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128 · Apr 2022
Strangers on the Street
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
Strangers on the the street,
just you, just me,
no longer us.
No longer two people holding hands,
who walked with the same gait,
but two people who are too scared
to even give the other eye contact
as they brush shoulders
on the way to their new lives.
But even though I can't will myself
to look you in the eye anymore,
I will always remember those four years
where I would smile at just the mere sight of you
and you would smile back,
where I would fantasize about our future together
as I spilled my heart out on the pages.
No, I will never forget,
but you did,
throwing those memories out on the curb
to be hauled away on trash day,
erasing me out of your life,
like I had never been there to begin with.
Time has sprinted by,
and I've moved on with someone new,
but I know my heart will never forget you,
and when her and I walk with the same gait
and just so happen to pass you by,
I will always want to look up,
because, deep down, I wish we were more
than just strangers on the street.
This poem hurt to write...
126 · Sep 2020
Sarah Spencer Sep 2020
Orange in my mouth
a split-second smile your way
makes you young again
123 · Jan 2019
I Saw the Beauty
Sarah Spencer Jan 2019
I saw the beauty
in what sweeps
in feathery waves
down your back
what bathes in light
when the sun
puts a spotlight on
it's wild wisps
what falls in tendrils
over your shoulder
until you messily tuck
it behind
your ear
what makes me blush
as ruby red
as those voluminous

I saw the beauty
She is so beautiful
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
This place is a home.
There's a dining room table
I can do my homework on
and a kitchen I can burn down.
This place is still a home
Even though there's nobody
to come home to after a long day's work
or someone to sit and have dinner with.

No, this place will never be a home.

In this house everybody
looks at their phones
instead of their family.
In this house the kids
take their dinner upstairs.
In this house the parents
fight in the middle of the night.
No, this place will never be a home.
This place is just a house
that I just so happen to live in.
123 · Jan 2022
I'll Never Be Special
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
I'm a drop in the ocean
a cloud in the sky
a flower in the field
a star in the night.
I'll never be special
no matter how hard I try.
**** I'm depressed
123 · Jul 2022
Crushing Me
Sarah Spencer Jul 2022
These walls are closing in,
crushing my lungs and body within.
I never knew I was claustrophic
until this very moment,
with the ceiling crashing down,
and my world turning upside down,
and maybe I wouldn't feel so claustrophobic
if someone would finally support me
instead of constantly crushing me...
Poem about family...and friends ...and everybody who is against me and my decisions at the moment. Sorry haven't written in a while<3
122 · Jan 2022
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
I know I've never been easy on the eyes.
You know you're ugly
when even your closest friends agree with you,
when your partners tell you
they only liked you for your personality,
when you try your hardest to look decent for once
and you don't even look
half as nice as a hottie on a sweatpants day.
And yet society has the audacity
to try and make girls like me feel pretty,
to say "Everyone is beautiful on the inside."
But if no one cares to look that far,
then does it really matter?
Do I really matter?
122 · May 2018
Fault of Rejection
Sarah Spencer May 2018
Sometimes I just want to die.
At first it was just something small
but now it's grown so humongously tall.
I'm inching towards the edge about to fall.

I can't believe I thought it was a lie
when he talked about her from time to time.
I would empty myself of every dime
just for him to just stop his talking crime.

Is it wrong for me to cry?
The only person I had ever learned to love
has flown away to the above,
the good old morning dove.

but now I can only sigh
it really is my fault
I lock everyone I like into an inaccessible vault
throw away the key,
don't let anyone near me,
thinking I've found the perfect remedy.

But now with him gone, I'm nowhere even near grazing the sky.
This poem really helped me cope with my own Faults of Rejection. I hope it helps you get over the one you love
121 · Apr 2022
If These Walls Could Talk
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
If these walls could talk,
oh, the things I'd say,
I'd tell them of the past few days,
about these feelings that won't go away.

If these walls could talk,
I'd probably end up crying
from always lying,
from all the feelings I've been denying.

But these walls will never talk
and neither will you,
because you were the one who withdrew.
If only you knew
how lonely I've been without you...
121 · Sep 2021
And That Isn't You
Sarah Spencer Sep 2021
My first experience with love
felt like touching a hot stove.
I would constantly have to hold back
to keep from getting burned
by your hot temper.
I walked into my second relationship
with those same standards,
with 3rd degree burns
snaking up my arms and legs.
When my boyfriend saw my scars he
wanted to crush your heart in his hands.
And even though that sounds violent,
I know he would never smash a spider.
He would never hurt me.
He just wants what's best for me.

