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Feb 2018 · 172
Being Me
Curtis C Feb 2018
What I post each day is a reminder of  Who I Am and Where I operate from.  We all need to be reminded of stuff like, everyday to make conscious choices, that we are all One, different but in Oneness, that we have unlimited Power, unconditional Love and that is the center of our Being. Seeing all the facts, all of them but reacting for that Powerful center that we have.  To remind myself of where I place my focus to create my Life.  I know I have to make  a conscious choice in each moment to use it wisely.  

I don't post things to convince myself but to remind Me.

I Am the Great that create the Greatness I call my Life and all that happens in IT.  That it is all for my highest Good...the lessons.  I am Grateful, Thankful and Blessed for all that I have.

Love You and have a Great Day!  It is a conscious choice to do so...
Frank Sinatra's "I did it my way" is cued up...let it play out. Do it from the center of Power, for the highest Good!
Feb 2018 · 165
How I Feel in a moment.
Curtis C Feb 2018
Today was a day of understanding, clearing away stuff, talking heart to heart and taking deep breaths. To say I Love you and know you are Loved back. To stand in what you know and move forward. A celebration of sorts, giving and receiving light. Talking about the lessons learned. It was a moment within each present moment.
Today I was, as I Am. I do Love you so much. It was a day of great joy and warm feelings. Thank You for the talk and I look forward to many more.
Now to end my day on a high note...
And so it is.
Jan 2018 · 152
A Thought...
Curtis C Jan 2018
I woke this morning thinking...everyone is going through something. There is something in each of our Lives that we look at and have to take a deep breath. After taking that breath, remove the labels and judgements we have place on it...yes, I know it's hard but try. Experience it. Feel it. All the sensations but don't live in it. Yes, another hard one to do. But do, one step at a time, on moment at a time. Know with each breath you will grow, change, learn, share and keep Loving. You have the memories, these points of reference to create from.  Create something Great to honor, something Grand to remember, some Glorious to teach and grow some more. One thing I can say is, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but it will are be okay. As things flow in and out of our Life, with each gonna be okay!!!
Keep sing your song. Keep dancing your dance. Sharing, teaching, growing, changing. Move out of that comfort zone into the next comfort going to be okay and you will see that the Celebrations of Life continue. The journey never stops, it "is" all apart of the process.
You'll pass a mirror and see someone with a Big Smile...then you'll know, in your Being you will know; That in that moment when You see's gonna be okay!!!!
I Love You!!!!
and You Are AWESOME!!!!!!!
Jan 2018 · 132
Starting The Day...
Curtis C Jan 2018
Okay, I am just going to start this day Happy!  Not to worry day...I am not going to worry today.  I worry about somethings yesterday and I made it through it all.  One step at a time...One good moment to the next good moment and deal with the stuff in between!!!  Taking a deep breath and then smile, because "there is always something to smile about..." today is smile day...
Think about, if I start for this point, happy, and it's my lowest point of my day...tonight I will be over the top with Joy!!!!! can't wait, taking the steps.
Have a Glorious day, with new experiences and adventures...learn and share it all.  Look for the good stuff and work with the other...deep breath, then step and repeat.
LOVE YOU MY LOVELIES!!! GRATITUDE'S LIGHT IS SHINING BRIGHT!!! Let it guide You...Hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!!!!! now Get up, Get out and DOIT!!!!
Jan 2018 · 129
Today is going to be fun...
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today is going to be fun and wet, why?  I've made that choice, a conscious choice to have Fun.  to have a Good day. To Love and enjoy all the Love that's coming my way.  To Celebrate Everything in my Life because I know that I Am right where I'm suppose to be at this Very moment, at this Very point in my journey.  Loving every step I take forward and Loving all the People and things in my Life that helps me feel this Good, oh, that's All Y'all and Everything and because it raining. Sing your songs, dance your dance, shake it, shake it, shake it.  Lets make a Soul Train Line Moving Forward......I'm first now the middle...and so it is.
Jan 2018 · 310
Curtis C Jan 2018
You know, we have to know and believe in our own forward movement, those steps you make moving you on your path. Not everyone will like what you're doing, your talent, your song or your dance but that doesn't mean it's bad or's yours.  We all have different lessons to learn and our experiences during these times will always be different because we are all working on our stuff, our purpose, our being. Everyone will have an opinion on it but it is our to know and believe. It is happening for us, in the time that we need it to happen. Accept, experience, keep what you need and can use to move forward and release the rest. We all create our own Greatness. At our own pace. In the time that we need.
You do a performance, 10 people in the audience. 6 thought you were great, 2 said it's okay but 2 hated, same performance...why to we focus on the 2 that hated it or the 2 that said, okay. Why are were so quick to give up our growth, all the steps we made forward and put ourselves down. I say, celebrate your growth, the choices and changing you made to create your Greatness. Know your truth...keep moving forward...when you know better you do better...and sometime you have to believe what the 6 people say until you see your light yourself.
Jan 2018 · 114
Looking For the Good...
Curtis C Jan 2018
Looking for the good: that element of good that's in each and everyone of us...keeping my focus there and no matter what happen, what the action I need to take let it come for that point of good that's in me, you and everyone and everything else.  As Patti LaBelle would say...A New Attitude.  I feel if I come from a place of good, I will bring a lot of...tons of Good with me. No labels, no judgement...looking at The Thing Itself and seeing that place where we are ONE..working with, using it and choosing wisely from that place of Oneness...Laughing, singing, having a Good time and knowing...that as One we can Change things but we must all do Our part...start with Love and Truth.
Now, the music start "....running hot, running cold our senses in over load.....we need a new attitude..."  Letting go and staying open to...A New Attitude.  Have a Great day and Enjoy...the Fun is only beginning!
Curtis C Jan 2018
What truly makes your Heart sing?
Are you missing the Good you have or just focusing on the stuff you want?
Do you know what it would really feel like to have what you want, all of it?
…have you missed it?
Would your Heart continue to sing if you did not get all that you want?
What do you Require to keep that song (Love) in your Heart if you do not get what you want?
These are a few questions I have been asking myself.
What do I Require?
Does it change what I want?
Just looking at what I have NOW!
Have a Wonderful Day!!!!
Jan 2018 · 89
Curtis C Jan 2018
take the time to see and listen, It's all there....Now work with IT!
Jan 2018 · 223
Change And Adventure
Curtis C Jan 2018
today...Spiritual, filling, fun, funny, inspirational, musical and so much more.  It is a Good day, a really Good and most of all today is LOVE, lots and lots of LOVE! It is truly something to sing about...even with the cracks

