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8.7k · Feb 2016
A River is Aware
Onoma Feb 2016
A river is aware
of its course...
wise to the ways
of water.
~Jai Ma~
6.9k · Oct 2012
Onoma Oct 2012
Rust downing like bayed menstrual blood--
booming steel walls...a rattling sanitation truck.
Housewarming...'the rough beast' in
fetal orbit...nay-toothed in squalor.
Whose gummy roar shall presage the
audacity of all places, that call forth
Onoma Oct 2012
Plenary veils...infinitely unveiling the bride--
her face will never be seen, ovoid porcelain,
angling candles...upon a UFO altar.
The relentless Hand that pinches and lifts her
veils...has seen her face, and kissed her lips
so many times--that her infinite unveiling...
is love's ****** regress...a deathless imagining
made real.
5.1k · Sep 2019
Pillar of Fire
Onoma Sep 2019
Shiva's pillar

of fire upholds--

what cannot fly

upward, fall

downward to

exhaust it.

nor can it be

gone around.
Onoma Jan 2012
Zeus, your predilection for banishing Titans to Hades...
anathema of them--revolt was theirs of you...Titanomachy.
Enter Prometheus, second generational Titan, brother
to Atlas--Prometheus of whom Titan revolt at first ran
no fire through his veins.
Thus, Zeus was well pleased and employed Prometheus
to put earth to water, water to to yield man.
As so man was, and was unto Prometheus...a fondness
entered him of them.
And in of passion Prometheus' veins were run through
with fought fire--thus Prometheus reached out
taking hold Zeus' lightning.
Hid in a hollowed fennel stalk, to be bequeathed unto man.
Torrents of fire now ran Prometheus' veins, and in a fit of
infamous mockery presented Zeus with two packets of
slaughtered animal parts.
A hubris was born in Prometheus that being so halved
God-man gave itself fully to that polarity...he gawked at
Zeus and bade him choose between the two packets.
One of ox meat and innards coated in stomach lining, the
other of ox-bones coated in its own abundant fat.
Thus Zeus chose, the wretched lesser of the two...
inconsumable ox-bones coated by fat.
A charged and terrible air cut and heavied all direction,
pointing assuredly that Zeus was one given over to the
surface of things, a psychological casualty of his own
Zeus overcome with Prometheus' disaffection for the God
of him struck at Prometheus' family.
At length, this assault could not, would not put asunder
Prometheus from the ground he stood.
A certain Haphaestus was summoned by Zeus...whose
directive was writ in torment.
Chain Prometheus to Mount Caucasus...where from on
high a sackcloth cloud shall shake loose an eagle, whose
homing hunger shall have only a taste for Prometheus' liver.
Day in, and day out, that accursed ***** shall be the
bounty of itself!
4.7k · Jul 2018
Blue Pearl
Onoma Jul 2018
i dove down to the bottom

of Mariana Trench, to plant

my blue pearl.

it's the very point when the ocean

and sky look into each

other's eyes, and let loose love.

as clear as your face in a dream

asking me to profess this immensity...

which now i have.

