreamful escape
Dead for at least a few hours
Because sometimes you just can’t deal with being awake
And suicide is frowned upon

2 a.m. is for remembering
Whether you want to or not
As you lay awake in bed
Mind racing with thoughts and memories
Sleep never comes

2 a.m. is for the lonely
Wishing for someone to hold
Someone who understands
But as they reach for the other side of the bed
They find nothing but empty space

2 a.m. is for the lovers
Happily sleeping in each others arms
Because they’re finally at peace
They can face the world together
And sleep can come easily

2 a.m. is being single
Because love ***** and feelings hurt
And sometimes you just need to find yourself
So you can be independent
And get shamelessly wasted

2 a.m. is for the parents
Who heard their baby cry
Or their kid had a nightmare
Because yeah, sleeping is great
But taking care of your child is so much better

2 a.m. is for alcoholics
Who fake a smile all day
To drink their pain away all night
And wish they could trade their heart
For another liver

2 a.m. is for the sober ones
Who never drink or gave it up
And are fighting the temptation
But everything seems tougher
At 2 a.m.

2 a.m. is for those smart people
Whose minds are always working
To figure everything out
And refuse to take a break
Because that’s just wasted time

2 a.m. is for the dumb people
Who aren't really dumb
They’re just smart in a different way
But after getting called stupid their whole lives
They start to believe it

2 a.m is for the fans
Staying up all night watching their favorite show or band
Because they saved their life
And they are more than willing to do anything for them
And losing some sleep isn't much

2 a.m. is for the students
Who are cramming for an exam
Or finishing their essay
Or maybe just procrastinating
Because ****, school is hard

2 a.m. is for the teachers
Because they need to grade these papers
Or complete the lesson plan
And even if it doesn't seem like it
Teaching is a hard job

2 a.m. is for the doctors
Working the graveyard shift
That have seen way too much in their career
But someones gotta do it
And saving lives is worth it

2 a.m. is for the nurses
Working along side the doctors
Wishing they had the same respect as doctors
But would never give up their job
Because they really are good people

2 a.m. if for the patients
Who are in so much pain
And are fighting for their lives
They just want to get out of this place
That smells a bit too clean

2 a.m. is for the readers
Who can’t put down their book
Because it’s just that good
And refuse to sleep until they know
What happens to their favorite characters

2 a.m. is for the dreamers
Who’s imagination comes to life
At the oddest times
And think life is ******* amazing
If you look at it just right

2 a.m. is for the realist
Who can’t sleep because they know how ****** life is
And lost their innocence long ago
They refuse to sugar coat anything
Because they don’t want others to hurt like they did

2 a.m. is for the poets
Writers whose minds can come up with anything
At any time
And they just have to get up and write it
In fear of forgetting it

2 a.m. is for musicians
Who stay up all night to play a gig
Or finish a song before the magic fades
And they know this sleepless life is hard
But they love it anyways

2 a.m. is for artist
Because that clear vision
Just won’t translate on the sketch
And yeah, it’s getting really late
But that’s no reason to give up

2 a.m. is for the cutters
Who rid themselves of daily pain
With the bitter-sweet kiss of a blade
And new scars
Only to cover them up in the morning

2 a.m. is for saving lives
Because that’s when things get tough
The ones you love are about to give up
But you fight like hell to stop them
And a phone call has never been so important

2 a.m. is for suicide
Because you don’t believe anyone cares
And this is the best time to end your life
Since it’s easier to go unnoticed
And you don’t realize the pain you’ll cause

2 a.m. is for everyone
Because everyone goes through life
Because everyone feels
And every emotion seems a  thousand times stronger
Those late nights at 2 a.m.
 Jan 2014 T
hidden consequence
The scariest thing about being depressed,
Is thinking if someone knows the truth they won't accept you anymore.
Who wants to be with the girl who has cut herself?
Who wants to feel responsible for you when your mood changes constantly?
It's not like I chose to be this way,
So happy one second,
In tears the next.
It's not like I want to be that girl with the scars on her wrist,
The one who can't take criticism,
I hate myself enough you don't need to do it for me.
I guess I am just waiting for the day,
Someone loves me for who I am enough,
To see past the tears and scars,
And take my misery away.
 Jan 2014 T
Miranda Renea
Everybody talks about depression as if they know it.
Like they can feel the blood dripping down their skin,
And they know the sick thought of "Oh -- look how beautiful the red is."
(They always say red is my color.)

