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Sep 2018 · 241
Curtis C Sep 2018
Good Morning September, a new month of adventures, changes, experiences, celebrations, tons of laughs, Big Smiles and Good Times. August had a lot going on and I just stayed in the flow...mostly. There were a few bumps but every path has bumps. August has become a point of reference and I Gloriously step out to the new with Gratitude's Light. Asking how, then taking action when the answer come.
It has been rough for some of us but I will continue looking from the Good in every situation, dealing with the other stuff but living in and with the Good.
September 1st: I Love You, all of YOU and so Blessed and Grateful that you are apart of my Life. Gratitude's Light shines bright on me and a lot of the Light is because of You. So, the Celebrations continue, singing, dancing, loving, living in the moment and knowing it may take time but with each step forward it going to work out.
So with tons of Love, hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!!!!!
Lets move forward yelling weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
and so we begin...
and so it is.
Sep 2018 · 227
Emotional Release...
Curtis C Sep 2018
Sitting, watching a dumb movie that makes you laugh and you realize you're crying. Not a ugly, rolling around on the floor crying but just tears flowing. You ask yourself why this? Why now? You then try to stop it but the more you try, the more tears flow. You start to feel a little drained and you then are in the middle of a full on emotional release. Your first thought is to call someone but who? Then you think, you don't want to bother anyone and/or wouldn't know what do you say?  So you sit and let the release happen and work hard not to judge or label the moment or attach it to any one person or situation.
After the laughing stops, chest is full, heart betting fast, all stops and it all feels good, drained, but good. You realize it's way late and you should good to bed.
You wake the next morning after the best sleep and know somethings are no longer in your heart weighing it down. A deep breath of forgiveness of self and acceptance. You sit and think of the night before, a bit...and you start your day, knowing it truly is going to be a Great Day! No matter what, a Great day!!!
Aug 2018 · 215
...with me today.
Curtis C Aug 2018
...With me today.
Putting worries aside today.
Throwing it up in the air, seeing where it lands and start for there today.
Dancing in the rain, singing loud and wrong and laughing because I can Today.
Tears of joy today.
Releasing, stepping back, watching and loving today.
Always there and not seen today.
Accepting where I am today.
Loving every moment today.
Because I truly only have Today!!!!
Aug 2018 · 189
Curtis C Aug 2018
The Journey - On Going.
These paths - ever changing.
The direction - always forward.
The feeling - a Celebration of All, in All, with All!!.
How we do it - together, separate but never and with Love.
Where do we end - We never do, we just continue to Grow!  
Thank you...Life is so Grand and I Am so happy!
Aug 2018 · 174
What If....
Curtis C Aug 2018
funny, today I woke up with a lot of "what if's?"
"What if this, that or the other?"
Hadn't even got out of bed yet and my mind started...
Then suddenly I thought, " What if I just Be?"
Just, loving, happy or sad, open, etc.
Just Be whatever, wherever, however.
What if, I just Be in the moment and
let me work through the moment, in the moment, with the moment...
and just Be?
I can't change the past,
I do create my future but that can't be done if
I don't just Be in the moment, the present moment.
The past can't changed, at all.
The future can't be created, if I can't be present now!
So, today just Be wherever you are, whatever you want, feel what you need, work with what comes up and create.
It's all gonna work out with all the downs, ups and some time...
It's gonna be alright.
Aug 2018 · 304
Curtis C Aug 2018
Today, nothing to say
Today, is just what it is
Today, being in the flow, working with what comes my way
Today, love is at the base of it all. If it moves up Great but if it's
             just apart of the foundation of it all, Wonderful
Today, wondering and wandering...knowing the adventure is
             the discovery
Today, HAPPY with what is, where I am, what I have
Today, the beginning, the end and the beginning again
Today, a low key celebration but a celebration none the less
Today, deep breath, a smile, maybe a laugh, a song, a dance
Today, no judging. No labeling. No comparing. No competing
             ...just being
Today, Today, Today
              I Love. I am Loved, I share, I receive
Today, is what it is...
Jul 2018 · 191
Great Day...
Curtis C Jul 2018
Great Day to all of You!
May the day bring Great joy to You.
May your adventures and experiences make you smile, laugh, love and see the Good that surrounds You and that's in You.
May you choose to move forward toward the highest.
May you show kindness and Gratitude.
May you just have a Good time and a Glorious day, Celebrate everything, enjoy all and have tons of fun.
Dance, sing...shake that *****!!!
Much Love to You and BIG SMILES!!!!