i awoke to a blue jay crying hysterically

out the window, and energy gushing

from the crown of my head.
*The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans, located in the Western Pacific Ocean.
4.3k · Nov 2013
Gorgeous Gargoyles
Onoma Nov 2013
Ganders...gargantua--ensconced in far-fetched space...
(attrition)...LOOK AT THAT LINE...LOOK AT IT...
A soul's inalienable fracas...on bend and knee...hop...and
whoop...miasmic gargoyles poppy-wreathed...
for all-too-lucid dreaming...chanting etceteras of bare riff raffs.
Golden breastplates...weeping willow wings...empurpled--
fending fang trumping lines of: yuck, cluck, claw and kook.
...Listless eyes...alphabetize...think a blind oracle's informed
absentia...holy and bovine.
Redolent airs...perspiration of spume's most distancing shore--
eyepieces for the specks and logs in the oculos of brothers
and sisters.
As dust to dust doth not settle...heart's yonder score...nay cease
of amorousness.
Gather ye yarrow sticks...hurl them at days...roofless arcady...
live into the spectra of their worlds, come friend or foe...Fate's foundling.
Lines strung as prayer beads...curs-ed beads...forget-me-nots
enclosed in letters baiting Long Farewells, in the great literary
correspondence of authored and Author.
...Ye gorgeous gargoyles come perch and push.
Persona non grata...the wide world...unisex prodigal...All--returneth.
NEBULAEIC FANFARE...come perch to push...lo...ANGELS!
4.2k · Oct 2013
Medusa, Caravaggio
Onoma Oct 2013
Mangled skirmish, of bespeckled olive-green
Their sinuous anarchy runs cold upon her
Caravaggio, you immortalized the *****,
immured her, hermetically sealed her within
that shield.
Her reflection was at once the face she
never saw...******, she...then beheaded.
I notice you've even painted the shield the
color of her serpentine locks.
Serpents registering her ontological shock--
retentive, entwining, dangling in an odd
curl here and there.
Blood spurting from her almost indiscernible
neck, as if to draw a passable neck of blood,
almost like rays of blood, Christ's pierced side.
Her eyes seem so determined to chisel their
way out of stone, reconnect her head to her
Her face is stunning, an excruciating ferocity
bulking stiff, slightly opened mouth about to...
explode out of her eyes.
Eyes hissing downward, sideways--there in the
pitch black glint of them...a primordial drama
to be continued.
Onoma Feb 2017
Pi~lated by Pontius to an undisclosed location--
we traded presence, as the fruits of labor.
Half-eaten...the ratty dark-lets of our pits--
eyed forms of survival.
You the better for, I the better for...with our
overgrown estates of separation--(spare us the
We were made for this, weren't we?
Who got in front of a beam of light first--you or I...
seems like something I would have done--nonetheless,
therefrom the race.
More naked than two millennia of winter...whoa,
aye--glory baby, glory!
Eye contacting and out, out and in, sheets
bathed in volumes of water.
We tried to ****** one another in a fit of passion...
so what.
A passion that swore responsibility for whatever it
may, or may not what.
I was the burning mascot of your dormitory for
three and a half years, illegally--sharing a single bed,
cultivating my poetry.
You Adam-ed me...I Eve-ed you--we watched the apple
go red, we both bit--chewing it to the core, mouth to mouth.
As our jaws tired, we noticed the poppies everywhere...
the poppies are everywhere, we cried!
Black, covetous mass, black--sleep bedding sleep, closing
skies--opening grounds.
The poppies are everywhere--we began to horde grace,
deadpan our burial grounds in plain view, something
went amiss.
We played with frames, instead of obliterating the de-vice...
for faces lost in time, adoration.
Where's the reserve to suffer this rich knowledge--everywhere
is your womb, all-seeing and blind!
The poppies are everywhere...I pose upon the ground--
offer tragic gestures, feel me!
No, it all must be exhausted--human genius must be bested,
made the fool--it must be so.
Air after air of convincibility booted--left, right and center stage.
Clay in cold light, natural of its own...that's what we should want
for one another, shouldn't
We wanting more, as someone we may never know--let alone
one another.
Take that light, and work it to forgiveness, that is possible I
believe...the poppies wink.
Funny thing of the two shall work far less for that
forgiveness, nearly not at all--******* inequity!
No...the schema's perfect--karma's debt, as served, perfect.
Stay in that truth, but the Truth is too big...the poppies are everywhere.
My head wraps around it like a whirling dervish--though no planet
dizzies...this is no matter of intellect but Heart.
The butterfly that's pinned--becomes the pinhead...spare me!
If I am she, and she is one and all, who spares who--from
what and why...the poppies pock affirmatively.
*First of a series of poems, as in that vein, under this title.
3.8k · Sep 2012
O Lucid Advent
Onoma Sep 2012
...To die of air, in the thin of...
whose commerce was breath.
Whereby beauty swoons of
itself...compressed revelation
unto thee...come to...O lucid
3.7k · Dec 2014
Diamonds Finding Diamonds
Onoma Dec 2014
You can't comb
what's already
in the
3.7k · Oct 2013
Onoma Oct 2013
Non compartmentalized, thus trenchant...
an unbeknownst poetic
songbird picked its patch of blue to fly home
A wet one, and kissable sun,
monk-ocher... presents its only case...clearly through you.
3.4k · Nov 2013
Ophelia and Rimbaud
Onoma Nov 2013
Ophelia...smote egress, you are Rimbaud's:
"Drunken Boat".
The river you fell asleep upon found you a sea.
Your bones knew no seabed--poppies, marigolds,
orchids, black roses fill your eye sockets, mouth and rib cage.
You substantiate what color the sea may give your lay.
Its foamy waddle has signaled you to one too many orison broke open.
What strain of tragedy now holds you, spine on depth,
eye sockets on sky?
You dove headlong into the Shakespearean maelstrom--
where mortal coil confounds, chin-up darling.
Great winds fish-scale your waters, only to invert their maw.
There are lines daily of sea's breadth, whereupon its
creatures come single file to kiss your bone.
Ophelia...wrested from river to sanguine sea, shedding trails
of flesh.
If bones were the eye of a've pulled through,
heir to tragedy--circumnavigating your infamy.
3.2k · Jul 2018
Musical Lights
Onoma Jul 2018
eyes closed and gently singing...