As if they laid on their bed for hours on end,
Salt tracks lining their face like the scars on their ankles,
Because tears just won't come anymore.
As if they know staring at their ceiling, tracing patterns in the paint
And thinking "Maybe if I stay here awhile longer, I'll go away --
I'll cease to exist" because they're past the point of suicidal thoughts --
Accepting death in life with this hole in their chest and thinking
Death is a reward, an escape from this pain I deserve to feel.

I know depression. The kind that goes unnoticed --
The kind that takes the metal from a hair tie and not cuts --
But scrapes at the skin on her arm, lying on her bed,
Tears not yet dried up with a mother screaming "MONSTER"
Outside of her door.
I know the kind that cuts on her ankles, not her wrists,
Because she's scared she'll get in trouble but she
Desperately needs to be seen.
And never is.

I know depression. The kind that stops cutting because
She gives up hope that she ever will be.
The kind that accepts being alone, that accepts the pain
Like a gift because she deserves it -- that didn't smile for a year,
That went so far into herself that she forgot what connection was like
Not that she ever knew in the first place because

I know a depression that's always been there.
That started some time before the age of 10 but
She can't remember because the monster inside her chest
Stole those years, those memories.
And that monster took the place of every connection she might have felt --
Stopped it, muted it, because it wanted to be her sole companion.
So it was, and has been for 19 years.

And no one ever knew. Or --
They did, but they'd call her crazy.
Demented. Pathetic. A creep. Tell her she had no right --
That because she had a family, a home, money, whatever,
Because of this, her pain was irrelevant.
Fake - selfish - vain - wrong - she hadn't earned it -
So no one cared.

I know that depression.
3rd slam piece, still a work in progress.
 Jan 2014 T
 Jan 2014 T
When I first met him, I warned him,
"I'm kind of a depressed mess. So if I don't accept your love right away, I'm sorry because right now I'm trying to figure out how to love myself before I can figure out how to love anyone else."
He looked at me, big brown eyes and all, and said, "Maybe I can help you."
In that moment, something inside of me changed
Ever since that day we started talking and talking and talking
The days I knew him turned in to weeks and the weeks then turned into months and soon years
But somewhere along this mess of love and trust,
It turned into tragedy and betrayal.
Basically what I'm saying is this ******* cheated on me. It's funny because all this time
I thought he was going to be the one to throw floaties at me while I was slowly sinking into this sea of sadness, It turns out he was the one tying anchors to my wrists causing me to sink more while slowly whispering to me empty promises.
Instead of preventing my scars he was the one causing them.
Instead of keeping me warm he's the one taking away my blanket
It ***** because all of the soft touches we shared and all of the secretive whispers we would tell each other within the late hours, he would share with someone else.
He would softly touch someone else
Love someone else.
All this time I saw him as sweet and caring
I found out it was just a facade he would put up around me.
On the outside he was beautiful on the inside he was rotting.
He was fake.  It was all fake.  
Now here I am crying with my head between my knees because I wanted so badly for him to be the one.
I want so badly for him to be the one, but he's not.
He never will be.
Maybe I'm the reason he decided to share our love with another or maybe I never had his love in the first place

Im not really confident about this one eh whatever. -b.c.
 Jan 2014 T
Mike Hauser
*Magic Act*
 Jan 2014 T
Mike Hauser
Our relationship is smoke and mirrors
It looks good but doesn't feel right
It's perfect for a magic act
But doesn't work well in real life

You can pull a rabbit out of your hat
But you can't pull out our love
You roll up your sleeves for your very next trick
When rolling up your sleeves isn't enough

It's become a fact that this magic act
Is sawing our relationship in two
Please put away your wand so we can move on
From where I sit, fooled without a clue

I really don't care how it is you do your tricks
There's no need for you to revel
If you'll just take off your cape before our love escapes
And perhaps that love will magically heal
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