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 Jan 2014 T
Alessio Tummolillo
I **** time in cemeteries.

Sticky, humid cemeteries in the summer.
Golden, dead cemeteries in the fall.
Barren, watchful cemeteries in the winter.
Greeting the new dead in the spring.

When I have time to ****, I do it in mausoleums, sepulchers, graveyards.
I use, abuse, and muse over the refused, when I have time to ****.

To remind myself I’m alive.
To remind myself I’ll die.
To remind myself to remember I’ll be forgotten.
To remind myself I’ll be
      Reduced to ashes
      Behind marble plaque
      Thrown in the sea,
      Where I’ll rest for eternity.

Just to remind myself I’m not alone.
That we’re all headed to the Sunset Limited.
 Jan 2014 T
Analise Quinn
You look beautiful today.

2. Thank you for being my friend. I have no idea what I would do without you.

3. You really shouldn't joke like that. Since when are racist jokes, jokes about eating disorders, learning disorders, and physical or mental disorders funny?

4. Tell me about yourself. Not just the warm fuzzy stuff. Tell me about the first time you fell off your bike, how you can’t listen to that one song because the memories are just too much, that you still check under your bed at night for monsters.

5. Ma’am, I noticed that you were crying. I just wanted to say that I’m praying for you.

6. I know you’re leaving soon. Thank you for showing me so much I wouldn't have known otherwise. I've had the time of my life. I’m going to miss you. A lot.

7. Look, you really shouldn't tease like that. I know you’re trying to be funny, but you’re just being a bully.

8. I love you so much.

9. If you need to talk about anything, I’m here.

10. I wish I had said nothing, because sometimes silence says more than words.
 Jan 2014 T
Rebecca Gismondi
I know that I will never marry Jimmy Fallon or Donald Glover or Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
I know that despite the myths, Brussels sprouts taste awesome.
I know that one too many tequila shots will automatically turn you into a philosopher.
I know that the sun sets in the East and rises in the West (or is it the other way around?)
I know that I am most happiest when I'm surrounded by amazing friends in the unseasonably warm March sun and a banjo is playing.
I know that a smile straightens everything out.
I know that although you can't forget the past, you can't let it dictate your future.
I know that having *** for the first time is weird, and so is ****.
I know that my hair is golden, my eyes are blue and I will never be stick-thin as hard as I try.
I know that there are 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week and 12 months in a year. But it never seems to be enough time to figure out who you are.
I know that people come and go but those that love and care for you will stay glued next to you no matter what.
I know that as much as it hurts, you will get over love.
I know that I will never have the courage to rap publicly.
I know that Kim Kardashian's *** is most likely not real.
I know that travel truly broadens the mind.
I know that I'm insecure and over analytical and anxious and easily frustrated.
But I know that I'm also passionate and determined and a hopeless romantic and a picky eater and a restless sleeper.
And above all:
I know that when I look at you I see past your eyes.
I know that when you're around I smile wider and laugh louder and flip my hair more often.
I know I dress nicer to remind you how beautiful you think I am.
I know that I forget to inhale and that the butterfly on my shoulder has to fly up to my ear and remind me to breathe.
I know that I care about you more than anyone.
I know that I let you into every pore of my body, every opening: my heart, my head, my...
I know that I am willing to jump in with my whole body and risk being drenched in water for you.
I know that I can make you as happy as you make me
But I know that you're scared and vulnerable and hurt
But if I'm sure of anything (and mind you, I'm not sure of much)
I know that I will hurt and be afraid and breathe with you to make you love me.
 Jan 2014 T
Dominique Espiritu
1.  My mind is a 20/20 vision pair of eyes.
I can see the specks
and seeds of irritation before they grow.
They were never really good for these eyes.

2.  Let's go to the moon.
And I assure you,
While you sink your feet in moon dust
And swim in empty craters,
While I worry about how dark it is out here,
I get to enjoy the simultaneous twinkle of the stars.

3.  And because I'm paying too much attention,
I might even get to see one fly.

4.  You're thinking about how delicious this lunch is.
I'm counting calories.

5.  So,
what's for dinner?

6.  Hey, if she is
Stabbing my back
With word weapons,
My 561-letter comeback speech
Is always ready
in the front pocket
Of my school bag.

7.  Its always  just a headache,
Never brain cancer.

8.  I love the newly opened eyelids,
In the mornings,
My first breath is a sigh of relief,
I didn't die in my sleep.

9.  She's got a great body.
Her bones read,
No food and a ton of gym time,
I'm sure it's to make you smile.
And I hate to brag,
But I'm mentally fit.
I get to exercise
Analyzing every single detail
Of the twinkle in your eye
Of the flick of your lips
Of the depth of that frown
When you said
you were leaving.

10.  I think I've figured out why.
 Jan 2014 T
Breathing sounds better in pairs.

Musical talent, no matter how minimal is appealing.

Secrets are best kept for duck ponds on rainy days.

Clothes are expendable, experiences are not.

There is always an exception.

Dreaming is not only for the sleeping.

Nothing is better than waking up feeling rested.

Petrichor will always cheer me up.

Being weird on public transit should be on everybody’s bucket list.

Lying in the snow is the most beautiful sound.
 Jan 2014 T
Jonny Angel
You’ve walked the edge,
strung yourself out
on the bent-dreams of others,
stared delirium straight in its ugly face.
Carrying scars from the dark side,
you strut with perfection,
molded from that which isn’t.

And in that vein, you are more
sacred than all the saints
who line the halls of Heaven,
even those devils squatting in hell.
For they are dead memories
& you are living proof.
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