miles of buildings playing

musical lights with no one


perched on a rooftop, the wind

running her fingers through

my hair.

a child wild as ever, smirking indelibly

at concrete modules splattered by their

own brains.

taking in deep breaths of quality alert air--

and puffing out a dragon's fraught column

of fire.

gotta light it up just to see straight, passed and

through...make way, my scene.

a sort of rough draft being smoothed out, you see...

now i gotta **** half this city to work your energy

out of me.
2.8k · Nov 2011
Muck Bit Her Ivory Nightgown
Onoma Nov 2011
Muck bit her ivory nightgown, as if earth hungering
after her...the delicate collapse of a napkin,she.
Hours poured atop her head, her shaggy, silvery
mane suspended--its reluctant bounce captured
at a spiderweb under ultraviolet light.
Desert sands lost in contemplation, reminiscent of
her flesh--divulge her core as she sleeps in a
fetal position.
Her body spasms awkwardly...its will visibly slowed
from initial motion.
As the paralysis experienced by prey amid the astral
annals of nightmares.
She'll rise into that shine, wonder at the nightmare's to her garden--whilst thinking of her
time to come.

Silkworm breached the parcel
of time, its cocooned inertia
coarsed through the opalescent
eye of God to Godhood.
Of time's ruination redeemed
in a solitary work...cupped
airless the unbridled form of
a trapezist spent itself.
Opened and closed somersaults
atripped a piece of said space...
nothingness regenerated to
move, to take step of itself.
A self-argumentative abstraction
glowed...undid its silken flag--
firmly planted in an undiscovered
region...her time come.
2.7k · Oct 2014
Black Swan
Onoma Oct 2014
There's no sullying its consternation of him in her,
her in him.
A downy black of exquisite precaution...pops its
ruffled heretofore and floats.
As if a night cocked back its neck to calculate the
trauma, longingly poised as a swivel of mottled
The black swan's eyes fork some bygone coruscation
to their very if in the throes of demonic rapture.
Whereby reality's moments of lucidity seem to catch
frozen frames in want of editing. there it is, as there it goes...the black
swan subsumes, wears the guise of regal unnaturalness.
A betokened freak, at
maximum indifference...O black swan.
2.6k · Aug 2016
Sunrays Apart
Onoma Aug 2016
How is it you
drew this small
crowd of flowers...
a bouquet once
sunrays apart?
2.5k · Jul 2018
Onoma Jul 2018
i went into absorption for months...

upon returning to words i found

they had atrophied--like spotting an

ant through a keyhole.

they came so sparely, one by one...

wondering why i wished to violate

the silence that so blessed me.

so they sat next to one another in

lotus position, and poems were emanated.

they became more and more voluminous,

to the point of daily.

as if being summoned by a spell...slowly

poured into a glass and spilled into a pair

of lips.

to be reabsorbed by her mouth.
Onoma Oct 2014
Lo, the drunken ordinance of light through
stained glass, lest to rehash the peopled
white of infinity.
Reach...with what folding passion second
guesses the labor of its love...the warm
footfalls of the sun overlaying the intricacy
of a captions of bone
dissolving upon the motion picture.
Perpetually opening seasons enamored
directionless...cancellation and activation
which is The Spark upon dark...striations
of dreams upon the gyres of galaxies.
Proofs positive of palpable breath, given
and taken in gloried passage.
The cloistered ghost gifted the laughability
of its cloister.
A polish fit for heresy...listen to the
crystalline structure as it bats its eyelashes.
2.3k · Sep 2018
Offensive Odors
Onoma Sep 2018
chin resting on two palms,

sprouting totemic archetypes

of good-evil.

