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 Oct 2020 OmRh
Mary Anne Norton
The moon sits
Patiently in
The sky
Waiting for me
To look up
And say goodnight
Stars loosing their glitter
Waiting for acknowledgement
Planets dancing  for
A word of praise
The big dipper
Waiting to scoop up
A peek or two
Oh such a universal
Display at night
If I would
Just look
 Oct 2020 OmRh
Mary Anne Norton
Things just got bad
Sadness centered around
Flowers drooping
Tears flowing
No sun in sight
I need a voice
I need a poem
Rambling thoughts.nothing real.
Just collected thoughts
 Oct 2020 OmRh
Ashley Rowan
sometimes i remember
that i’m in my twenties
and it feels like i’m almost
running out of time
even when people
tell me there’s plenty
and it’s tiring
being in a world
that only goes in fast forward

so most of the time
i’m lying down here
wishing I was a weeping willow
hanging over a swan pond
and be at peace
 Oct 2020 OmRh
Courtney O
Life rolls on like waves
too peaceful, lull me, babe
I will put down the pen
I will write with stardust,
over my days
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