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95 · Feb 2022
If I Have You
Sarah Spencer Feb 2022
I'm all you have,
and I know that's sad,
but we'll both be fine,
because when one of us cries
we'll still face our fears,
we won't be alone to dry our tears,
so dry your tears, Love, don't be blue,
I'll be fine if I have you.
95 · Nov 2021
Little Girl
Sarah Spencer Nov 2021
Little girl with wide, scared eyes
doesn't know what to do with her life,
or how to make her own decisions.
She knows what mommy and daddy would want,
but their ideas seem boring and off.

Little girl with puffed out cheeks,
and eye rolls and snarky comments,
wants to rule her own life and
everyone around her.
She's selfish and rude and doesn't
take account for her own actions.

Little girl with cut up wrists
doesn't know where everything went wrong.
All she knows is that the pain
makes her feel sane, in the moment,
but, in the end, makes her feel worse.

Little girl with a high school diploma
finally needs to **** it up and grow up.
The world won't stop for her.
All it cares about is whether she's paid her taxes.
She needs to realize that not everyone
is going to love her.
Not even herself.
94 · Jan 2019
Sarah Spencer Jan 2019
I know you cant see me
im nothing to you
I just wish you could be
for once something true
do you have to lie
even to the ones you love
will you even try
to be something proud of?
94 · Apr 2022
Love of My Life
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
She's the sweetest little girl I swear,
the girl with the halo of hair.

Her eyes might be an icy blue,
but deep inside there lies a different hue,
one that's brighter than the sun's rays,
that blooms far wilder than the flowers of May.

Yes, she may be beautiful,
but she's also the girl who pulls
on my heartstrings when she holds me close,
who doesn't make me feel like a ghost,
whose smile brightens up my day,
who doesn't judge the things I do or say.

I knew the second I saw her she was the one for me,
the one who will always make me happy
and though she's a girl, she's the love of my life,
who I hope will one day become my wife.
Yeah I know this poem is cheesy. Deal with it:P
93 · Jan 2022
Music. Is. Life.
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
Headphones in my ears,

tuning the world to white noise,

turning off my senses.

All that matters is the beat,

pumping blood into my veins,

breathing a clear calm into

this instrument of a body.

Music. Is. Life
93 · Mar 2022
Sarah Spencer Mar 2022
We'll see the same moon
when you watch from your window.
Sit and remember me,
soak in our memories
till you taste those tears so bittersweet.
But do not stay sad,
instead stretch a smile
and be happy that I was your's
and you were mine,
even if it was only for a short time,
if we share the same moon
we'll both be fine.
I will find my way back to you,
when the sun sets
it doesn't go away forever,
but comes back just as beautiful as before
as a blazing sunrise.
So for now look to the moon,
I will be back soon,
I will find my way back to you.
I promise.
I will be giving this poem to someone very special to me:) <3
Sarah Spencer Sep 2021
I know this sounds stupid.
I know to you it's second nature,
but I'm gonna thank you anyways.
Thank you for being the
only boy in history,
whose ever kissed me,
who hasn't tried
to put a hand up my shirt.
When the only person you've ever dated only wanted you for your body and what you could "give" to them, you start to think all men are like that. Though there are a lot of men who do expect these things from females, there are decent guys out there if you know where to look. My new boyfriend gives me hope for the male gender. I thank him so much for that.
93 · Jan 2022
I Have Lived
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
I have loved and I have lost
I have laughed and I have cried
I have created and I have destroyed
I have lived... and now I must die
92 · May 2020
You're Gone
Sarah Spencer May 2020
I thought for sure the weight had been lifted
that I would finally be able to hold
the breath in my lungs,
the food in my stomach,
and the thoughts in my head

except now I'm smothered
breath panicky and restrained
food filed in the trash
thoughts spinning spider's webs

was it the barbed fangs
or the spear-like horns
that drove you away from me?
was it the painted smile
and delayed laughter?

then my head was diluted with worries,
laced with lies,
high on just the mere idea of you

and now there's this void
swirling in my stomach,
the same infinitely expanding blackhole
that my science teacher said
devoured all light

Maybe I'm more of a monster these days,
being viewed by spectators
through tunneled vision

or maybe, for once,
what I'm seeing in the mirror is the ever so faint
outline of a human...
92 · Sep 2018
Silver Wings
Sarah Spencer Sep 2018
The brown eyed girl
believed she was nothing but a defect
but I believe she just hasn't begun to unfurl
her own set of silver wings yet

heart of sunshine
laughter of wind chime

she is beautiful
brown eyes so full and bright
her smile that will never dull
has showered everyone in her light

full of brains
no refrain

one day she won't need me to sew her wings
and she'll fly to history
leave a burn if anything
hand in hand with me.
91 · Aug 2021
Sarah Spencer Aug 2021
Flat stomach
poking ribs
jealous girls
wanna be thin