watching this passing away...

this double take on: creation/


how moved, how unmoved--

can one become?

one becomes.

scratch to scar the surface, and

existence won't wear signs of


though wisdom kills indiscriminately.

your thunk betrayed you with a


the latest, of a series of offensive odors.
2.3k · Nov 2014
I Appear, You Appear
Onoma Nov 2014
I appear, you appear...
where's the choice in this?
My appearance is projected
onto you, your appearance
is projected onto me...
where's the choice in this?
That which is Beyond
picking and choosing
has already made its choice.
If it is in your heart to remain
with that Choice...then...remain
with it, dutifully disappear.
Why obstruct the only peace?
2.3k · Oct 2013
Onoma Oct 2013
...Frankenstein...dear Frank--green with disparity, confusedly amongst parts that
were sum...O Frank--never a creature under no sun could sow dark's reaping so.
Yours is a terrible Art...meat thrown to a black and white world.
Towering clumsily...wobbling that meat before a black and white're
already spoken for by the precedent of your freakdom.
Your wear is worse than the ******* child moon wearing the sun's clothing...
O Frank!
Your awkward as winter's very struggle towards spring--only to die upon
your feet while thawing.
You were never cerebral enough to have a clandestine affair with nothingness in motion...
your body's your confession.
You were struck alive...not dead...ALIVE...ALIVE--thunderously so, called an: IT!
Runaway automata...the collective unconscious of humanity's hypnotized waddle--
O Frank...where is your Heaven...where is your Hell?
You can neither be showered by, nor Fall from grace.
The longest-drawn pity to never be taken...O...the duration of your life...YOUR LIFE!
..."ALIVE"..."ALIVE"...cried your euphoric namesake...God taken step of, to play God to thee--
as such...yours is a terrible Art.
One of living-death...O Frank!

Konstantinos Mark
Onoma Dec 2013
By some Remove privy to self-preservation's be, or not to be had...beached, I've
been...electromagnetically torn asunder!
Odd sounds do, and do come in and out...
a crackly chirp singing the foundations of worlds.
The melancholia of space junk stuck to a mind of
distance...hoards copious amounts of love-filled
Bye...bye...Buddha, in all your "suchness"...bye...
bye...letting go is the only Way.
2.2k · Jun 2012
Neutered Marauding
Onoma Jun 2012
Dust to dust...makes tangible the blondish
breakdown of sun.
The choreography of neutered marauding...
ever amicable to rondure of skull.
The seeping pull of an ever foreign wind...
dust to dust.
2.2k · Feb 2015
Pellucid Jury
Onoma Feb 2015
...Here a man stands accused--the pellucid jury
of his peers come to themselves in their life's arms
through him.
He wails upright...a shadow continent wedging
The Flood.
Timekeeping horseflies besmirch his chest cavity
with due kisses...par for par movements consume
time till the singular advocacy of he withstood.
The imperturbable essence captured itself, as so
at the height of its powers there's interplay.
Ease culled from tribulation...countenance slackened
by degrees...overwhelmed by awareness.
Kingdom come Kingdom--shoring space of grace
that is freedom.
As if Everything centering of itself, fawning over itself...
polar opposites in conjugal bliss.
Here a man stands accused...of being--fit for steely
juxtaposition...the murderous implement of will, or
Envision him post-Flood, waist-deep, the living Face
of the Deep...look upon him!
Timekeeping horseflies besmirching his chest cavity
with due kisses...par for par movements consuming
time till the Singular advocacy of thee...look upon
An encounter of pitless ramification: fear or
it the last man upon the earth.
Look upon him--O jury of his peers boasting billions...
pellucid unto one another...look...The Hour is radiant!
Won't thee come to thine life's arms through him?
For he is Everyman.
2.2k · Mar 2016
Both Cheeks
Onoma Mar 2016
As the moon
undergoes phases
of darkness...
it turns both cheeks.
fully enlightened
by the sun.
2.1k · Oct 2013
Visages, Movements
Onoma Oct 2013
There's the mosh...sordid details that thing...
creeping of stay in focus.
A silent film whose black borders encapsulate
a  slab of skyward white. interpretation.
"The apparition of these faces in a crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough."....ashen...
daguerreotype of a Zen Garden.