Change and adventure...adventure and change.  That is what's happening right now.  Making conscious choices, while going through changes and it is all a Wonderful adventure.
Today, I will see where the adventure leads and I am making the conscious choice to have a Good time with it all...Seeing the facts and working with them, knowing that it is all Good.  The really Great thing that is happening, with every step I take, I am shown, reminded, aware and feel all the Love that surrounds me...from everywhere!  That is a Wonderful do your thing surrounded by Love!  NOW THAT SOME BLESSIN'!  I am so Grateful, Thankful and Happy...Thanks!  
...and a Good time was had by All and All became aware that they were One, working with and in Love and Truth.  Then, the creating and Celebrating just got Bigger and Brighter and they realize that the Good Times, just got Great!  It was there All The Time!  Have a Great Day!!!!
Jan 2018 · 154
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today...Good...worked through it all...Good experiences...conscious choices...conscious thoughts...being creative...silent moments...listening...taking action...surrendering...letting go and opening up...possibilities and opportunities.. Grateful...Thankful...Blessed...a Good day just Being and Loving...whatever it is, its all reaction, responses, the meanings I place on it all is what counts...a lesson I continue to practice...Oh, and Celebrating Everything.
Curtis C Jan 2018
Right now is a good time to start,
You’re not behind anyone or ahead of anyone,
You’re right where you need to be!
Start now, in this moment…
Look, see, know, be aware…you have everything you need.
Start now.