Empty stomach
growing hunger
cannot eat
just a little longer

My distraction
my punishment
I deserve
this discontent
I starve myself as a way to cope/punish myself. It helps me stray away from the constant suicidal thoughts in my head.
Sarah Spencer Aug 2021
I think I kinda sorta like you
at least that's what I think
I can't even look at you
without turning pink

You're out of my league
I'm trying to touch the stars
trying to pursue you
will only leave scars

I think I kinda sorta like you
you're the only one who gets me
when our hearts beat together
I feel casual and carefree

It's probably just a faze
In a few days this will end
I really need to stop this
I do have a boyfriend

But I think I kinda sorta love you...
90 · Aug 2021
Losing My Mind
Sarah Spencer Aug 2021
I was shaking and shrieking

rolling thunder thrumming in my ears
electricity crackling in my fingers and toes
the wind whishing my hair every which way

Lighting flashed and I lost my mind

trees fell one by one and made my home a prison
the sky cracked open and tore the world in two
people shook and shrieked as they fought for their lives

I couldn't keep from laughing at it all
trauma changes the best of us. don't know if ya'll will understand it.
90 · Feb 2022
Number 4
Sarah Spencer Feb 2022
On a scale of 1 to 10
they say I'm a 4,
below average.
If I got a 4 out of 10 on a test
I'd be failing with an F.
Yet when it comes to smarts,
I get straight A's in school,
perfect 10's on every paper.
But nobody ever sees the smart girl
all they see is the ugly 4.
I'll never be more than just a number...
90 · Feb 2022
Sarah Spencer Feb 2022
Sometimes I look outside
while it's raining rampant
and remember the simple times
when I used to believe
you could dodge the raindrops
and not get wet
if you were fast enough,
or how I used to race the raindrops
as they slid down the window
when I was stuck inside
for the day to play instead.
Those were the little things I worried about as a kid.
Now I worry about
what I'm gonna do after high school
when I'm thrown out into the world,
or if I'll be lucky enough to have someone
want to settle down and start a family with me,
or if I'll even make a big enough mark
for at least one person
to remember me by when I die.
And since I can't rewind my life,
I'm stuck staring out the window at the raindrops
to remember those memories
that can only be found from childhood.
Just thought it again while
90 · Mar 2022
We'll Carry On
Sarah Spencer Mar 2022
We'll carry on
when all is gone,
charging strong
into the dawn.
90 · Nov 2021
Basket Case
Sarah Spencer Nov 2021
Dating me is like
getting a new puppy.
I might look cute and cuddly
in the animal shelter,
but when you take me home
you realize all I do is
*** on your floor and
chew up your furniture.
89 · Apr 2022
The Most Beautiful Thing
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
I've always been able to admire
those girls that can go about their day
without caking concealer on their face,
those girls that wake up in the morning
and look in the mirror
and smile at each of their imperfections
as if they were beauty marks.
And when I see that same girl
walking down the street,
I can't help but smile,
because that girl decided
to block out the screams of society
and love herself despite her flaws.
That, to me, is the most beautiful thing.
89 · Nov 2021
3 AM Thoughts
Sarah Spencer Nov 2021
Waking up in a pool of sweat and tears,
my memories haunting my nightmares.
I had just fallen asleep at 2 a.m
because I stayed up all night stressing.
Because I was afraid to face you
the following morning.

I thought I'd slept for hours,
that I had just forgotten
to set my alarm on accident.
But when I squinted to see,
the red numbers only read 3.
And though I'm physically tired,
I've never felt more mentally awake.
89 · Jan 2022
Love is Evergreen
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
Love is evergreen.
No matter how much you
want it to wilt like a flower,
It will always find a way
to grow back again.
87 · Sep 2019
Sarah Spencer Sep 2019
sixth-period algebra
front row
left side seat
brown hair
black glasses
bright smile

Did you know?

that she sat next to you
the whole year

Did you know?

about the hidden moments we
were together

Did you know?

how her hand fit
with mine

Did you know?

that I sometimes wish I were with her
instead of you

You didn't know?!

well now you do
87 · May 2020
Glass Window
Sarah Spencer May 2020
I'm thinking clearly
looking through a glass window
  feeling more insane
86 · Jan 2022
Everyday Angel
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
Only I could see her halo
and its heather hinted glow
as she pushed a cart down aisle eight
and selected a sack of seedless grapes.