And that isn't you.
He was the only one who was able to get into my head when I was losing it. When I let you treat me like your puppet.
Sarah Spencer May 2022
My heart doesn't beat,
It ticks,
like one of those old grandfather clocks
you see in movies
about to strike out.
Midnight turns to morning
and only time will tell
what plans fate has with us,
and whether she'll be cruel or kind
I'll never know till the very end,
but at least I know
that right now,
right here, in this moment with you,
I don't regret a single second.
120 · Mar 2022
Sarah Spencer Mar 2022
Her lips on mine,
can't help but fantasize.
Imagining her angel eyes,
whether they're real or just a disguise,
keeps my head in the skies
and tucks me in tight,
a loving lullaby
that sings me to sleep each night.
A poem about my gf <3 here's to almost 1 year
120 · Sep 2021
All My Friends Are Dead
Sarah Spencer Sep 2021
Since I was little I've always had a lot of friends
that were with me wherever I went.
Furry friends that had paws and tails,
but were not alive

They always greeted me
with sewn on smiles
and glimmering glued on eyes,
and though they couldn't say hello,
I was proud to call them my friends.

I met my best friend on my fifth birthday,
a brown dog with
a cheesy name and an easy smile,
and every year since our
two halves became whole
we've celebrated that day ever since.

Every year of my life was a
new year for new friends,
but as my friend circle grew
so did the judgement.
No longer was it considered cute
to tote around stuffed animals like a toddler

"You need to make real friends," my parents would say,
when I had reached middle school
and never had so much as a sleepover,
unlike my sister who always
had people swarming around her
like bees to a hive.

Little did they know I had
tried to make friends,
tried to act normal without any luck.
If people wouldn't even accept
the facade I had put up
what reason would they have
to accept the real me?

The other kids they laughed at me,
calling me a mute because my anxiety
often stole the words off the tip of my tongue
before sound could carry them out.

My furry friends let me cry into them
when I'm upset,
won't call me weird or stupid
for the things I say.
Whenever I fall apart,
those stitched on smiles
put me back together,
telling me everything
is going to be okay.

My stuffed animals are the
biggest influences in my life.
I'll never go anywhere without one by my side
and if other people can't accept that
and think I have a problem,
then they're the ones with the problem
This is more of a poem for me. My stuffed animals and the way i dress and act, which is considered very childish, are the root things that cause people to bully me. I'm not hurting anyone by being myself. I don't understand why it bothers so many people.
119 · May 2022
Fairy Tales
Sarah Spencer May 2022
Today is the day.
Exactly one year ago,
there was you and me
spread out on the bed sheets.
We laid out our bodies for each other on easels
and you were my work of art,
all smiles and 'I love yous' and promises of forever
as I gave myself to you
and you gave yourself to me
on those rumpled sheets,
a perfect tale of young teens.
Now, no matter how much I will myself,
I can't recall that day without crying
because I know that day lead to the last few good days
I had before our chapter ended,
before you closed the book
on a perfectly good story
and left me with nothing
but a trail of empty pages
to pick up by myself.
Sometimes I wish
I wasn't such a sucker for fairy tales...
April 28th
119 · Apr 2022
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
This is a poem
for every breathing soul,
for those who have been beaten down,
for those whose names have been taken away.
This is a poem
for those who scream but are not heard,
for those who are treated like dirt,
for those who just want to belong.
This is a poem
for the broken hearted,
for those who wake up in an empty bed,
for those who have made mistakes.
Yes, this is a poem
for every breathing soul,
for everyone who has ever felt anything,
for humanity as a whole.
119 · Apr 2022
The Day of Silence
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
My voice was stolen today
from those who suppress me,
who cut me down
and treat me like I'm a ghost
when in reality I'm
the only one who realizes
that the world is changing
and I shouldn't be afraid
to change along with it,
that it's okay to be different,
that love is love
and there's nothing to be ashamed of.
So for everyone whose voice was stolen today,
join with me in creating a new world
where we can all be equally unique<3
Most of you guys won't understand this poem, but The Day of Silence is a real day. Google it. I dare you<3
Sarah Spencer Feb 2022
She stopped by the Wishing Creek
and skipped a rock or two
before pulling out a penny for her thoughts.
She squeezed her eyes shut to the sun,
letting the coin fall from her hand like a lone raindrop.
The girl watched as the penny sank like a stone,
her eyes shining like stars at just the sight of that
polluted little puddle that ran between the trees.
She wished for the same thing every day,
but she wants it to come true, so she won't say.
What important things could a kid wish for anyway?
But I'll let you in on a little secret,
from one despaired dreamer to another.
It. Never. Came. True.
118 · May 2022
Love Conquers All
Sarah Spencer May 2022
I want our shadows
to dance to a silent melody,
I want our love
to fly us to the moon,
I want our love to
defy destiny,
because I want to have
my cake and eat it too.
A poem built on cliches XD The first two lines have been sitting in my drafts for the last year bc I didn't know what to do with it. Now I do<3
118 · Sep 2021
Middle Fingers Up!
Sarah Spencer Sep 2021
Middle fingers up
to the world for every dream
that it stole from me
117 · Sep 2018
Death Preferred
Sarah Spencer Sep 2018
The grip in my hands will soon loose
and I'll fall into a quiet preferred
because after thought the path I'll choose
will be the way of a coward.