Get up, get out and DOIT!!!!!
Jul 2018 · 169
The Dance
Curtis C Jul 2018
Life is a strange and Wonderful dance. We never know how each step will lead us to the next. But when we truly look in the mirror, while we dance, with open hearts and Love, all we'll truly see is Beauty, the creating of Greatness.
Keep dancing, smiling, creating and Being Human and let it lead us back to our true self...the Divine Being that we are!!!!
Jul 2018 · 176
Curtis C Jul 2018
"So True:
Open up, accept and give.
Don't be suspicious, be Grateful.
No and Yes are complete sentences.
Don't let fear rule your Being.
Give and accept Love."
Jul 2018 · 237
My question for the week...
Curtis C Jul 2018
My questions for the week...for me:
Do You know what "You" create?
(Be careful of what "You" create.)
Are "You" doing "Your" best?
Are "You" living "Your" Greatness?
My thoughts this morning brought these questions to mind.  Am I? Really only I can answers these questions for me and where the answers are No or I not sure, maybe I should take a second look and make the changes to YES and creating with Love and Understanding. So this week, my focus and awareness will be on: what am I creating. Am I doing my best? If I Am living my Greatness?   I will make the choices to move in this direction, where I am not.  I AM...moving forward and living in the light of Gratitude and being that Great, that creates the Greatness that I call my Life!
Create Greatness in the light of Love. Always, Always do "YOUR" Best! Remember "YOUR" Life is Greatness, live it to the highest!
Love Y'All!  Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Jul 2018 · 144
Tell me your story...
Curtis C Jul 2018
Tell me your story
Let me hear your words.
Not the story that others believe, from their perspective
But "Your" words, how you feel, who you are, what you think.
Do you know your story, has it been that long
Or are you just re-telling what others have said you are?
It's time to Live "Your" Life and not the life others have create for you
Tell your story, your words
Live for you
Be you
Your story
Your words
Your creation
Who You Are!!!!
Jun 2018 · 1.0k
walking a path...
Curtis C Jun 2018
For me, there is a path between my heart and my head.  It is not a long path but it is a very used path, a circular path.  I am always on this path before I go out to another path.  This heart-head path is my cross roads.  It is where my house is built and this is the house that I am always changing and it grows bigger and better.  I live on this path, Heart-head Lane. Every adventure starts here, the main house, the big house, the house that is protected but there are no walls around it.  The house with all the windows to see all that life has to offer.  The house that has the open floor plan, that no matter where I stand, I see the Love, Joys, abundance, prosperity and even those lil fear monsters that are hiding in the basement.  The house on Heart-head Lane is where I work and deal with all the facts, my reactions and stuff.  Where I surrender, let go of stuff and open up to the new, the good and the ride always starts and ends here.

Even though this is a short path, Heart-head Lane, the house is huge, the yard goes on for days, both are unlimited and unconditional.  The house has a good foundation, Love and Truth and a strong roof of Freedom.  There are times I forget what my house is built upon and what cover it, but I always feel it there.  Deep, deep down to my core, I always know I am protected.  For this house on Heart-head Lane, is always mine.  I know no matter what the change, the lessons received and given, whatever the path I walk down; I know the house at the cross road, that house on the short, circular path of Heart-head Lane, is always there, a light that shines out and leads back to Love, Truth and Freedom.  Whatever level I have moved up to, I find that house with its changes and growth, welcomes me, just as I am, just where I am – giving and receiving, open to all, unlimited, unconditional and powerful.

I Love this path, Heart-head Lane and I am thankful, blessed and oh so grateful for the house that is built on Love and Truth with a roof of Freedom.  My house, my Life, the beginning and the end of the rides I take.  Here at the cross roads,
The house on Heart-head Lane

Curtis C
Jun 2018 · 161
The Day....
Curtis C Jun 2018

Today I woke again for the dawn of this new day.  Knowing that whatever this day brings I am ready and will work with it.  Today I will be aware of and focus on the Beauty of this day. The beauty of the things that come my way. the beauty that I already hold.  I've never consider myself handsome or pretty but I've always know I was Beautiful.  I knew, felt and when I focus, I saw the Beauty within me. Now, I didn't always accept it, there were time I turned away from it. But one thing I have learned is...Your Beauty never, never grows within no matter what.  Ofcourse if you would be aware and clear away the stuff, it would grow brighter, faster, fuller but it grows non the less.  