I bet her voice sounds smooth like a lullaby,
I bet she bears wings that take her to the sky.
But I'll never know if she really is an angel,
because girls like her don't dance with devils.
Random thoughts led to this poem.what started out as a poem about my gf turned into something with an entirely different meaning. And god, I need to stop coming on here so much. I need to get a life...
86 · Dec 2021
Falling in Love
Sarah Spencer Dec 2021
When I fall in love,
I fall hard.
Flat on my face,
scraping both knees,
scuffing both hands.
And no,
I'm not gonna need a band aid
I'm gonna need stitches,
I'm gonna have scars.
I guess that's what I get
for falling so hard.
To all the people I've written love poems to on here over the last four years: Michael, Anthony, Elizabeth, Robert, and Trever. This poem is for youXD
Sarah Spencer Sep 2021
They say if you love someone
set them free,
but where does that
leave me?
Am I never allowed
to be selfish?
All give and no take,
I'm pretty selfless.

I've given you my heart but I cant have
yours in return?
Now that stings, I'll even admit
that it burns
If I cant even have something as
simple as that,
then where do I draw
the line at?
When will I finally show you
out the door?

What am I even fighting for
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
If I killed myself
would you notice me for once?
Would you even care?
84 · Dec 2021
I Never Said I Was Brave
Sarah Spencer Dec 2021
They say the truth sets you free,
but it only puts me in chains,
roots me like a tree
no matter what society claims.

Sometimes I start thinking
What if I had lied?
Would I still be sitting here sinking?
Would you not have cried?

Sometimes some things
should be taken to the grave.
Because the truth hurts, it stings.
I never said I was brave...
I've been going through nothing but pain for the last two months all because I told the truth. I thought I was going to be rewarded for doing the right thing. I couldn't have been more wrong. I'm done telling people the truth.
84 · Feb 2022
Good Enough
Sarah Spencer Feb 2022
You're an achiever,
a go-getter.
You grab the world by the horns,
you direct the ocean waves
you can do anything,
have anything you want.
That's just a part of who you are,
always needing more,
constantly starving
and striving to be
stronger and braver and smarter,
which is why I'll never be
good enough for you.
84 · Jan 2022
My Only Escape
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
This place is a home
even though it doesn't have walls.
It's the place I can run to
when the demons won't
stop swirling in my head
like a tornado turning the wrong way.
It's the place I can shelter from the storm
even though there is no roof to keep me warm.
It's fate that I came across this place.
No matter how long I stray away
I always come back.
I'm drawn to this place like a moth to light,
like a phene to nicotine.
Hell, I'd probably be dead in a ditch today
if this place hadn't of let me stay
where I won't freeze to death,
where I don't have to fight the thoughts in my head,
where I am sure I'll be safe.
I'll always be thankful for this place,
because it's my one and only escape.
Hello Poetry is my escape. Thank you to the people who created this place!!!
84 · Mar 2022
Empty Shell
Sarah Spencer Mar 2022
I've lost everyone
and everything I love,
I've been broken down,
I'm nothing but an empty shell.
This place is purgatory,
I'd rather be in hell,
at least then the blazing flames
would make me feel something
even if all I felt was pain,
because right now
I'm nothing but an empty shell
that feels nothing for nobody.
random poem that has affected my mood for a while.
83 · Aug 2021
My Life Quote
Sarah Spencer Aug 2021
"You can't love someone who never had a heart to begin with"
Please stop pursuing people who aren't ever going to love you back. Believe me, I feel you I found out the hard way
82 · Feb 2022
Nightmare(narrative poem)
Sarah Spencer Feb 2022
He comes to me in the night,
a black, looming mass
that merges with the shadows.
The headlights from the passing cars
through the window make him dance,
giving him movement
as if he were alive.
He tiptoed his way to my bed
to tower over me,
a pair of blood red eyes
shining through the shadows,
piercing through my soul,
reading my every thought.
And that's when the figure began to change,
the shadows twisting,
and turning,
and transforming.
First it was an arm, then a foot,
and then the figure
turned into something more familiar.
It had your devious grin,
your sinister voice,
your icy touch.
"I missed you," it said with a voice of silk.
It traced the edge of my face with a finger,
its eyes full of hunger, its heart full of evil.
"Did you miss me?"
In that moment I knew I was already dead.
I squeezed my eyes shut and screamed,
my heart slamming into my stomach.
I never woke up.
Every nightmare I ever had of you
82 · Nov 2021
Sarah Spencer Nov 2021
On the verge of tears.
I never cry in front of people.
I haven't in years.