I'm tired of wasting lonely nights
with a bottle by my side
letting the sorrows of past's frights
play throughout my mind.

The tears have never stopped
whether it's inside or for the eyes
and putting on a brave faced opt  
would just unbury old lies

I'm tired and I'm over
the dragging on depression
you put me here without sober
into your lashing out aggression.

Their will be no regret
when I finally let go
of what little is left
of my life tomorrow.
117 · Jan 2019
My Storm
Sarah Spencer Jan 2019
I am a storm
roaring onto the Earth
my emotions swarm
revenge I thirst
everyone feels my rage
thundering lightening
it strikes on a rampage
in blasts that are frightening
it puts me in fear
of hurting others
you better steer clear
these feelings won't smother
stay inside keep warm
and out of my storm
115 · Oct 2019
Poetry is...
Sarah Spencer Oct 2019
The writing off of my secrets
that make my heart race
when I whisper them aloud

The words leaping out of my mind
and onto crumpled paper
giving a graceful pirouette

And they grin at me
so ever warm and welcoming
telling me I am not alone in this

For days I read them over and over
to grasp the feelings of this other person
who I may or may not be anymore

And when I'm finished I crease the edges
into an origami bird
hold it up and set it free

The words fluttering away on the breeze
along with my problems
secrets no longer
115 · Jan 2019
Sarah Spencer Jan 2019
laughing talking
all around
smiling walking
buzzing sound
silent cold
binding me
always told
in my dreams
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
When I walk into a room
I always scan the sea before me,
helplessly hoping that
one of them is you.
Sometimes I see someone with your brown hair
or twinkling, turquoise eyes
and your name leaps off my tongue
like a freestyle diver,
only to leave me feeling lonely
because they're just another person
who isn't you.
114 · Jan 2019
Sarah Spencer Jan 2019
Its always there
when you're down
will never glare
at your frown

It wont judge you
on how you dress
like those who
It won't impress

Sheathes your face
filled with tears
hides the disgrace
in the mirror

Black takes the pain
keeps me sane
I had to think of an explanation to why i wear black because i always get questioned for it. Probably sounds weird if u didnt know thatXD
113 · Aug 2022
Too Good to be True
Sarah Spencer Aug 2022
It's too good to be true
that I still have you,
to hold and love forever,
for I know bad weather
will soon ****** us apart,
and rip out my heart,
and I'll hate myself too,
for believing that our love was once true.
112 · Apr 2022
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
There's this pressure in my lungs
that keeps building and building,
making it harder to breathe,
so hard that I'm afraid my lungs
are going to burst like a balloon,
because it never gets better,
because you never stop pushing me.
I'm on the edge of a cliff about to fall,
yet you think you know what's best for me,
I'm getting tired of it all.
Maybe I should jump
before you push me too far,
because I'll never meet your expectations
when all you do is raise the bar,
because all you want is more and more,
and this pressure keeps on building and building,
making it harder to breathe.
112 · Apr 2022
Center of My Universe
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
The phrase "love of my life"
doesn't even come close to my love for you.