Today, lets all be aware of Our with the things that comes our way for that place within, that Beautiful Place that is within us all.  Look at it, accept it, all parts of it.  We are all BEAUTIFUL!  We are all LOVE! No matter what happens, it is still within us...working for us.  ACCEPT IT and then Share It!  If and when you will be One helluva Day!  
Love, Big Smiles, hugs and kisses!
One step at a time, that's all, just one step at a time!

I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I completely trust the One who holds tomorrow!
Jun 2018 · 196
In a moment...
Curtis C Jun 2018
In a moment, after frustration, sitting in the night with nature, just before you release those feeling and sensations, take a look in that place where those feeling come and you will find beauty. Collect the beauty and hold on to it and release the frustrations into the flow. The next moment after that will be from the beauty you have collected. With release from a dark place beauty and light will lead one heart beat. One deep breath.
Jun 2018 · 186
Curtis C Jun 2018
Confusion all around. Feeling lonely but not alone. Standing but moving forward. Tears but no sadness. Light but no shadow. The breeze but no wind. All within the beat of a heart and one deep breath. LIFE, living it. Creating it. Being it!
Good Morning and Good night.
With Love and it will a Good day.
Jun 2018 · 157
Tell me your story...
Curtis C Jun 2018
Tell me your story in your words and actions.
Not that stuff you be told you are or that you should act a certain way.
Tell me what "you" feels.
What "you" think.
How "you" see life.
Tell me "your" dreams and plans, not what others have plan for you!
What adventures do you want to go on?
What do you want to do?
You are a creator.
Your world is yours to create.
The choices are yours to make.
You can believe what you want to believe.
It is your life to create.
This journey is yours. Choose your path.
You are not behind. You are not ahead. You are right where you need to be.
Tell me your story in your words and actions.
The words that comes from your heart and Soul.
Tell me when you stand and I will stand by your side.
But let it be light.
Tell me your story...about your Celebrations, your songs, your dances,.
What makes you smile, laugh.
What brings you joy!
Tell me your story.
For if it is your story, from your soul...
I will listen...for a story of Love is Glorious to hear!!!
I am ready to hear...your story.
Tell me your story!!!!!!
May 2018 · 181
the crossroad
Curtis C May 2018
Don't be afraid when standing at the crossroads. Look down and see the footprints of those who was there before you. Yes, it maybe your first time there but relax, it not the last. Be excited and look in each direction and see all that's in front of you. See the choices you have. See the changes you can make. Rest, enjoy, know....
The crossroads is just a place to check it with you, to collect you. This journey we are on, can be traveled with many but no one can do it for us. We can learn from others or move out and learn on our own. The crossroads gives us the time, a place and space to make those choices.
So when you reach that place where the paths meet...stand and let the light shine down on you and know that many have been here before truly is nothing new but it is truly different for each one of use!
See the adventures ahead...
May 2018 · 160
Curtis C May 2018
Today…I am focusing on Today!  For it is my experiences, reactions, and Loving that will determine tomorrow,  Its my Loving today, My forgiveness today, My joys today, My seeing the facts of my Life today and working with them all today.  My, not judging today.
“The past is a point of reference and the future hasn’t happen.  It is today…NOW that I must Live, Love, be Happy, etc… and tomorrow will fall where it may.”
Today I asked myself; “if this was your last day here, what do you want it to be like?” (That’s how I talk.)  So, I looked at what I have to do today…I want it to be joyous, Loving, sharing with others, helping others, laughing, celebrating, receiving and giving, blessings, telling others of the wonders in our life, eating, singing, dancing, surrendering, letting go of stuff, opening up to all the good, grateful, thankful and Blessed!
I stopped there and leave myself open to what the afternoon and night will bring.

Where we start today will determine where we end tomorrow…open up and let it be in a different place and moment…
May 2018 · 185
Curtis C May 2018
I recognize, know and believe that I Am a Bright and Shining Light. When I was searching in the dark, I was the light I was looking for.  When clouds were hanging low and I needed to see, I was the light that cleared away the clouds and made it possible to see all that was there for me to see.  I was the light that shined on my path.  I was the light that woke me up and helped me to see more.  I am the light that shines on me and all that pass me. I am the light that lifts me up and keeps me going.  I am a light at all Celebrations! I am the light in the songs and dances. My house can never be dark…why?  
I take this time to share the light with you…because I want you to know:
YOU ARE THE SAME LIGHT, that shines in me because we are ONE!
Be Bright!
May 2018 · 178
I am not asking...