Right now is a good time to start,
With Faith, Belief in the highest good,
trusting, knowing, doing, Being.
Start now…
Standing in Love, knowing Truth, making conscious choices,
knowing you can make changes if need be.

It is time to start,
lets start right now, in this present moment…
moving forward, higher, trust in yourself,
Right now it is time to start….
Knowing…You are One with Source/the Creative energy
and Being One with the Creative Energy, you are One with Everything.
Right now is a Good Time to Start.
(it's never to late, your never to old, just do it!  2013 time to be seen!)
Jan 2018 · 180
I Take This Moment...
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today I take a moment of Gratitude, a time to be truly Thankful and know that I am Blessed for all the gifts, lessons, Love, Joy, smiles, Laughs, songs of joy and so much more that has been given to me by so many,  My friends, my family, my Guides, my Teachers and all others.  I know at times it may have looked like I wasn’t Grateful but I am…I just didn't know, see, understand, realize or was aware of it at the time.  But it all stayed and I used it all and have move forward because of It.  Thank you for standing by me even when I wasn’t standing with myself.   It took time and more experiences but I know, I understand, I Am Aware.  Now I move forward but not without you but with you always. For what you have given me is apart of the foundation of this thing I call my Life and you will always be in my Life in some shape or form.  Please know that I Am Grateful for it all.  Thankful that you gave it.  Blessed that I opened up to receive It and now I go out to share It all.
I Am So Blessed and Grateful…Thank You!
Jan 2018 · 217
just thoughts....
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today I Trust...I know...I Am.  Today I place my Trust in/on me and I will choose wisely in every experience...because I Trust Me.
I Am One with and individual expression of but always One with Source and all that is of Source. I Trust...I know...I AM...
need it, it's coming...a lot of when, how, why going through my head but overall, a lot of...It's gonna be alright, is happening.  Deep breath, again and then Big Smiles....moving forward one step at a time.
Have a Great Time and create more Greatness!!!!!!
Jan 2018 · 173
here i stand
Curtis C Jan 2018
Here I stand, lonely but no alone. Accepting but letting go. I'll never stop Loving but I'm starting with Me.
I continue to Love..
Jan 2018 · 165
Curtis C Jan 2018
I saw this quote:
Steve Maraboli
"Sometimes there are stormy moments in your life when your friends do more than just walk with you; they become angels that carry you and protect you with their wings."