You're the center of my universe,
the gravity that holds everything together.
Without you all of the planets would crash into each other,
the moon would no longer control the tides,
the sun would never shine again.

I would fall apart at the seams without you,
you're more than just the "love of my life."

You are my everything.
111 · Jan 2021
Is It Just Me?
Sarah Spencer Jan 2021
Every morning I wake up thinking that the sky is falling
This thought has been haunting me for about a month. I tend to freak out over every little thing and it honestly just leaves me feeling lonely and depressed. I could've written an entire poem about this, hell, maybe an entire novel,  but I felt that if I did then the words wouldn't have sounded as genuine.
111 · May 2022
I Miss You
Sarah Spencer May 2022
I miss you
and I hope you miss me too,
because when I think of you
I don't feel so blue.
I don't have anything better to do
than sit and reminisce you,
so right now, I'll power through,
so later I can tell you how much I love you:)
111 · Apr 2022
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
My heart leapt to touch yours
when you looked at me with those eyes ,
with understanding,
and though we just met,
and I don't know you just yet,
I feel like I've made a friend.
110 · Feb 2022
Sarah Spencer Feb 2022
Winter snow falling down,
blowing fiercely left to right,
making silent sound
Sarah Spencer Nov 2021
I can't control my emotions.
You have the right to want what you want
while I have the right to want what I want .
we're only human.
We ***** up, we fight, we make up,
we start back from square one.
I try to find the common ground
shared between us,
but one of us always gets hurt.
And if one of us gets hurt it's never her.
Because I love her.
I can't stand to see her upset
and I don't have the right to be happy.
110 · Feb 2022
Inside My Mind
Sarah Spencer Feb 2022
I saw the devil in her eyes,
       and I had thought I was fine,
               but I was too dumb to realize
                      I had let her inside my mind.
It's crazy how people can infect and influence you
110 · Sep 2019
Farther Yet Nearer
Sarah Spencer Sep 2019
I used to feel something
I swear I did
when I was in your arms
a beaming bright kid

but you push me away
without even realizing it
I feel like a ghost
I feel like ending it

but then I can't leave
you know I won't
my heart it aches
it cannot be alone

I crave any touch
even if it burns
I'll only draw nearer
the more that it hurts
110 · Sep 2018
The One in the Mirror
Sarah Spencer Sep 2018
The one in the mirror
who is exhausted and deprived
needs to evade fear
and live out life alive.

The shift was just so little
at first you could barely notice
now she is just a riddle
thrown into the infinite abyss

I bump into her everyday
when I'm once again in the backseat
and cannot, must look away
from the old memories bittersweet.
109 · Jan 2022
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
I can't constantly be funny
or have a witty reply.
Even the sun doesn't shine all the time.
So here's me without all the lies:
On the inside I'm shy,
expectations make me wanna die,
and sometimes I just want someone
to hold me while I cry.
**** that kinda hurt to read when I finished it. Whether I like it or not it's true
Sarah Spencer Nov 2021
I want to love you,
live the little time we have
without the regrets
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
I welcome love
like I'd welcome an old friend,
with a hug and a warm embrace
upon seeing a familiar face.
But no matter how long I wait,
love never comes knocking at my door.
I wonder why I even try anymore...
Random poem I had in my blue notebook<3
108 · Dec 2018
Sarah Spencer Dec 2018
You'll never see
I am a whisper
inside a crowd
I am a drifter
in a sky of clouds
I am one word
in a poem
I am blurred
you'll never know him
You'll never know me
108 · Mar 2022
Lone Wolf
Sarah Spencer Mar 2022
There are plenty of people
who push others away,
who say that
they're fine being a lone wolf,
but even wolves in the wild
who leave their pack
go off to find a mate
and sow the seeds
to start their own family,
they still surround
themselves with others.
Lone wolves don't actually exist,
only the idea of it,
so if wolves need others
in order to survive,
then why don't people?
107 · Apr 2022
Amber Colored Bubbles
Sarah Spencer Apr 2022
Amber colored bubbles
rising within me,
I can hear each one
coming to the surface,
then popping.
Amber colored bubbles
fizzing up
like strawberry soda,
making me feel all tingly
from my fingers to my toes.
Amber colored bubbles
slicing through the dark,
beaming as bright
as the smile
you placed upon my lips.
I'm gonna pretend like this poem doesn't sound totally weird XD
107 · Feb 2022
Prove Me Wrong
Sarah Spencer Feb 2022
Valentine's Day is just a day that was made
to make the single people sad
or make the people in relationships realize
that the person they're with
couldn't care less about them.
I've been both people each and every year.
Prove me wrong.
Valentine's Day is just a day of despair.
107 · Jan 2022
Good Will Never Win
Sarah Spencer Jan 2022
In fiction good always beats evil.
The good guy will always squash
the bad guy and justice will always prevail.
That's what fiction teaches your children.
That "what goes around comes around"
that "God will pay you double for your troubles"

