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CJ M May 2016
Tiny particles of friendship formed between us as we talked in class. It wasn't easy to speak for either of us, but as time went on it became easier.
We Grew.
From a small convo to a late night text within a matter of days, the particles of our association formed a dust in the bottom of our minds.
And we began to gather.
Tell me what we were thinking, you a crush and I a passion. We were destined to get lost in time.
But we strengthened.
We collected under the name of understanding and particle after particle, laugh after laugh, kiss after kiss.
We became a glass as pure and untouched as time itself.
You are my diamond, my passion, my expense, my life
My Love
And I know you can't see it because of the gleams your eyes make when your truth hits my inner shine and the heights are formed.
But it's pieces form slowly as your hands lace in mine and your heart becomes my jeweler.
We are love
We are passion
We are the embrace of admiration.
The product of the kiss between the sun and moon.
Forming Crystals
Tar heart scraped sore by her warm, brown hands. She is so beautiful in so many ways that it's literally unfair.
If only this could build like forming crystals.
CJ M May 2016
What if we got lost tonight? Tell me, would you be glad to be with me?
Because there’s honestly nobody I’d rather be with than you.
It’s just something about you, baby girl, that’s got me wondering if I could know you a little deeper,
If I could be a little closer to you,
If I could be a little louder with you.
Tell me what your pretty eyes see when you look across the table at the image of confusion and chaos known as me. Tell me what you hear when my voice cracks in the morning as I laugh at something stupid.
I’m so numb right now that I can’t think of what I’d say to you, my lips trying not to curl as I notice you bite your lip. How is it that you can’t see you’re taunting me?
Your beauty so noticeable and your purity so undefined that you make children purr, crooning like kittens cuddled into blankets in your warm grasps.
My god, you’re so beautiful. Why am I falling for you? Soothing voice that sends chills through my spines as my body shakes off the dusted burdens of past loves, making room for only you as I readjust my nature to fit yours.
What is it about you, wonder girl? Two years older than me yet an eternity apart. You’re quiet yet speak volumes in your eyes. Sweet and sensitive nature and a Latina sashay about her, yet you see nothing but pure inexperience in her eyes.
Nothing but pure outcast.
We are two, yet we are similar. And I’m drawn to her because of it.
Senior seduction unintended yet ever so real it should be a shame, if only I could get her to even remotely look my way.
She is my phantom, another thought in my mind that might never be fulfilled, another dream at night never turned reality.
Talking in her face and making her laugh at corniness, kissing her lips and looking deep into those pretty dark brown pools, feeling her warmth as our hands connect and her head rests on my proud shoulders.
I will be forever haunted by the dream to feel that love.
To feel a reaction of two cold souls making heat from snow.
To feel the emotion so long cursed and so long denied.

To feel Her love.
CJ M May 2016
I killed her
I told her not to blame me for being the creature that was spawned.
The love we shared made a monster out of me.

I did it.
I slit her throat as I bit her sensually, my tongue tasting blood as it explored her neck.
I sent stabs into her heart as lips touched and hands combined.
I crushed her lungs as I climbed on top, hearing her whine as I rocked slowly, shifting us a little, grinding on her.

But it wasn’t really her…
Just someone who looked as pretty and was infinitely more loose…
But she saw. My love saw me on top of this stranger.
She saw our bodies grinding and heard her moans.
She assumed the worse.

I killed her.
I killed the love of my life with my untrustworthiness.
And I dig the grave of regrets deep enough for the dead to rest comfortably until they seek their revenge on me.
CJ M May 2016
Static builds around my fingertips as I run my fingers down the jacket you left me.
I **** my hand away in shock.
My energy is still electronegative for you.
I try to build up my thoughts and let them tumble, I try to put myself in an emotional slump over you, I try to feel real anguish for  you.
But all I get is magnetic repulsion.
I realize I don’t know you..
So why the hell should I tear myself down
because our intimatic electricity ran its course
CJ M May 2016
I want to say hi to her, I want to tell some stupid joke.
But any glimpse of her eyes gets me paralyzed faster than medusa.
How would I be able to speak if I can’t talk around her?
So I just make her poems that she’ll never know exists.
I spend time fantasizing about how it could be or how I wish it was, but I never speak and any time she’s around, I turn statue. I articulate words with such a finesse that it surprises even me, and then I don’t release the “Masterpiece” to anyone other than the beings in my head.
And yet, I wouldn’t  have it any other way. No, believe me, baby girl, I’ve played the game before and I have a knack for losing it. So I just stay stationary, watching her smile or bite her lip and then looking away fast out of embarrassment at my faith in such an infatuation.
I know it’s crazy, but I guess that’s truly what I search for, the cycle of crush and quiet.
Crush Crazy
CJ M Apr 2016
Alicia, Alicia
Reminding me of a once blissful time. I wonder if you ever think about it. Living a life of laxity and becoming a being of chill from attitude to soul.
You are so beautiful. You remind me of the possibility of our probability your name a legend in my heart.
I still hear your voice telling me goodbye the first time, just smiling with books in your hand… I never stopped smiling that day.
But only a year later, you left for good. I don’t blame anyone, I understand you had to go.
But I want you to know that I watched you walk out that door. I felt solemnity in that last hug and could taste your tears when I kissed your baby brown cheek.
Alicia, Alicia
Where are you now, baby girl?
What’s on your mind and who do you taunt now?
I must have a problem falling for phantoms, for when I finally open up and show my real personality, she always slips past my numb fingers and away into the dark.
old ones..... Lost in my own mind like a mirror gets lost in its reflection.
CJ M Apr 2016
If I get to wish upon a rose tonight
All I want is to see your golden eyes.

I love the way your skin dances in the heat with not an inch of sweat while daunting your perfection.
I love the way your eyes glisten as you catch a moonlit grace from heaven, so beautiful you offend the sun.
I love the way your body sways as your hips swish when you know I’m watching. You’re too seductive for your own good.

But if I could wish for anything, I’d wish for you to drop the act.
Take off that **** make-up, your skin’s beautifully dark brown, don’t change it.
Get rid of that girdle, dear god those his curve without it.
Take off that wig and those fake nails, baby girl, I know your nails look tacky, but your imperfections are perfect so tell me why you need to look like someone else.
And of all the things, take out those blue contacts, for though I know the true color is brown, I can’t see the façade when your contacts are out. I can see naught when I stare at you
Nothing but your golden eyes.
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