a flood  of faces, feeling, memories came to mind and heart. I felt myself smile and laugh. Tears came up and my heart was full.  How many times over the years have I had those moments...stormy moments...yes, angels appeared and stayed.   those moments and You have brought me to where I am today and I stand in Gratitude's light because of it all, with it all and I am happy. You have told me it can be done and had faith in me, when I didn't see it in myself but You showed me the way...I Am Grateful.  Storm moments, just remind us what the light looks like, feels like, truly is.  Thank You!  
When I started in theatre, I heard alot: "find your light..." "feel it, can't you feel the light..."  "feel the heat of the light and stand in it..."  I've found it, not only in the theatre but in my Life!  I feel it, the heat of it and I will stand in it....Gratitude's Light...You all, in someway or another, have helped me find that light and always, with your presented in my Life, you are that Light!  Thank You!  
Home is truly where the heart is and when I think about you, am around you, here your voice over the phone....I Am Home!  No matter where I Am, with you in my heart, mind and soul...I Am Home!
...and the Celebrations continue...and so it is.
Jan 2018 · 220
Conscious choice
Curtis C Jan 2018
Conscious choice...conscious choice today and everyday in every experience, from moment to moment, I must make Conscious choices and when I don't - let me be in a place where it looks as though I did.  Today I shall stand in the light of unconditional Love, dance in the rain of unlimited abundance and sing songs of Blessing, knowing that I am One with Source, One with everything and everyone that was created by the Creative Energy of Source.  Whatever the experience today, I will choose wisely knowing that I am supported, Loved and blessed to have that support and Love. Also Knowing that I can change the choice if need be. Thankful, so very, very Thankful and remembering that We are all One I release my word into the Law of yes...It is done.  I Celebrate and Love every moment of IT!  and so It is.
Jan 2018 · 219
A Day of Celebration
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today Is a day of Celebration. The Celebration of Life that has transition. The Celebration of Life that is in the present with us. The Celebration of Life to come.  Celebrating all that has been shared, is being share and that will be shared.  The lessons, the truths, the smiles, laughs, hugs, the Being.  Some have the sadness going through them, don't let it live in you.  Experience it all, but release it. Surrender it. Let it go back into the flow and continue to Grow and Celebrate. Some have the happiness going through them. don't let it live in you. Experience it all, but release it. Surrender it. Let it go back into the flow and continue to Grow and Celebrate.
You are the Great that creates the Greatness that You call Your Life!
Keep creating, don't let it just sit, whatever you label it. Let it go into the flow and You create more.
Sing your song and Dance your Dance.  
Get up. Get out and DOIT!
much Love, hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES.
Dec 2017 · 112
Thank You For...
Curtis C Dec 2017
Thank You for the wake up call. The light burning bright.
I got it. I accept it. I will adjust.
It still doesn't stop my Love.
It still doesn't stop my Joy.
I will continue to create and share all.
It might adjust my walk and my talk,
but I'll sing my song and dance to it,
for I have danced alone before...
and now I cry and smile I move on.
Thank You for My wake up call!
Dec 2017 · 151
Curtis C Dec 2017
Gratitude for the day, listening, sharing and staying in the present moment as I move to the next and enjoying the space in between each thought. Today, as in everyday, I celebrate Life and everything that comes with it. There is a Great Joy and happiness in Living and Loving Life and I Celebrate the this moment as I write this I share my Love with you, limitless, unconditional Love and accept you just as you are with no judgement, knowing you are the best you, you can be.
Hello...what's up?...Big Smiles!  Not sure what the day will bring or what I will create today but I will be ready for whatever. I will celebrate Life, find the joyous moments and share all the Love I can.  Placing things back into the flow, no matter how they are labeled but I know it all comes back, different, bigger and way better.  I can honestly say; " I don't know..." but its all gonna be alright.  One step at a's all gonna be alright!!!!