All of nature's pretties cast in an occult brew...
stirred, and stirring...composite sketches posted
and burned upon lampposts.
At large...ritualistic making-of-face...illusion
trafficking the ever present primes of lives...
"the center of which is everywhere, the
circumference nowhere."...attestation o' mugs.

Visages...plucked from a year of our lord,
to be...rendezous of all light's putting to...
years thereof.
Alien unto thyself...oogly boogly, yet mirror-imaging...
By sleight of Hand...visages, who'd otherwise
be as soon pruned and leathery, inanimate under the
2.0k · Nov 2013
Namo Samo
Onoma Nov 2013
Seductive recitatives...
pour ardor for Culture--
Basquiat buffed...
Basquiat up...
lone...namo Samo...
Samo namo...bare bone.
1.9k · Feb 2015
Dearest Vagary
Onoma Feb 2015
...You, dearest vagary, aplomb--were
brought to bear.
Vicissitude of memory which is the
dispersion of identity.
Of a time, and of a place--you, a
mellifluous bronze dusk poured upon
a meadow, a solitary immersion, a
moment that harnesses the whole of
the earth, as you are...dearest vagary.
You were afforded as by the citizenry
of the air, lent by an intercontinental
An undying eloquence featured for all
time--the swaying bud blown to bloom.
You...the beautification of possibility,
its matrices never left in want.
As in withstanding place the round is
made, and remade about you, the whole
of the earth.
Thus, you've no confounding words...
have you?
Thus, this sidelong expenditure that you may--
shall breach the earth you shall.
*A poem to the "Pregnant Point".
1.9k · Apr 2015
Chirping Light
Onoma Apr 2015
chirping Light outside--
strung shapes that flower...
round the neck
of the guru:
1.9k · Aug 2018
A Slip of Stones
Onoma Aug 2018
a slip of stones...your sidelong glance,

an entire mountain to break our fall.

i want to tell you--as i tell you when

night doesn't know what's happening.

with the ritual of breath and its savage


you push from behind my eyes, and i


it's from there i hold words to your face

that pale, so i can live and die by comparison.

rocking forward and backward, side to side...

i can't undress and clothe enough.

i scratch at this split heart, and offer it a

crushing embrace when it breaks open.

it's you baby, it's you...the culmination of my

poetry--this final intensity.

i don't care about the next poem anymore,

the one i'm in is the god of your country.

i'm content to roam...waiting for you to come out

into a clearing.
1.9k · Sep 2012
Seven Constitutions Ago
Onoma Sep 2012
By a day's difference, and a night's
indifference...angelic flight looses
evasion what was embrace.
The repose of memory blighted by constitutions
ago that personified the goodly
week of creation.
Incontinent, All Things
small that were big.
Admonished whole by the changeable--
thou fairest...unwell.
Supping thy chinny chin chin--with
world-wearied, and wearying palms...
overgrow The Garden in hopes it may
obscure The Fall.
1.8k · Aug 2018
Chamber Of Your Repose
Onoma Aug 2018
i'm tracing your sensitivity,

your secrecy with my finger...

the folds of a flower that continually

spread new color.

your duplicitous flare.

the buzzing ghosts of bees,

dying mid-nectar.

your super intelligent eyes

following my mind till i lose it...

only to grow another one.

deeper than your walls, deeper

than your the chamber

of your repose.

burning sandalwood and a flood

of moon, settling down on

your bed.

as with the weight of strong hands

slowly working their way toward you.

you're choking back the tears, you feel

fully exposed.

you can't and won't gather yourself

for the oncoming ecstasy.
*This Empty Flow: "Useless" on replay.
Onoma Feb 2015
Gilded Light's iron visage--wormhole rider...
cosmic switch breaker.
Restoring Lacyrma Christi in fell swoop...
decorated to Seventh Sun, heart of Heart's
Distilled justice, pure in action to all its
vitals...sword sharpened by thin air.
Resounding honorary--there, anywhere--
when dark tips the with what
head before eye may blink.
A wrathful entry, a peaceful exit...there is
no Art of War but through him.
Archangel Michael, giver and taker of fear...
stores Satan's eyes in his
perpetually unnerve him.
Dragonslayer to the degree dragons appear
as lush foliage all the way to Heaven,
cut down...plummeting to an entrail
darkening with sleep.
1.8k · Dec 2018
Northern-Southern Lights
Onoma Dec 2018
imagine the infinite

figure 8, as energy flow

running thru the earth.