But then there was you
who didn't know
when to let things go.
Then there was you
who continued to poke the stick
at the bear
like it'd do the trick,
like it'd make me feel better
instead of under the weather.

Every time people pry
I cry.
I explode,
going full throttle
down the wrong road.

Then you wonder why I'm upset
when you were the one who wouldn't let
me be in peace.
81 · Dec 2021
Self Love
Sarah Spencer Dec 2021
Self love.
Something I'm incapable of.

I'm like a jigsaw puzzle,
I'm worthless without others
surrounding me.
Others who make me look more
interesting, and kinder, and funnier
than I really am.

Because deep down I'm
a scared little girl with eyes
so wide you can see the whites.
A naive little girl who
falls in love and
gets trapped like a fly
stuck in a spider's web.
A brat of a little girl who is
too ignorant and too quick
to question and judge others.

Self love.
Something I will never be capable of.
Because I will never accept
the person I really am.

Because I despise myself more
than I despise my worst enemy
Just a random crap poem that's been sitting in my drafts for too long
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
This world feels too small
even though there are seven continents
and five, frothing oceans,
maybe I just feel small
because people today don't touch
each other's hearts the way they used to,
instead, we go through every social setting
without so much as sharing a smile with another,
we no longer lift each other up
when we feel sad or lonely or small,
we just sit and stare down at our phones,
no, that's not loving at all,
that's just lonely,
and that's the last thing I want to be.
80 · Dec 2021
You're All I Need
Sarah Spencer Dec 2021
I want to be the type of person
who inspires others,
who has people look up to me
like I look up to my idols.
I want to be the type of person
who picks people up
when they're down
and looking to the ground.
I want to be the type of person
who can be depended on
and is like a rock
for those who are crumbling.
I want to be the type of person
who does the right things
and who has a good sense
of judgment and justice.
I want to be the type of person
who is loved
and won't hesitate
to give love where there is loss.
But most of all
I want to be the type of person
who you love
because you are all that I need to be happy
and when I'm around you
I don't have to be anybody but myself.
I wish there was someone in the world like that...
80 · Nov 2021
Always Torturing Me
Sarah Spencer Nov 2021
Do you like her more
because she's more talkative?
Because she comes as blunt as a pencil
but with words that stab like a knife?
Do I need to change
in order for you to like me?

Because I know when you look at me all you see
is someone who is not her.
Someone that is not worth your affection and time.

Your actions stab me like a knife.
when I saw you two walking together.
when I heard you tell her she was beautiful.
When I smelled the remnants of her perfume on you.

You're killing me slowly,
never hitting a major artery,
always torturing me.
Sarah Spencer Dec 2021
I want to talk to you
but I can't.

It would be too awkward
with the looming elephant
in the room,
the thing that divided us
like the sun and the moon.

The chasm between us is only widening
with each passing day
because I find it frightening
just to look you in the eye
because of the things I've done.

And because of my mistakes
I am no longer the one
who gets to hold you tight.
I'm the reason
that I sleep alone at night...
I haven't done any sort of rhyming poem in a while so thought I'd try again. I'm pretty rusty at it so I'm sorryXD
80 · Dec 2021
A Penny For Your Thoughts
Sarah Spencer Dec 2021
If they say you get
a penny for your thoughts
wouldn't I be a millionaire by now?
I tend to think a little too muchXD
Sarah Spencer Nov 2021
It's been near a year
but I still miss you.
You hate my guts
but I still love you.

I should have known
you didn't miss me
when you went days
without speaking to me.
I should have known
you didn't love me
when you didn't take the time to know
my brain like you did my body.

But now you're gone.

My bed is empty and cold.
But I don't care about that.
I miss the laughs and smiles
that I had to work to get out of you.
I loved the way your eyes lit up
when you talked about something you loved.

And now I know that something
was never going to be me.