Love, hugs, kisses and Gratitude's light!  Have a Great rest of the Day!!!
Curtis C Dec 2017
Wondering and wandering, thinking (sometimes to much), Gratitude, Blessing, trusting, having faith, understanding, not understanding, moving forward. One day at a time, One step at a time always finding that smile and making it a Big Smile!
Remembering that some people, situations, things are only temporary in my life and even the leaving my only temporary. There is/was a reason and having that faith that it is for bigger and better to come, teach and share.  Dealing with the hurt, the joy, creating happiness and knowing that it's all within ( a inside joy) and will and can change.  Remembering the sensations and remembering that they are used for many different things, in many different ways.
This process of living, being on this journey, walking different path. So much, we think, we have to deal with....the ups and downs of the ride.
But always remembering that it is a day by day, moment by moment thing.  One step at a time, One thing at a time continuing to move forward, trying not to label and judge.  
See Wondering and wandering and thinking (to much). All apart of the process I'm, I know.  
anyway, I shall continue: doing the journey, celebrating all, trusting, understanding, not understanding. Being Grateful for the Blessing, moving step at a time with a Big Smile!
...and Loving, being Loved, sharing Love, being surrounded by Love because it is everywhere...Being ONE!!!
Deep breath, creating Greatness (we all do) and celebrating !
Tons of Love and Big Smiles My Lovely!
Dec 2017 · 248
One step at a time...
Curtis C Dec 2017
"One step at a time with a BIG SMILE!!!"
Today is going to be a good day!  There will be enjoyment, laughing, and adventure. not expecting anything but open to whatever may come but I know there will be some good around it and that's where my focus shall be, as I work with and through it all!
Still learning a, it never stops and I'm glad it doesn't. There is still a lot within that needs to change or maybe removed...growing more each day.
Stop and look in the mirror and see Yourself, get to know You and do the work to live that Greatness within you!
Love You My Babies!
have a Grand and Glorious day!
remember, "One step at a time with a BIG SMILE!!!!
Dec 2017 · 99
Curtis C Dec 2017
We never know where the teacher will appear or what the lesson will be but when they arrive...take the lesson and share.
a few lessons I have repeated: Trust all feelings, accept things sooner, when the feelings hits, step back.
We are all teachers and students. No one is ahead and no one is behind. No matter how good you try to live, try to help and share, someone will take it as bad. Think about, talk about if you can, listen to understand, not to respond or defend.
Accept, learn and move forward. There is always some truth in everything you hear how will you respond to it...the lesson.
Dec 2017 · 84
This Journey...
Curtis C Dec 2017
This journey we are on is ever moving forward, even when we feel we are standing still, stuck in one place, there is forward movement all around.  Greeting the new. Saying, see you later to old. There is light and darkness but we continue to move forward.  There is fear and always, always Love, we keep moving forward.  This journey, how wonderful it can be. How scary it can be. always being can we always be Grateful?  Yes, alot of us have this thought but how can we not? we woke up, we take a deep breathe, we went to the's means we are alive and have some control...Grateful!  There are people on this journey we meet that Loves us...Grateful! We can make choices for our Good and the Good of others...Grateful!  Oh yes, we can change those choices when need be...Grateful.  
There is so much going on around us, we label them in so many different ways, we judge them, we wonder why, how, when, where but as we do all this, we move forward...Grateful.  
This journey ever moving forward, the adventures, the experiences, the lessons, the sharing this journey, in each moment is getting us to the place for the next.  On this journey we only have here and now...the present moment.  The past is only a place of reference...a landmark.  The future is a pretty picture we put in our eyes, some place we think we shall be. The present is always where we stand, where we create. where the light of Love, Gratitude, joy and happiness can be found, when we choose.