Curtis C May 2018
I am not asking you to think like me or even believe as I do.  As I’ve said before, I write and post what I need to hear and what I believe and I am Grateful when it helps someone else.
But I am asking if you can see and feel the good, experience the joy, know the truth that we are all One and to stand in the circle of Love.  Then from that point, from that place make the conscious choices on living your life and how you believe and how you work with and deal with the facts of your life.
[Consciousness is a dynamic field of awareness that has the ability to either narrowly focus or broadly expand., “the untethered soul”]
I hope we all broadly expand.
We are headed in the same direction, each on our own path.  As you look at the light, check out where it’s shining…accept and work with what you will find.
celebrate, enjoy, sing, dance and ride the ride...weeeeeeeeee!
Love you tons and joy you bring to me…
Curtis C May 2018
When Thank You just doesn't feel like enough.....
Today I kept thinking about all people in my Life who help me, stand by me, support me, Love me, let me be me and open up to all I have to give.  
Thank You just don't feel like enough.  
I Am so Blessed!  I Stand in Gratitude's Light...Bright Light!  
Whatever the change, the choice, the adventure...I Am Backed.  
Sometimes it's just a note that say..."Love You!"
Sometimes it's just a feeling!
Most time it is so much more...much, much more.
I Am so Abundant!  Soooo Thankful!  
What do you say when, "Thank You!" just doesn't feel like enough!
I Love You with No conditions....No Limits....We share such a Glorious Power...Love!
Tonight I say...Thank You! without the limits that I Love you with.  
Sending hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!  I Celebrate You Now and forever!
Until I find something Bigger to say...Thank You with unconditional and unlimited...
LOVE!!!! In every present moment...I Love You and Thank You!
Good night and have a Great rest of the night!
May 2018 · 147
Curtis C May 2018
Today I move toward understanding
Not, " Hey, I understand, I got it..."
But, " Hey, I see. I accept it.
Understanding is a matter of perspective
We each understand in our own way
It does not always make us but we see some light.
We may stay or we may go but we're okay because...
We understand.
Hell Yes!!!
Oh Yes!!!
Let's talk, say what you need to say.
I will step back but not go away.
Your silence will send a whole other message.
Do what you want done unto You, for others.
Love does create the space for understanding.
Trust, believe and know.
Today, simply commit to being a little more awake, aware and connected.

Have a Great **** Day!!!!
It's Your to Create. :-)
May 2018 · 156
Unconditional and Unlimited
Curtis C May 2018
To have unconditional and unlimited Love for others, at times, can bring those sensations and feelings of hurt, but those sensations and feelings come with many other thoughts, a lot of them positive.
Some People don't really understand or believe you and won't talk to you about it...they assume...most time the negative.
Some think it means that they can treat you any kind of way and you should accepted it "and" stand around for more.
NO...because unconditional and unlimited Love starts within, for's that inside joy (job) you've heard about.  You won't misuse others and won't misuse yourself or let others misuse you.
You do accept people for who they are and you accept their choices but you also accept, that you can walk away and still Love them.
choices and consequences!!!!! they are yours and with this Love, it make things easier.  
Unconditional and unlimited Love is all Powerful. Awesome Power. Glorious Power. The Power to stand still, to be silent, to stand in ones faith and belief, to say I AM....and not be afraid of what follows.
With this Love You have Great Gratitude and with Great Gratitude you have this Love. All apart of the Journey, the process, that day to day thing, with each step.
I Am in the process, still working on it, getting stronger with each step...I do Love without limits, no conditions, because that is what's in me...getting  a lot better with the inside joy (job) and it's feeling good.
I Love you with no conditions and no limits and if you do feel those conditions and limits....ask yourself: "what did I do to put them there?"
Have a Great rest of the day and tons of LOVE!  a Great adventure or experience await...Get up. Get out and DOIT!!!!!
And so it is.
Apr 2018 · 171
Love is always here...
Curtis C Apr 2018
Good Morning!
I will always Love You! If I ever felt Love for You, on any level, it will always be within me. LOVE doesn't go away. It's redirected, used differently, become apart of your point of reference (your past). But that Love I have felt for You, has brought me to where I am today! If I stop that Love...I stop me. :-) I know many will disagree and that's okay, we all have our individual perspective on Love, life and all that jazz.
I said all this to say: I am still here and if you need and if I can help you without harm to me, I will.
For all the Love within me, past, present and future is how I create. It is my foundation. So, the Love that we share or shared or will share, will always be within me and yours for the asking because you were/are co-creator of IT!!!
Just wanted YOU to know this.