When we broke up you never gave
any sort of apology for the things you did,
but instead you said

"Well, at least the *** was great."
I wish someone will love me for something other than my body...
79 · Sep 2023
Maybe I'm Selfish, But
Sarah Spencer Sep 2023
Having more to live for
makes me want to live even less
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
"Do you think he's hot?"
a girl said to me, pushing her phone in my face.
The picture was of a guy standing in the mirror,
his shirt off and his hair tugged up with product,
the type of guy girls would worship.
"No," ​I said, because I didn't like lying to people.
"He's not my type."
The girl  just shrugged me off and turned to
show the picture to the girl next to me.
But little did that girl know
that while she was worshiping the guy on her screen,
I was busy worshiping the girl next to me.
I think I might be a little gay..
I am gay...pansexual actually. I just realized I don't have any poems that are aimed at lgbtq people. Thought I minds well post one. If even one person can relate. I'll be happy<3
78 · Nov 2021
Do the World a Favor
Sarah Spencer Nov 2021
I want you dead.
That thought constantly crawling in my head.
I have never hated anybody
until the day you laid eyes on me.

From my first day of life
you've caused me nothing but strife.
You've always been there,
but I know you don't care.
All you've done is chain me down.
You say you love me, but you want me to drown.

You hit me and you mock me,
you take away my ecstasy.
I'm constantly looking behind my back,
afraid, if I step wrong, I'll get smacked.

I hate you so much
I shiver at even your touch
or the sound of your booming voice.
Oh, If you died I'd rejoice
and the angels would sing from heaven!

Sometimes I feel driven
to do the world a favor.
Hell, if I was braver
I would have fulfilled this very vision.

That is, if I wouldn't go to prison...
This sounds like a rap song so I'm sorry<3
78 · Dec 2021
First Time
Sarah Spencer Dec 2021
As we stared down at my bed,
the unrumpled sheets military made
awful thoughts ran though my head
and refused to fade away.
We took off each other's clothes,
my hands shaking like leaves
and right before he laid me down I froze
"I don't think I can do it," I breathed.
And that's when he pulled me in close,
our bodies throbbing with heat,
and that's when I realized I loved him the most,
that he was the one that made me complete.
And as he gently lowered me onto the sheets
the fears I had felt began to retreat...
I don't know if this poem will make people feel uncomfortable but I've been wanting to write something like this for awhile so I stopped caring. My first time is such a beautiful moment that I keep close to me and I wanted to write down my experience as it happened...
Sarah Spencer Aug 2021
"I wish you didn't exist," he texted.
Even though I was unable to see his face
unable to see his eyebrows smushed together
to hear the frost in his voice
I knew he meant it.
He always meant these sorts of things


I've tried for almost as long as I can remember
to let those words bounce off of me
to walk through the fire
and still come out unscathed
but after awhile "*****"
starts to sound like "Babe"
and "I hate you"
sounds similar to
"I love you"

I've agreed with every word
that's ever came out of his mouth
memorized it,
written it down,
taken it to heart
so he wouldn't tower over me
belittle me
so he would stop just long enough-
so I could catch my breath

So when he said, "I wish you didn't exist"
I responded with,
"What do you think my headstone should say?"
Actually I already have it all planned out. I want my headstone to say, "She  was a girl who only spoke in poems."
77 · Aug 2023
Stressed Out
Sarah Spencer Aug 2023
I'm so stressed out
I can barely breathe,
because all these problems
keep pressing on me,
there's this ache in my heart
that tells me to try,
when every path has a problem
no matter how hard I pry.
I'm ****** no matter what I decide.
77 · Feb 2022
I Have Nothing
Sarah Spencer Feb 2022
They say you don't know
what you're missing
until it's gone.
Except when I lost her,
it made me realize
that I have nothing.
I'm walking this road alone,
but the wind isn't at my back,
and when I reach my destination
there will be no one to meet me
in an embrace that makes
living this life worth it.
Sometimes thoughts like these really make me wonder if suicide is really such a bad option
76 · Dec 2021
Without You
Sarah Spencer Dec 2021
The day dragging on,
every second is a waste
when I'm without you
76 · Apr 2022
Let You Down
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
I'm afraid of letting you down,
my voice is sore, my hands are shaking
and my thoughts are screaming  way too loud.
I've tried so hard, I tried my best
and now I'm being put to the test.
Hours of practice just to make you proud,
but what if I let you down?
76 · Mar 2022
I Can't Wait to Be Older
Sarah Spencer Mar 2022
I can't wait to be older,
I can't wait for my skin to wrinkle,
to have lines etched into my face
like an old tree who's seen too many seasons,
proof to anyone who lays their eyes on me
that I lived a life of laughter,
and genuine smiles that make
my eyes constantly crinkle around the edges.
I can't wait to gain all the weight
after having kids who will have their own kids
who will extend the limbs of my family tree
and be there to one day take care of me
the same as I did for them,
no, I can't wait to be older
and live a life of love.
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