This journey, where shall it lead me today...what shall I create...will I be aware or will I focus on that point of reference we call the past and miss the now?  It's time to step forward and see...deep breathe and forward movement...create Greatness today and don't forget the...BIG SMILES!
Dec 2017 · 206
Grateful to the Children...
Curtis C Dec 2017
Today my Gratitude is for Children!  They are Great, wonderful, joyous free Spirits and we all can learn a lot from them...especially how to have fun, enjoy every moment and to Love Unconditionally.  I have always been very Blessed to be surrounded by Wonderful, Talented and Loving Children and there are a few that have become Wonderful, Talented and Loving Adults and they are still Blessing to me with Tons Of Love.  I AM SOOOOO BLESSED AND GRATEFUL!!!
Dec 2017 · 144
Grateful for Music
Curtis C Dec 2017
Today, I am Grateful for Music, and all the emotions it makes you feel.  How you can express yourself with it.  The stories told through music. Growth, change, highs, all in a songs.  Music can bring you back to the present moments and the joys that you find there.  For me, the best thing is when I let Spirit lead me as I sing a song...WOW!  Step to the side and let Spirit take me where I need to go and I let Spirit pick the music for the soundtrack that plays in my head everyday, reminding me that we are all here together as one...LOVE...MUSIC...It's Great!!!!
Nov 2017 · 100
Wherever we start from.
Curtis C Nov 2017
Wherever we start from. Whatever we're going through. we must find our own Happiness; our own change from that point, that perspective.
we are each on the journey home, noone is ahead and noone is behind. Joy is where we creative it. Love is everywhere. Good surrounds everything, every person, every situation...Live Life with Your gifts. You can't live someone else life, only your own.  Find yours and Live it!!!
Much Love, happiness, joys, kisses, hugs and Big Smiles!!!
and the celebrations continue....the choice is yours how...choose wisely!!!!
Nov 2017 · 91
Miracles and Magic
Curtis C Nov 2017
Today is a day for me to remember Miracles and Magic and that I Am and I create Miracles and Magic in every moment of my Life.  There are time I don't see it or react to it but they are happening and being created none the less.  
Today I ask myself, what will I do with the Miracles and Magic that I am? I Am creating in each moment of my Life? I take a deep breathe....
Today is a day, to know that I know that all that I need is here with me, within me, as me and I must Trust and have Faith in me because the Universe always has me.
Today I stand tall and accepted that bright light is me being Thankful, Grateful and Blessed...Standing in Gratitude's Light!
Today I Thank All Y'all, I hope you feel it. I Thank you for being in my life and letting me into yours.  Accepting me for me and letting me Be, as you tell me and show me how much you Love ME!  I Am Blessed!
Today, I am taking another step forward and higher and it may not look the way I thought it would, it does look the way it need to look and I shall grow and change with it all.
Today Is just a Good day and I Am Happy!  sending You Love, hugs, kisses, positive and healing energies...oh and BIG SMILES!!!!!!
Nov 2017 · 108
same stick
Curtis C Nov 2017
Sadness and Joy, same stick but different ends. That's why it's so confusing at times. I try to stand more on the joy side, so when sadness starts pulling at me, it only gets me to the middle of the stick  before Love starts to pull me back to joy.
Yes I want to know the whys of it. I want to understand it. But time has control of it, so I have  to wait. Those feeling, emotion, thoughts, ect from sadness are still there but I don't make camp with them or in them. I keep focus and aware of the good. Deep breath, a smile and  forgiving of self...then move on. Standing in the present, feeling Grateful and Blessed!!
Have a Great rest of the night.
Much Love and Big Smiles.
Nov 2017 · 110
Curtis C Nov 2017
I’ve come to like the question…”why?”.  I realize that when I ask, “why?” I need to look within and ask; “What is it in me, that sets this alarm off?”  For me “why?’ is and internal alarm to be aware and check the choices, not good or bad, just more info to work with as I continue on my journey.

