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 Aug 2013 Pendragon
My big brother, big sister and I .
Fourteen ,ten and I was nine,
Cried more  tears then we ever cried.
Our mother had committed suicide.We'd already been through  qiute a bit. We were babtized that lifes one thing you  just cant quit.Our Mom committed the biggest sin.I refused to imagine which place she  was in.It was the one thing I couldnt bare.   I d  seen alot more evil then Id ever  seen of good\ We found our selves there questioning  God.My brother  bent his brow and gave a  nod. He thought a careful moment  and scratched his  head.He  then leaned in close and this is what he said, "For right now how about looking at ot like this Instead..?
You  don't have to wait till your
darkest hour. To admit to yourself
you believe in a higher power.
It's like telling white lies ,everyone
knows  we all  do it. And you know
they do it too.Don't believe me?
I can proove it to you. Proove me wrong,
I dare you to. Take this dare.  
Bowed in prayer,Be thankful for  care.
Greatful hearts for all our mercies and despair.
Be Blessed, us all,your  with the gifts we recieve.
Wealth of knowledge from lessons
in the burdens that we bare.
Our faith mirrors our existance.
A life worth living.Sharing and giving,
helping hand one good deed,
without expectation.With out even a whisper
of taking credit.An angel to guard
inpure thoughts,another for my words.
Together  both in charge of my deeds.
Provide for my essential needs.
So that I don't mistake them for my wants.
The regret that haunts.Gifts of good fortune
one never flaunts.When
we fail to fullfill.No weapon or pill
upon my own self be done.
Judging no one.
gossiping upon no one. Do not listen
nor tell Any one.No false pride
Or mask to hide.Beauty comes from
whats inside. Swallow your pride
I am forgivin. I will forgive,
because we are human. Because
we live. Give what you can give.
.No less,When the cuphas been filled
it can hold no more.We've done our best.
When in error just confess.
No man alive.Him nor I ,
has the right to choose
how either of us die. Do not lie.
When I look at him and he looks at me,
We are not consumed with greed or envy.
I refuse to be his enemy,the way  that satan
would like it to be, I have no hate in me.
Music and love, respect and honesty,
Wheather or not anyone else can see.Patience
understanding and an opened mind.And being
somebody  to believe. Being someone
whose kind.Being somebody
that somebody can trust. Be fair and be just.
Be very wary of whomever you lust.
Look down on no one unless your
helping them stand, if put in power
don't be grand.Don't let that power go to your head
Keep it in your heart instead.And every night
when you go to bed.Bow your head  and pray.
I promise if you live this way. And say this poem
every day. Unhappiness will stay away.You
will not be afraid.You  will not want for anything.
You'll be pleasantly  surprised at what each day will bring.
And everyone around you will see it too.
You will be sufficiantly sufficed. It's not  a  religion
It's called living life. It's that feeling you feel
right now inside. It  won't be denied.
It's believing in my believing in you,
It's me believing you two feel that too.
You can call it God...
You can call it whatever you to.
Call it love.It's in each of us.
This power thats greater and higher above.
But its not about religion  or going along
You know the difference betwren right and wrong .Your hard enough on yourself when the heat is on.And most imortant of anything at all if you absolutely HAVE to lie....
......look them in the brows....not in the eyes.
 Aug 2013 Pendragon
And she's trying her hardest to fall asleep but she can't because every time she closes her eyes, she's terrified of what she sees.
 Aug 2013 Pendragon
There was once this girl I liked.
I liked her so much,
it made me lose my breath,
every time we talked.

Yes, she was that incredible..

But, there was a few things I didn't like,
her lack of emotion when it came to feelings,
how she always used to press my buttons,
just to get a reaction,
how she lead me on,
just to break me down.

A true player, she broke hearts for fun,
just to cheer herself up when she felt down in the dumps,
she ******* up quite a few people's hearts.

I remember the first time I spoke to this girl,
she seemed nice at first, until,
her mood became worse.

It came to the point where we used to fight,
and have this certain distance for weeks,
she always said she was 'done',
then weeks later, she'd come back around,
saying she was sorry and that she felt dumb.

This happened on many occasions,
but even at her worst,
she was still the best,
in my blinded eyes.

This behavior went on for years,
and while I was swallowing my tears,
she was showing her smiles.

Cruel was an understatement.
She knew how I felt,
and made fun of,
my feelings.

The girl I loved, played with my heart,
and I was too blind to see,
this wasn't the one for me.
But, I gave her a chance,
hoping she'd change,
wow, I was wrong,
but, I couldn't move on,
at that point in time.

She broke hearts for the thrill of it,
how sick is that?
Too mean.
But I'm done.

Y'know, when we first spoke,
her plan was to make me fall,
her plan was to lead me on,
and then break my heart.

But guess what?
Her plan failed.
She, herself, fell in love.
And couldn't cope with that,
so she ignored me for weeks,
but came back always,
because she missed me that much.

The player failed at her own game.
Instead, she fell in love,
with the one she wanted to break,
and after that, she sorta 'changed' her ways.

