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You are the sun
Obscured by the common clouds
that everyone likes
But, what they didn't know is,
Your presence could
get rid of the darkness
Sometimes it just takes,
a little time,
and the world
will finally be yours
and you won't be alone

Under the moon, I stood
The only thing
Close to me
Was my shadow
Casted by the light

I didn't know
What I was feeling
I didn't know
how an empty sky
could amuse me
I realized that,
there is beauty in
everything we see
It only takes a special eye
To witness the truth
hidden beneath the lie

There are times in life
When we fall down,
We try to get back up
But, we can't
People walk over us
And with each step
We get pushed,
Deeper and deeper
Into the ground
We may be fragile
And it may be impossible,
To get back up
But as years pass
Everything will take a turn
And soon, we will rise
Out of the pain
And nothing,
will remain the same
And in the end,
We will be happy again
We will be happy again

Time is one thing
That I despise
Everyday, I see
New faces, new lives
But the people,
I saw yesterday
exist no where, no more
but in my eyes
They exist no where, no more
But, in the memories that lie
at the back of my mind

It's just a thought,
You tell yourself
You know it isn't real
But, you can't trust yourself
There is nothing
in this world
That can stop you,
From distorting reality
you imagine the impossible
And create fear within yourself
A fear, that wouldn't disappear

Staring out the window
Just trying to get rid
Of my sorrow
This loneliness makes me feel
like, I wouldn't be alive tomorrow

How long should I wait
For that blissful day
I feel like there's no way
I feel like I can't escape

It feels like
Being behind a barrier
Behind it, I stand
just waiting for happiness to call
But there is just a little time for me
Before I fall
Just a little time
Before I fall

You stood upon
A bright light
With innocent eyes
But all your truths
Were nothing but utter lies

All that walks
And all that flys
We're nothing great in your sight
Smiling at passers
With hatred inside
You were nothing
but an imbecile
With an extreme pride

You are a thought of superiority
But reality, inferiority
The person you were
Made the person you are
Now all that you wan't
Can't be reached, it's far
Oh it can't be reached, it's far

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