Have a Great Day!!!
Curtis C Apr 2018
A new day. A new song. A new dance.
Light shines everywhere and there is Love in around every corner but we must want to see it, feel it, open up to get it and overjoyed to share it.
Let's have a day of Adventure.
Even when we have to take a step back, we could be stepping into our Good and on to a forward move.
Have an awesome day, just because You are awesome!
The shaking of the *****...
And the Celebrations continue....
Tons of Love to You!!!!!
Apr 2018 · 143
One of those days...
Curtis C Apr 2018
Have you ever had those days when you feel like you're living in a pin ball machine, running around banging in to things, collecting points, trying to make things ping and bing, feeling everything shake and knock, so you don't go in the hole, because you're trying to collect more points?
Oh, just me?
Oh Well, Have a Great day!  Create something Marvelous and Great!
Much Love, hugs, kisses, joy, happiness and BIG SMILES!!!
Apr 2018 · 147
Whatever You seek...
Curtis C Apr 2018
I remember the Good Times.
Experience the Bad Times.
And with what I've learned from both...
Create the Great Times!!!!
Curtis C Apr 2018
Life never stops until it is over.
The day of our birth, we start to Live, it was the day we began our journey to the end.
Each day we say hello and goodbye
Each day we are full of joy and hurt
Each day we rise up too or stay and wait
Each day there is Love and fear
Each day we begun and end.
Life never stops until it is over.
So lets choose:
Each day to smile when we say, hello and goodbye
Each day to accept and release the joy and hurt
Each day to rise to the light and stay for the Love
Each day to find balance between Love and fear
Each day to begin again
Each day LIVE!
Life never stops until itis is over.
So Live till the end and
Create more of the Greatness that You are.
For you are Life. Life is Love. So You are Love and Life!
Think about that and Smile....
Apr 2018 · 135
Yesterday I Stopped....
Curtis C Apr 2018
Yesterday I Stopped. Not because things were bad or out of sorts but because it was time. For me, the time to look at or look back at my life is when the sun is shining. Okay, yesterday I was partly cloudy but enough good to keep me smiling...I have a good life and good people in my life. I've come from and through a lot of **** but I am standing here now.  I've said, goodbyes or see you later to many people and things. I will be saying goodbyes and see you later to many people and things to come but in this moment I'm here, we are here. I Love and care for others, sometimes to much but I am who I am. Some choices I've made or making will have to be changed but that is life. But I am here in this moment.
I Love this post because it reminds me of something I was told many moons ago:
"You can not make a mistake...they are choices. The best choices you can make with the information you have at the time but when you learn stop and make the changes to make thing better. To do better."
Ms. Minerva (my Grandmother)
I realize you do make mistakes, when you know better and don't make the changes to do better, Be better...that is a mistake. Yes, I've done that too. But, as I've said before, "I am here now." Knowing who and what I am, making the choices to change for the better...I hope.
So yesterday I Stopped, so today I could shine!
So, You have a bright and shinny day. Make choices and changes for the better...not mistake. Know that You are loved and there are people and things on your side. But the biggest thing is for You to be on Your side and Love yourself big time!!!
Have a Grand Day. Wonderful Adventures. Keep creating the Greatness that we call Life!!
Apr 2018 · 141
My World...
Curtis C Apr 2018
My world has changed so much and it is a good thing.  Today, I choose to be aware of and embrace the changes that are happening in my world.  Working with the uncomfortable and unknown, being co-creator in each moment and staying in the continues flow of the creative energy.  Always remembering “To change is to grow and to grow is to change.”  My world stays the same with change because Love and Truth is my foundation.  I see all the facts of my experiences and I surrender all, letting good of stuff, no judging and opening myself up to all the Greatness there is.
I am Love.  I am Truth.  I learn and share.  I stand in Gratitude, very Thankful for everything and Blessed, knowing the Oneness of us all.  Knowing the abundance and prosperity of my Life, I release my word into the Law of yes, knowing it is done.  I celebrate the change, sing songs of the growth and dance through all the sensations, to stand in the light of Love and Truth.
And so it is.
Today...Wonderful experiences, friends, lots-o-fun and Love all around.  That's my day, what's your day going to look like?  Have a Great one and I'm sending you all some Love!!!
Mar 2018 · 133
Inside Job
Curtis C Mar 2018
"Happiness is an inside job.  Don't assign anyone else that much power over your life."
~ Mandy Hale

No one can make you happy and you can't make anyone else happy. I know we say that; "oh, you make me so happy!" Or "You made me cry!" But the fact is, they didn't and can't. No one can make you sad, mad, cry or all those other emotions.
