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Persephone Faust Feb 2021
The problem isn't you,
it's me.
I know that its the one phrase,
you're not supposed to say.

But no excuses,
because it really is me.

its me,
because I fell for you knowing
the kind of person you were.

its me,
because I allowed myself to care
for someone who doesn't
care for me.

its me,
because I wear my heart on my sleeve,
and hand  it to those,
who would rather see me bleed,
than ever give me a chance.

its me,
because I knew who you were but I still
fell for you, anyway..
Persephone Faust Jan 2021
You had me at hello, with your hallow love.

You had me enchanted by your beautiful lies.

I wanted your love so badly, that I let myself

Live with your sins.

You surely had me all figured out, you knew  

Me in the most vulnerable ways, that no one  

Else dared to venture.

The things I hated about me, all my insecurities,

You made them disappear from view.

You knew my never-ending lists of fears, &

How the insomnia would set in at night.

Even when I managed to find sleep, my nightmares

Interfered with any peace that I had left.

But still you were there...

Slowly & silently, I started to lose pieces of my  

sanity, and I could feel parts of my soul break within me.

Yet I stayed because I thought this could be fixed.

The fairy-tale I worked so hard to write,

Became ruined with pieces of the reality of all we were.

The Harshest thing I have ever heard you say,

Is that you couldn't love me, broken this way.

What way is it, that you can’t seem to handle?

I’m broken because I tried, to be the perfection

You wanted me to be.  

Despite everything I have done for you, it’s not

Enough for you.

You cannot love me broken,

But I am broken because of you.
Persephone Faust Nov 2020
I lay in my bed,
While thoughts of us drift
in and out of the consciousness
of my mind like holes
within a dream catcher.

When you take my hand
And hold me, we are like
Stars at night, in the
Galaxy far above the world
We live in.

With your hand touching my face,
And your lips on mine,
Together we burst into a

We burn so bright that the
Gods far above us,
Kneel down to feel the warmth
Of all that we are against
Their fingertips.

You and I, we are an extraordinary phenomenon.
Two heathens paired together
To make a perfectly balanced saint.

In a world unwitnessed of miracles,
Let us be a beacon of hope,
A reminder that true love is real,
But that a love like ours is rare.
Persephone Faust Sep 2020
If this is how it ended,
If this is how you died,
Let me finally take a breath.
Because I finally know the reason why.

If this is how I live,
If this is how I survive,
Let me finally close my eyes,
With no more tears to cry.

If this is truly over,
If our bond is truly gone,
Let me play your song,
So I can move on.

If this is how it has to be,
If this is honestly goodbye,
Let my heart hug you one more time,
To last me, this lifetime.

Four years to this day,
You were taken away.
I have suffered,
I have cried,
I have screamed,
I have grieved,
And a part of me died.
It’ll never make sense to me,
Why you had to go.
But it’s time to move on,
And it’s time to let you go.
But I promise you that I
Will carry you Forever in my soul.
For you, my big brother.
May your soul rest in ease.
Persephone Faust Sep 2020
I don’t want to be someone just like you.
I want you to love me for being someone like me.

Emotional, sensitive, passionate, eccentric are just some of the words that make me, who I am.

I don’t fit into any box that society has built, my personality, my uniqueness, suffocates in the confines of those walls.

I just want someone to look at me, and think, she outshines most of the stars.
I want someone to get to know me, and not just physically.

I want that deep intimate personal connection that you get when you know the other person, knows you like the back of their hand.

I want someone to think that the moon rises with me and the sun sets with me.
I want to be loved openly and unapologetic.

I want to be known.
I want to be learned.
I want to be loved, the way I’ve loved those who didn’t deserve my love.

But we’re only human
Persephone Faust Aug 2020
I’ve walked this world 1000 years.
And I will it walk it, 1000 more,
Because this world is dark.
Darkness has become my home.

Cursed into eternity,
Fearful of the light,
I walk the corpse filled alleys,
And barely notice the ****** needles pushed to the side.

I roam from one place to another,
Feeling alone.
My family has long been buried,
No-where is my home.

From street to street,
Past burned down churches,
Abandoned ghettos,
Leaving behind the ghosts of
People who have no tombstones.

No noise.
Dead silence.
The smell of decay.
Where there once were children,
But they no longer come out and play.

Where love once resided,
Is an empty black space,
Where my heart once was,
A shrouded coffin has taken its place.

My humanity is gone.
The fact of loneliness remains.
My memories I once treasured,
Are buried by your grave.
Persephone Faust Aug 2020
It’s burning in my throat.
Spewing from my mouth like flames!
This anger and hatred,
I’m no longer the one to blame!

You broke my spirit,
Spurned my love,
Tossed me away,
Like trash that no one could love!

I’ve kept quite for too long.
I’ve got your ***** laundry and it’s a mile long.  
You want to know how it feels,
To have your insides ripped  and peeled?
Just call me Hannibal Lecter,
The lies on the tip of your tongue,
Would make quite a meal.

I’m aiming for your spark
You have no heart to speak of,
so I’m gunning for your brain.
My words are the bullet that splatters,
Your so called logic, like rain.

You want to question my character?
Call plays on my behaviors?
Go ahead, do it,
I’ll survive every play you can think of.

There’s something dangerous about a woman,
With hatred on her mind,
You’ve committed ******,
I’m getting revenge for your crime.

You killed the old me,
She’s buried with no dignity,
Much like a phoenix I rise from her ashes,
And I dare you to try again.

I’m the lightning you’re frightened of,
I’m the rain that floods your world
I am the goddess of damnation,
The queen of filth and degradation,
I rise above all your mortal whims,
You can’t hurt me this time..
I Win...
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