being round, it has two

polarized chakric crowns.

the tantric male polarity:

Northern Lights/Aurora Borealis.

the tantric female polarity:

Southern Lights/Aurora Australis.

yet the figure 8 energy flow,

shows the tantric male/female

polarities have interpenetrated .

unified it's north for

the sake of north.

south for the sake of south, beyond

*Mother Earth & Father Sky are One.
1.8k · Jan 2019
Kill White Noise
Onoma Jan 2019
gaming words

stupefied by their

pictorial inaction.

frozen as breakthrough

veriables  for


driving poets to

execution dates too

close to death to be

carried out.

one touch on the back

and front of whimsy.

could very well ****

white noise.

a rare kind of intimacy.
Onoma Dec 2016
Truth enamored of itself...based upon
the forever following.
Flow's entrails--the
seven circuit labyrinth pends the
recollection that yielded it.
Thus, the unsound voice pouring
Minotaur's digestive sound bite.
Where Once, as only Once allotted
the victor of Truth.
As told, as confounds
with a self-fabricating prophesier,
profaning all telling.
Disconsolate swipes of emotion
make and remake the barren.
Pray tell the lessening visage of thee,
where by and by shall deem thee
1.8k · Jun 2018
Answerable To No One
Onoma Jun 2018
it doesn't matter where

i am anymore--off in what's

being made clear...

over and over and over.

riding these *******' waves...

everywhere occurring to itself--

head tilted to the side, i smile in welcome.

it was always supposed to be this way...

the sky too needs to be freed up--

don't you know?

as a bird pulling air to its heart to

fly on it...don't you know?

look through anything you wish...

it can handle it--see exactly what

you want to see, after's okay.

with that sung--i've come to know

she's looking my way.

it's all on end...a yogi sleeping on a

bed of nails.

i have forever to wait out her mind.

i can feel her falling--rushes of space

tightening around her body.

she's already been torn asunder.

inside she's answerable to no one--

i am empty enough, i am full enough

for just that.
1.8k · Feb 2015
Dionysian Dithyramb
Onoma Feb 2015
Abandon's  clay roiled, doubled what pulse
of tune and out of.
Pathological music derived from music...
ecstasy--whose recompense is a sound
loss of selves.
Multiform unto archetypal gods--Dionysus
first among, Apollo last among...eviscerated,
trophied, slathered upon these rotund
Grecian ladies and gentleman.
Hallowed names depart the incontinent
circle, forgone the synoptical scarlet lettering
of name...transcendence.
Torrent upon torrent of ambrosia down the
throat...skyward runoff of chins...scribbled
down the primordial bloom of ******.
O sylvan gathering, crowns of laurel graduate
thee from materiality...a shuddering
beauteousness--broke shafts of light clash
lovingly from luminous head to head.
Here...the extenuating circumstance of
consciousness appropriated quoad sacra.
1.7k · Nov 2014
Flowering Beyond Namesake
Onoma Nov 2014
Peace draws itself out...leaving an
informed emptiness in its wake.
As light leaves room for everything...
what is let be, comes to itself.
Peaces draws itself out...leaving an
informed emptiness in its wake--
a flowering beyond namesake.
As anything can be renamed, any
shape peace,  transfigures.
Dormancy's wayshowing can not be
filled with anything but itself...peace
beyond body and mind.
1.7k · Aug 2018
Snake Bite
Onoma Aug 2018
you're standing there...

if waiting were a statue,

and night sudden release.

i slide up behind you--

take a fistful of hair and

drape it over your shoulder.

press my lips to the back of

your neck, and ask with searingly

hot breath: do you know what

you've done?

you throw your head back as if

being always knew

i was there.

i snake bite your listening ear--

for the Shakti of my poetry to enter...

and never exit.

do you know what you've done?

