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 Aug 2023 Pagan Paul
so many people
have written about the heart.
why not about feet?
no, c'mon guys, i'm serious, it's not-- no i'm being serious, this isn't--
 Aug 2023 Pagan Paul
 Aug 2023 Pagan Paul
But eyes that cannot see yours
and hands that cannot feel your warmth

my love, I would rather whither with the wind.

I would rather walk backwards to get closer
to you.

I would rather go back to the stars, come back
and start anew, just to return once more to you.

and so
he cracked him in the head
with the pool cue,
it's your  game,
he said to the man

and walked out of the bar
song birds were singing
and  he delighted
in dark shadows overtaking empty streets
in the distance
a dog did howl,
found that fascinating
the barking of a dog distant and growling

he bought a lottery ticket
got the numbers from
the obituary page
of the asbury park press
never checked the numbers
never wanted

on longs peak
he made it to broadway
when the hail came down
and the ledge
was coated with ice
and the view
down to chasm lake
was obscure
it tickled a lonely spot
in his imagination
and the ledge was where
he always wanted to be
he had figured it all out
the in s and out
of never giving a ****
the cards we are dealt
at birth
are marked

one day i saw his
on the obituary page

and he had the BIGGEST smile
Golden bronze haze.
Soft embrace, hold me tight.
Cold breeze.
Take a walk towards life’s winter.
Watch all the trees changing.
Like goals of life, not achieved.
From gold to terracotta to earth.
Traveling leaves.
Shattered dreams.
Elegance in born bold silhouettes.
Nature’s wonder on repeat.
Life’s light will light up again.
Warm coat, comfortabel boots.
Hugging shawl in cool colors.
Take a walk, look around.

Be thankful
to be part of this creation.
Live your seasons of life well.
They pass so quickly.

Shell ✨🐚
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