So, today I am Grateful for the, “Why?” and the awareness that it brings.  “Why?” helps me to see and work with the facts but Live in Truth, which gives me the choices to make or change as I move forward.  Oh, “why?” also reminds me of all the reasons I LOVE YOU!

Nov 2017 · 96
Curtis C Nov 2017
A day of Thanksgiving, we give thanks for all, to all, as all.  How we shine as One!  I am Thankful for truly, honestly Loving All.
I Am thankful for the limitless power, unconditional Love and Divine Intelligence that I Am and I use.  Most of all I Am giving thanks and thankful that I see all this in U, my friends and family.
Everything that we require for Greatness we have and have always had.  We carry the Greatness with us at all times and now it is time to Live It, all of it.  Be aware and use it well, the choices are ours…Be responsible.  So, let’s celebrate it all and be thankful and occupy our minds, hearts and souls!!!!
Enjoy the Love!  Live the Love!  You are the Love…All of Us, All of It!
A Grateful...Joyous...Love filled and fun day will had by all...but wait...there are still a few that working on how to use their Love...their Truth.  Let send our Positive energy, Love and Light to them knowing that awareness is theirs and they will soon use it working toward the Highest Good.  Peace...Love...Happiness...more Love!  Being Grateful for All, Thankful for Truth and Blessed to Know!!! Love to You all!  Good Morning and have Grand adventures today
Nov 2017 · 103
Waiting for the Dawn...
Curtis C Nov 2017
Sitting waiting for the dawn, wondering what the day will unfold; knowing I must stay in the moment and be aware.  My experiences today, what do I require?  I will stay focus on Love, being Thankful, opening myself up to all the Good and Celebrate Everything…just being aware and standing in the Truth.  Forgiveness: giving and accepting, with this I continue to move forward.  Knowing the same for you… for all of us Spiritual Beings having human experiences as ONE!  Let’s do our best to choose wisely.  I am Grateful for It all.  Thankful for knowing It.  Blessed for having all of you to experience It with.  I let go and open up and release my word into the Law of yes…It is done.  Now it is time to kick **** with Greatness!
And so It is.
Everything we put out there really does come back to us…put out what you want back, choose wisely.
CCJ (11/21/2012)
Nov 2017 · 90
The Journey
Curtis C Nov 2017
The journey is full of twist and turns, sharp curves, hills, mountains, flat roads, Stops you know are coming and then the surprise stops. Oh, and tons of surprises, that will make you laugh and cry. Games, lots of games and there will be times you don't even know you're in the games and most time you won't know most of the rules but you're playing anyway. The funny thing's our world we are creating with our actions, reactions and choices. We ask ourselves; What happen? But when we sit and think about...we know, we knew but chose To go on with it all and hope for the best. The life we create...what a wonderful, joyful, Happy, sad, tearful place it can be but it's all apart of the greatness we create. Our world.
But with all the confusion, ups and downs, all the stuff we label and judge as bad...if we continue to let Love be the major power, see all the Good that surrounds us, we are doing good. Not letting fear control, fear and it's kids will always be passenagers on this ride. They are sister and 1st cousins to Love and it's kids and help us create a balance to our life. But we should never let fear and it's kids be in control. Never let them build a house in your world. It all So strange and yet so simply, Life. Be Grateful. Feel Blessed. Feel the Love. See the Good. Even when fear and it's kids are around.
Always ask the questions:  What would Love do? Where's the Good? If we focus and be aware, we will feel it, see it, know it!!!!
Tons of Love, hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!!!
No matter what happens today, know you are Love and Loved. Also, good surrounds You. Be open and ready.
Now get up, get out and DOIT!!!!
Sep 2017 · 139
Welcome to...
Curtis C Sep 2017
Welcome to Crazy World!!! Where the rides go up and down at high speeds and spiral down out of control to end on a bed of feathers and takes off again in circles. It also features the Path Maze where every turn is a new adventure and you reach a crossroad that takes  you to Door Land, nothing but doors and you never know who or what will pop out or the Forests of Tears and the Land of Laughs, always a surprise and you never know which one you will end up in.
Crazy World has so much to see and enjoy or...not.
Like Build A Wall. See where the windows go or if there are windows at all and you have to find the light.
The Great thing about it all is You create It. No limits or conditions, all the choices are yours. Just remember to choose wisely and yell weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Sep 2017 · 2.9k
Curtis C Sep 2017
This has been a time of Great moments, aha moments, kind moments, accepting moments, releasing moments, good moments, smiling moments, sad moments, open moments, closed moments, moments of fear, moments of joy, moments of not understanding to moments of understanding. All these moments together, plus many more moments have come together to create Your Glorious Life. Your Being! The Unconditional Love that You are. So, take each moment and know that in each moment the only limits you have are the ones You create!!!
Embrace each moment because...YOU ARE THE MOMENT!!!!
Now lets do this Thing!!!!!
Sep 2017 · 131
Searching For....
Curtis C Sep 2017
Searching for...