NOW, something they are or they are doing might have sparked that place within you where emotions have lived forever, in You. But who wants to hear; "You just sparked the emotion of happiness within me!" It kinda loose a bit there.
But I said all that, to say this; stop putting that responsibility on others and stop taking that responsibility on to yourself, for others. It becomes the blame game. It puts expectations on to people and yourself that you know won't happen unless you choose to accept their actions and words...disappointment is what you will face.
When you feels these emotions...You take actions to release or enhance. Experience and feel what you are going through, talk to each other. Take what you need to move forward and release the rest. Some people don't want to be apart of or responsible for your emotions, they're having a hard enough time with their own.
Be a light, a guide, a source and together we can and will create on some level, love, happiness, joy and yes some sadness and angry but we will find away through it all without blame, projecting, judging and all that other stuff.

All of you my Babies,  have sparked those emotions of joy, happiness, much Love, angry, sadness, tears, and all the rest of that stuff in me but I am here and I feel and know (?) that you are close to me, too! We are creators of Greatness, we are the teacher and the student and we do this by working together as One, listening to understand, not just reply!!!
Tons of Love, hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!
Have an Excellent rest of the night!!!!!
Mar 2018 · 149
Curtis C Mar 2018
I wish I had the terminology to explain how my heart and head works together. There are times I don't...just don't know what to say...
So, until that day, if it ever comes, I will work with what I got and understand when someones choose to move on.
Mar 2018 · 138
Curtis C Mar 2018
Between yesterday and today with all the ups and many downs, in this moment at this time, today I cry.
I cry not because I'm sad but because I Believe.
I Believe in people and the magic within them.
I Believe that one day, in a moment, that they will see the magic and Believe to.
I Believe that many will know as I know that Love is the strongest power...unconditional, unlimited Love.
I Believe in a moment that we will welcome kindness and good, not be suspicious of it and the ones who give it.
I Believe in the tears, the laughter, the smile and the good that surrounds us and in a moment others shall to.
Because it magic...
When you see the magic, you will know all this to be true.
Also, you will know that magic is all around and even in YOU!!!!
Mar 2018 · 136
...Starting with yourself!
Curtis C Mar 2018
...Starting with yourself!
The process...journey is ever changing, even when it all looks the same.
Forgiving and accepting, moving forward, change/growth, Loving (giving and receiving). Learning something new everyday. Don't judge or label it. Open up to it and see where it takes can always choose to change if it doesn't work for/to your good. Share all you have learned and experience, for where you have walked can light the way for someone else.
I want to walk where you have walked. I know my experiences will be different for yours but to be where you have been, left your energy to guide the way is a great comfort to me.
I will make certain the paths that I have walked before you, will have my energies to light your way and Love to wrap you up to keep you safe.
It will be so exciting to sit and talk to you about all we have learned on this journey!!!!
Thank You!!!
What a Grand and Glorious Time it will be.......
Mar 2018 · 148
We Travel That Circle...
Curtis C Mar 2018
Lost are we who search for some level of Love, friendship and happiness. For if we go within were it all begins the search would be over...for it all starts within.
For if we open all that is within, we would see that we have all that we need. Yes, it will take time but time is what set the pace of every journey.
Trust, Believe, Know that all is within!  Within You is where it all starts and it will flow out and return back within.
The change that is growth and the growth that is change...all yours within. You can choose the change, but not the growth. The growth will just be...with the change.
So, we travel that circle of Time and space, that we call Life. But All our journey starts for us within and flows were we are all headed.
Safe trip and much Love to all.
one step at a ...Time!
Mar 2018 · 143
Your Day
Curtis C Mar 2018
So today move forward, share and give Love, a smile, a hug. Create Greatness. Adventures...have an adventure today, several!!!  Maybe just stop, take a breath and enjoy that moment. Sure, plan out your day but follow your heart. Experience your experiences, take all you need to grow and move forward and release the rest in the flow.
Today be open, grateful, blessed and Love!!!
Okay now, Go Play because it's your day and you got all you need to make it Great!!!!
Love You My Babies!!!!!!!
Mar 2018 · 195
Curtis C Mar 2018
Guess it just a dancing week for me....
We all have a dance in our body....
A song in our heart....
Music in our soul...
Listen to the music, sing the song and dance the day away....
It's yours to do, done let anything or anyone stop you...
Your music, your song, your dance is not for everyone but it's always ..,YOURS!!!!!