But in reality that never happens.

In reality the bad guy squashes the good guy
and evil prevails
as it spreads from person to person.

And I don't know about you
but I wish I would have been
fed a spoonful of reality as a kid.

Then I would have at least been prepared
to deal with people like you
who waltz into my life,
all charming and smiles in the beginning,
but who will stab me in the back and toss me aside
the second I am no longer useful for their evil plans.

Sometimes I just wish
that fiction stories could apply to real life...
107 · Mar 2022
A Rainbow Just For Me
Sarah Spencer Mar 2022
I never knew bruises
could come in every color
until you hit me.
You gave me the entire rainbow
from blackened purples to sickly greens,
you gave my once smooth canvas texture,
it made you so happy see me bleed.
But this art project became our little secret
because no one else is supposed to see,
It's not like anyone would believe
that he gave me these bruises,
that he mixed these colors so pretty.
No, Daddy made this rainbow just for me.
A poem that I had finished days ago but forgot to save. It's probably a good thing that it happened though. This version runs a lot smoother.
106 · May 2022
Getting My Hopes Up
Sarah Spencer May 2022
A notebook full of fantasies,
filled to the brim with words
I've always been too afraid to say out loud.
Love letters never sent,
memories never spent,
because the love never existed
in the first place,
you've only ever been an idea
that I've meticulously made up
inside my mind.
The perfect person doesn't exist
and I know I'm still a kid,
but when I look at you, I wonder,
Are you my perfect person?
Or am i just getting my hopes up again?
106 · Dec 2020
Sarah Spencer Dec 2020
Let me tell you about a guy named Lonely
my most loyal and only friend
he's always by my side
in every crowd or conversation
comforting me when things go wrong

Sometimes when I'm tired of Lonely
I force myself to talk to others
but whenever I think I've found a friend
they always make sure to remind me
that I will only ever be alone
104 · Mar 2018
Pure Dreams
Sarah Spencer Mar 2018
His eyes were the rainbow sunset
Smile was the source of all my laughter
I know he would never let,
me fall and brittly shatter.

His laugh is the music
a choppy chuckling beat
though to others it may sound tragic,
to me this escape is elite

His smallest touch sets my skin to fire
a roaring soaring blaze,
I would be a liar
if I said it was just a faze

But here I am as I open my eyes,
it was all just a dream
for no matter how high I rise
His eyes will never share my gleam.
I didn't think I would publish this but I'm forcing myself to.I hope you enjoy.
Sarah Spencer Feb 2022
I saw you with your mask down today.
You had kept it on for so long
I had thought it was super glued to your face,
but when it slipped I saw that the person
who seemed cold and distant on the inside
only kept up that guard on the outside.
You remind me of a swimming pool,
cold if you only dip your toe in,
but not so bad if you jump straight in.
I'm glad I saw you with your mask down today.
Never put it back on.
One of the most beautiful things is seeing someone open up to you. That they had decided that you were the one who deserved to see them in such a raw, exposed state even for just a split second<3
104 · Dec 2021
I Can No Longer Talk To You
Sarah Spencer Dec 2021
I'll write down what I feel
because to me it is real.
I know I'm always crying
and my mouth is always lying
that all I do is drag you down
that you're better off without me around.
So I'm going to stop telling you things
I'll go off and spread my wings
and let you finally be free
of me.
So when I'm alone and afraid,
I'll put my pencil to the page.
I'll write off my feelings that are blue
because I can no longer talk to you
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