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Sep 2017 · 396
Change !
Gautam vasisth Sep 2017
I'll change
Everything I am,
Everything I was.
And my turn has come
The armour is set
The orders are done
The "game" now is on !
The battles have begun
Jaaved'aani jaan'aejaan
Don't yawn back to sleep
Post Renaissance
Go !
No holding on to root
Which hinders that pursuit
No plunders, wars,or loots
No rapes and guns
No violence or those
Tease or Boo's or hoot  !

Change !
Everything that's bad
All children who'r sad
All oldies ,goldies ,mad !
No touching, judging, *******
To the nuts who're simply glad
the time has come ,
The armours is set
And the orders are done
The "game" now is on
the battles have begun .

Change !

Change !

I'll change
Everything I am .
Everything  I was !

Change .

-Gautam vasisth
I am starting with the man in the mirror. I am asking him to change his ways !
Sep 2017 · 299
" The suicidal girl "
Gautam vasisth Sep 2017
someone is listening.
someone is listening All the time someone is watching your back . Hardships are fun .
boredom is death.
Death is a pause ,and you need a full stop to stop altogether.  
There is no full stop in a circle but a circle of course is a loci after all of a dot. A full stop. Nucleus is you .
You the periphery .
Death will not ease your thing but will delay and embitter the future.
To the one that is you .

— The End —