Until, six days ago.
The ex who I tried to keep,
as a best friend,
she gave up on me again.

Wondering why I act so surprised...
I knew this would happen,
but at what time?
I never knew.

I guess a part of me wants her in my life,
but as a friend.
Just wish our friendship,
wouldn't always end/re-mend.

Some friends are hard to be around,
feels like the old connection is gone,
like, you're with a stranger in a room,
and all you can do is try your best,
to make that work out.
If you can't,
then I guess,
that friend,
you have to live,
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Aug 2013 Pendragon
My stable house of cards is about to collapse
My stomach is literally in knots
Trying to cope with all this
This sense of unhappiness
Which affects my relationships
More than it probably should
It's all so mixed up
I wish I could
Run away from my thoughts
But I know I can't
So I'm drowning in those
Like a girl that can't swim
In the rivers of love
In the rivers of pain
Constantly trying
To give herself healing
To try and cover her wounds
But she knows she never could
Lost, misunderstood
Trying to hold on
Trying to stand
On the cold
Hard ground
Even though
She would rather

© Natali Veronica 2013.

This poem is not exactly great, but I felt like writing this...because of the mood I'm currently in.
 Aug 2013 Pendragon
Tim Knight
RE: an open letter to the sciences

                To the laws of science, physics and attraction,

it's the reaction when I wink
that I'm worried about, it's my weak link,
my loose link, a failing eye that cannot blink
in a ****, discreet, try-and-compete-with-this,
In bars and upon streets is where I wish to catch the eye
of a woman walking the opposite way, on a wind
that makes her walk a little quicker than usual,
it's then, at this point, just as she passes,
that my left lid would close is a gentle flash
and I'd swoon into her memory
as, that-guy-who-gave-me-a-non-weird-completely-in-context-wink.
This­ is where you come in laws of science, physics and attraction,
I'm failing to achieve such a goal, I'm a gimmick;
they'd probably use it against me to appear the better person
in a conversation they may have without me,
help me laws.
I know you're just textbook pages stored in classroom drawers,
but you must be filled with information about casual flirtation,
maybe a how-to chapter on how to capture the eye of someone
or a section on how to practice the wink in a reflection, in a mirror,
somewhere else that isn't here.

Science. Physics. Attraction. I know my grades
in you were less than perfect, abysmal I will admit,
but I'm asking for your wisdom.

Tim Knight
Age: Inadequate
 Aug 2013 Pendragon
I walked into your hospital room,
And looked at,
Your fragile body.
You'd lost much weight since I'd last seen you,
Your skin was a sickly yellow,
And you seemed weak.
As you were watching TV,
You didn't see my small nine year old self,
Peak at you from behind the curtain.
I saw machines hooked up,
To your arms and chest,
Wires going this way and that.
I heard the beep of the heartbeat machine,
Measuring your steady heartbeats.
Thrilled to see you were still breathing,
But still frightened as I knew,
Your time was coming to an end.
I looked at you,
But you didn't move,
Absorbed in a soccer game.
So I took a tentative step forward.
"Daddy?" I whispered.
Your head turned and instantly,
You smiled,
Your blue eyes glistening like your whole day was made,
Just because of my appearance.
"Come here." you said,
Inviting me to sit next to you.
You put your arm around me,
And asked me how my day was.
We talked about many things,
And got caught up,
Since the last weekend I had come to see you.
We continued watching the soccer game together,
Cheering our favourite team.
So we had father/daughter time in a hospital,
But it's fine,
Because at least I was spending time with you,
And making your last few moments on this Earth,
As special as possible.

 Aug 2013 Pendragon
He was like the thunder
8 miles, 7 miles, 9 miles,
suddenly, three. Suddenly
gone. Suddenly,
rain, suddenly
(c) Brooke Otto
 Aug 2013 Pendragon
Analise Quinn
I've heard it said
"People fear
What they don't understand."

So does that mean
They fear me?

Because I don't always understand myself,
And I don't understand exactly why I'm different
But I don't fear being different.

Sometimes I do things
And they don't understand why,
But sometimes the secret is
Neither do I.
But it doesn't scare me.
I wonder if it scares them.

I like being different,
But sometimes it's hard.
It causes bruises,
Leaves scars,
Because being different
Means sometimes
People make comments
They don't think you hear.
Maybe it helps them
Lessen their fear.

Just think of it like this:
I don't understand all the science behind
Or planets
Or sunrises
And sunsets,
But I still see them as beautiful.

For every person
Who's scared
Because they don't
Understand you,
There's ten people
Who find you beautiful
Because they don't understand.
I'm coming home baby
Thumbs up
Bags packed
I'm on the highway now
Heading in one direction
I don't care if it takes weeks
Baby I'm hitchhiking home
I'll be there soon
Soon enough to make love to you
Claim you finally saved
Finally able to be happier
I'm not afraid of serial killers
****** can **** my dead body
I'm coming to you
Coming home and feed you my affection
I'll pass any test
A's no B's or C's
Trails will be burned
Tribulations already surpassed
Even before they are set
Baby I'm hitchhiking home
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