Be the Love, Open up to Gratitude's Light and DOIT!!!!
Let the Celebrations continue....
Mar 2018 · 145
The Creative Process...
Curtis C Mar 2018
I feel so open and vulnerable. The creative process can makes you feel the best you ever felt and the worst and all the time you are creating Greatness!!!! When you are deep in the creative process, everything opens up, energy is high and you feel everything. One moment it's Glorious and the next, the whats, hows, wheres....confusion. All the time, the pieces are slowly moving together. ****!!!
Que the Music. Slowly turn. The light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter and brighter the closer you get.
I Love All that I Do...and at time doubt All that I Do but I just keep moving forward.
Have a Grand and Glorious Day and Love and Enjoy your Creative Process!!!!
Feb 2018 · 200
Curtis C Feb 2018
1. to experience with joy; take pleasure in.
2. to have and use with satisfaction; have the benefit of.
3. to find or experience pleasure for (oneself).
4. to undergo (an improvement).

I Am enjoying the present moment of my Life. I am enjoying being open to possibilities and opportunities. I am enjoying not knowing but Knowing that It is all Good.  Seeing the facts and Living in/with Truth and Love.  I Am enjoying being Grateful, Thankful and totally enjoying the Blessing that I have.  I am enjoying surrendering, letting go and opening up to Life.  I am enjoying releasing my word into the Law of Yes, knowing that it is done...everything.  I Am enjoying Celebrating all that I have, knowing it is all mine.  Enjoying the music, the fun, the ride that makes me shout; weeeeeeeeeee!
and so it is.
Feb 2018 · 186
And So It Is.
Curtis C Feb 2018
I am not as foolish as you think.
Yes, I know who and what you think I am.
But I look in the mirror everyday and I know me.
Not the me I want to see but the true me that's standing there.
But I know there is change and I accept it each day.
For I see My Beauty and I know My Love.
I am Love, Loved and Loving.
And so it is.
Feb 2018 · 157
Curtis C Feb 2018
Sitting, quite, listening...preparing myself. Knowing there is change, seeing the change, accepting the change, taking the action to make the change. Weekend over, lots of light, Love, info & lessons. One step back, two to the side then step out, step forward...Deep breath, what will be, will be but don't you stop growing.
I Am Grateful, Blessed and Thankful...I Am ready.
Feb 2018 · 223
Time Set The Pace..
Curtis C Feb 2018
Time set the pace...
We go weeks saying; things have not changed. Then on day a memory, picture, person, situation happens, you look and say, WOW! Things have sure changed.
Time set the pace...
We want things to slow down or speed up but when we force it, we feel, we have missed something.
Time set the pace...
Someone you like will be leaving soon, slow down.
In a situation you want over, speed up.
But things happen when they should, force it and you miss it.
Time set the pace...
I've come to see: a deep breath, trusting and believing, knowing that you are doing your best and your best will show up to do.  
knowing that being slow or being fast...
Time set the pace...
We make the choice,
we choose the goal,
we take the step.
Time set the pace...
So I come to you from a place of Love.
I stand in Gratitude's Light.
I enjoy the moment, I am in.
I take one step at a time and don't label or judge.
I feel what is there to feel.
Live the experience.
Learn the lessons...
then let it go and in that...
I know I will Grow!
Time set the pace...
the past is just a point of reference...
the future is for us to create...
We walk the path, our path...
continue the journey.
Time "will" set the pace.
CCJ (2017)
Feb 2018 · 186
Curtis C Feb 2018
When it happens to you, it's horrible. (Hurt)
When you do it to someone else, that's how it is. (Hurt)
When you don't learn from your experiences and continue doin it to others (Hurt)
...You just don't care.
Be honest, say it and move forward...(Hurt)
Feb 2018 · 220
A Call To Arms.
Curtis C Feb 2018
Today in all the sadness I Celebrate Life. Celebrate sight. The coming together and  hopefully seeing what's right. Love for the Children and keeping them safe and the action that comes with that.
The seeing and doing of each individual to make that happen.
Today is a call to arms.
Feb 2018 · 171
Curtis C Feb 2018
Releasing feelings,
Focusing on sensations,
Reviewing points if reference
Moving things to different levels,
Some up, some done.
Earnings things as they are,
Not how I want them to be.
Going to that point of happiness within,
Hanging there.
Lonely but not alone.
Being Me with and in Love.
No limits,
It has been a day but,
I Am
Andso so it is.
