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Let go
Without resistance
Let life flow
Pause for a moment
In the joy of existence
 Jan 16 Pagan Paul
It was a look in her eyes I'd never
seen in his-
Taken a bit off guard but
looking, as it is-
Respectfully, she's got respect but
don't know how to read a room
Respectfully, after a year she stopped making me feel desired
Broken finger, love still as tombs--

I miss that look in her eyes.
She became for me what he was.
Took me a bit off guard but
also built up over a year or two-
Respectfully, I wouldn't ****-talk her but also sometimes she was mean
Don't know, did she intend it?
Or are we all needlessly cruel things?

By the end I felt disgusting.
The beginning was sublime.
I read these poems and realize,
we did it right, and she was mine...
But I see now loving isn't always enough.
You have to work at it.
She tired of working.
I had to leave.
Lycoris radiata, or red spider lily: Loss, separation
 Jan 3 Pagan Paul
Red cotton thread looped
into a sharp silver needle.
Reliable, sturdy, practiced stitches.
In. Out. In. Out.
A repeated chant
as the needle continues its marching dance,
Its duty and its purpose.
Every ***** of the needle
draws little beads of pretty crimson blood,
the thread ties together
the pieces that have broken
and festered and weeped.
it’s been a never ending
rhythm of reinforcement.
Keep it in, keep it together.
The silver needle does its job.
The red cotton thread wears fast.
 Jan 3 Pagan Paul
I know I am as weak as I allow myself
And as strong as I make myself
For that is the truth of weakness and strength.
It’s all about will.
 Dec 2023 Pagan Paul
Edmund black
I write to paint a picture
of my dream today
Just in case my dreams
Doesn’t exist tomorrow.
Every letter
Is a piece of my spirit.
Every word
Is a prayer to be
Without escaping
From myself
While escaping
Within myself
The road that follows,
Is bliss
Sometimes I wonder if we are living a dream. If the life we’re living is actually real or if we are asleep believing that the dream is life.
Perhaps that explains why some do not want to wake today
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