this is cosmic...and twin the flame.
*Rest your right foot on my chest Kali (the buzzing Heart of the clearing) I Love You~
1.7k · Nov 2013
All's Apparent Aqua Blue
Onoma Nov 2013
Where the church bell gapes
at its golden discs gain the airy steep.
Where the eagle deposits its
majestic soar, a mass of feather and
talon--Empyrean's doormat.
Where Icarus stroked wax wing
through the sepia ambiance of his
Where the hermit broke 'neath after
decade of reclusion.
Where star discloseth foci to
dime the dead of space.
Where striven peace's tangled root
whistles extolling.
Where an aerodynamic corpus
unsheathed horizon, parting palpebras....
surging the seen, unseen.
All's apparent aqua blue, transparent
*****, outspread portent pregnant of
O sky--every soul's once-over,
immaculate conceptions...ex nihilo.
1.7k · Jun 2017
O Saraswati
Onoma Jun 2017
Grace chose the poise of your
neck, what spring learned from
winter in white homage.
You longingly capture, and look
back at fate...your delicate head
sent slowly down upon its
pillowy body.
White, whited out...water clear
as invisible.
I dearly depart, I dearly arrive at
what dream settles upon you.
I loved you so much as you slept,
O swan, O Saraswati~
1.7k · Dec 2013
Michelangelo's Meat-suit
Onoma Dec 2013
Might I hang the
indivisible complex
of these parts for posterity?
Retire the number of their
meat-suit as Michelangelo
did of himself in
"The Final Judgement"...
as great athletes do?
...Sure...why the hell not!
1.7k · Dec 2018
Changing Landscape
Onoma Dec 2018
somehow during an

overgrowth of years,

you became frozen


right where you spiked.

with what's beyond you--

yet you.

quoting the heart...

most memorably.

to the famished forgetfulness,

of a changing landscape.
1.7k · May 2014
Light's Third Person
Onoma May 2014
Leaving off where other things
begin...seems to insure a
re-invitation to that leaving
Space wearing itself...relishing
in what forgot to check itself.

There's something to be unsaid
of becoming a nonevent...where
the Truth be told by light's third
1.7k · Jul 2018
Whitestone Bridge
Onoma Jul 2018
listening to the clacking rounds

of traffic skipping beats...bridging

storms overhead.

watching her water below, break

a tide.

we're flowing together, she's never

the same--as i am not.

we both know when to leave each

other be, and when not.

a wind falls and spreads her many

faces today--and i keep mine as

straight as death.

we keep at our reasons, till we spit

them out.

she's unsheathing a shimmering

sword across the Manhatten/Bronx skyline...

and she's telling me it's a **** good fight.

i lower my head, and make intermittent

eye contact with a respect that bears the

brunt of being Mothered~

i spend more and more time at her feet...

because she courses no return.
1.6k · May 2017
Culture Police
Onoma May 2017
Have you ever been
pulled over by the culture
I know this culture cop
who loves pulling people
over for self-expression.
He'll wait till you break
into color, and cut you
off at your most emphatic.
He'll ****, burp, scoff--
master craft a discombobulating
smack to your mouth.
He thinks most expression pins
you down to obviousness.
So by definition a lack of expression,
or stifled expression, means
you're not being obvious.
Therefore tolerable, but being obvious, or not being obvious is still
being, trying--expressly.
Watchdog of his own passive-agression, his cagey brooding activated by voices in excitation
of uniqueness.
He's living hard between the lines,
unable to read so to speak, as sing!
My mouthy mute carbon copy
of repression, I'm so sorry--truly.
Onoma Sep 2012
Spaces distance themselves--
to isolate the purpose of longing.
A depth where memory forgets
itself...spaces backwashed
Genuine seeing sets in--as if a
searchlight disconnected from
its lighthouse...swimming toward
the horizon's conclusion.
Longingly, as it is to bleed and
be bled for...the exchange of the
heart's chalice.
Eyes are lit by the asking of many eyes...tenderly
placed for their hapless duration.
Spaces distance themselves--to
isolate the purpose of
is therefrom a genuine seeing sets
How else may emotion
else may this temple stand amidst
the wilderness?
A temple destined to die into life...
as life is irreducible from a genuine
1.6k · May 2017
Rinse Carefully
Onoma May 2017
as rain brusquely clears a
window's record, and a screen
grays the glinting heads of
as the bacon-brittle bars of a
fire escape press against the
dully scratched green of
distant trees.
melancholy skims the ears,
sews shut their fetal-shaped
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