Curtis C Feb 2018
Today being the day we focus on Love, I thought about the Great Loves of my Life that have transition on. Several of them, I didn't know they were Great Loves but in time with all they shared with me, taught me, gave me...I felt that unconditional Love that they left me with. The lessons that took some time for me to learn but open my heart.  Guides, teachers, friends/family they all always will be.  In moments of silents today...I hear the voices, the laughter, felt the hugs, the kisses, saw the smiles and I realize that even though they are not here physically, they are truly here. They continue being a guiding light, a  teacher, a guide, always family/friends.
I remember today, when I was in elementary school, a friend was hit by a car and died.  I didn't understand and of course, I went to my Grandmother (Ms. Minerva) for answers.  She told me; "his work here was done.  He went on to bigger and better things but would always be there when I needed him."  Then she asked; " What is it that your remember about him?" It was his smile...whenever he saw me he gave me the Biggest Smile.  She than said; " every time you smile, he will be with help you. A smile will always be a light for you." I guess that's when my smiling so much friend, who's name I can't even remember, is always guiding me.  I see that little face with a big - o - smile.  
Then once during, what I call my dark days, I tried the suicide thing...after many pills and wine, I was ready to go but I heard Ms. Minerva say; "your work here is not done...remember to smile, that smile is your light!" Love...Unconditional, continuous, all powerful...coming our way...sit in silent every now and then and focus on the Love and you'll feel that Love for your Great Loves that have transition on, still guiding you, sharing things with you, Loving You...and smile for that smile, their smile is still that guiding light for you.  So, at least once a month, have a Valentine day for you, where you remember the Love, feel the Love and be guided by the Love, their Love.  It never stops and it will carry you forward.
Okay, I know to many this is cra-cra but it is who I am, right now in the present moment...I Am cra-cra Curtis C. and I Love You Unconditional, continuous, with all my Power.
I Am so Blessed...Thankful...Loved...and will continue to stand in Gratitude's Light!
And so it is.
Feb 2018 · 329
What I Tell Myself...
Curtis C Feb 2018
Not all tears are bad
Some tears water your land of unlimited Being
All tears wash fear away, when you let them
Tears like rain, afterwards there is light shinning bright
Don't stop the flow. open up and let it go...
Ha, this is what I tell myself as I cry myself to sleep...
Sweet dreams.
Feb 2018 · 190
Curtis C Feb 2018
This day that focus on Love. Not just for your sweetheart but for all hearts. If only we could remember the feelings and sensations of this day all through the year.
Love for friends.
Love for all mankind.
Love on the basic human level.
Know that though we are  different but the same.
It is the differences that we create Love with, not hate.
Love is in us all, always with us.
Focus, be aware and let Love out.
Our day(s) would be much better.
Curtis C Feb 2018
What are you going to create today?
Is it what you really want?
Are you ready?
Let it add to your Greatness!
Okay, deep breath, Big Smiles, have fun!
Remember: "You are the Great, that creates the Greatness that You call Your Life!"
Be Grateful, Happy and Love!
And so it is.
Feb 2018 · 168
Look of Love
Curtis C Feb 2018
"One Day My Soul Just Opened UP!"   I've always Known I was Love and Loved...I've always felted the Love that was coming to me...But last night, I truly saw what Love looks like and IT has many faces, many voices and IT is truly all ONE and IT is an Unlimited Power and Unconditional.  Thank you does not seem enough!  I Love you, does not seem enough!  But I Am so Thankful and my Love for you all is Unlimited...Unconditional. Not just the people sitting in the Theatre but the Love I felt coming for all directions...near and far.  My Soul Just Opened up...there were times I didn't know what was coming out of mouth.  All I could Think was Love, THIS is what Love looks like.  Today I surrender, not giving up but Opening up to Everything, letting go and opening up.  
I know that when you move forward, taking it one step at a time, you step, move into something Greater...Oh, Lord!  what I Am stepping into is Greater than my tiny mind can Imagine and I Am stepping and I Am ready...I Am One.  There are No goodbye.  I will see you later...oh, I will take you with my heart, in the Love that I share...for You Are My Life.  I Am and continue to be Grateful.  I am Sooooooooo Thankful and oh my, I Am Blessed. Abundant and prosperous!  I release my word into the Law of Yes, I know it is done. I Am Living It Now!  I Celebrate, I Love, I sing and My Soul Just Opens Up...I Love... I Am Love...I know Love...I know the Faces of Love!  Think You for shining Your Light on ME!
and so IT is.
CCJ (2013)
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