Trying to find the right words to say what I feel but I think: Who do I want to hear them?
Looking for the actions to match the words but who wants to see them?
Hello, is anyone one there? It's So dark.
Can anyone hear me? The only sound is me.
I say the words. I do the dance (actions). I sing the songs (feelings).
But No one is there.
Then I think: Am I only doing it for them or is it all coming from deep within and I Am Freeing myself?
So much...So much...confusion but is it just from me, for me? What is it?
A deep breath, then some light. A small voice comes and say:
"It's all about You. Keeping creating your Good Life. You're not done yet!"

...For ME.
Sep 2017 · 135
Curtis C Sep 2017
I am losing but yet I gain
I stand in the dark and see light
I'm feeling the fear but surrounded by Love
I step back but move forward
I am closed of but very open
I have tears with smiles
I am crazy and yet very sane
I am human and yet a Spiritual Being
Oh yes, hehehehehe, it's called Living the Life!
Have a Great day and know that it's all okay...Live the Life
And choose wisely.
Sep 2017 · 135
Curtis C Sep 2017
I learn something new about myself everyday.  Somethings surprise me, some I just look at in a different way. There are times I learn about things in me I never knew was there. Things that makes me think and change, hopefully with some growth. Things that makes me check my reactions to people and situations.
I don't always share what I learn...not right away because I don't know how I'm working with it or how its working me. The moments I learn the most are those times of confusion because it slows me down and I become more focus and aware and try to stay  open. Funny, for me it's all about my changing perspective.
Guess, every moment is a teaching moment and I find myself being both student and teacher in actions and words...the journey/process continue.
You have a Great day as you learn your lessons and share what you have learnt!
You got this...
Sep 2017 · 150
Curtis C Sep 2017
Don’t be scared.  Don’t add more fear to the rivers of fear that others have create. A flood is caused by one drop; one drop of water can cause a river to flood over its levees.  One drop of fear can cause the river of fear to run wild.  People are and will say and do things to scare you, DON’T ACCEPT IT!  Don’t add that drop of fear that will create a flood of fear.  Re-enforce your levees with Truth.  Choose to see the facts, work with those facts but Live in Truth.  Love is the only power and the work we do, the actions we take should be for the highest good for All…We are All ONE.  What each of us do, believe and choose effect everyone, it maybe only one small drop but it can create a flood.  I want my drop to create a flood of LOVE.  Knowing that what I do affects everyone, I choose the highest Good, not only for me but for All.  “You don’t scare me.  I know the Truth; I see the fact and my choices are made with Love.  I Am never alone and I am working for the highest Good!”   Fear takes away from, Love adds too. Don’t feed the fear, add to the Love.  Yes, what you do in your lil corner effects the world, your lil corner is unlimited, and it’s time to be aware of this.  Your Great creates the Greatness of the world you live in!  Choose wisely and Love unconditionally and celebrate the Joy of It All.
The rivers of fear are high, don’t add that drop of fear to push them over the levees – Don’t be scare.
Sep 2017 · 152
So Nice....
Curtis C Sep 2017
So nice, that every time I feel lack, lost, confusion, missing and all that other stuff, from across the miles and memories, I am reminded that I Am Loved!!!! That I do make a difference! That Blessing flow continuously to and from me.
That Light from across the miles and the mile guiding me on my way, reminding me that I'm never alone and the energy of Love is always coming and helping me keep things in perspective. And when it hits me...there are celebrations in my mind, heart, body and soul!!!!
Sep 2017 · 141
morning thoughts
Curtis C Sep 2017
Feeling Grateful and Blessed this morning. Knowing with joy and good times and sadness and misunderstanding, Love and happiness still surrounds. Making me aware of the lessons and to focus on what is being shared. It feels good that Love and goodness is being share everyday in every moment. There are time it looks different for what I perceive but when I open to the sensations and emotions of it all, it still feels he same...Love is Love is Love. No matter if close-up or afar and some times the close-up can feel afar and the Love coming from afar, feel so close, it's still Love and it's found on all levels. Reminding myself that we can't tell others how to give Love or receive Love but just remind them too Love!
This morning I am remembering to share all the Love I can and Open up to all re Love coming my way. Because with that Love Greatness is created.
Please my Babies, do he same...share Your Light.
Aug 2017 · 266
Check In
Curtis C Aug 2017
Check in:
to Life.
the present moment, deep within.
Type of attraction:
Adventure Ride — with ups and downs, twists and turns, joy and sadness, lots of laughs and a few tears, dancing and singing (you pick the music).
Daily (Takes 24 hours and then you climb back on the next day).
A different experience for all but yet the same.
Your return:
Lesson to receive and share. Choices, Change and Growth. Create Greatness. Being apart of the Oneness.
Hugs, kisses, BIG SMILES and TONS OF LOVE!!!!
Have a Glorious day and tons of fun!!!!!
Aug 2017 · 141
Curtis C Aug 2017
Feeling hurt, feeling sad, care to much.
Much remember, different perspective, different hearts:
Don't take it personally

Don't understand, the rules have change,
Don't take it personally.

You walk away, you come back, I'm not a yo-yo.
Don't take it personally.

You're gonna do what you're gonna do.
I don't take it personally.

The 2nd of the 4 agreements
Don't take it personally!!!!!
Aug 2017 · 140
You Are Enough
Curtis C Aug 2017
You are enough!

As you look at the big picture of your life,
Like a painter, you must do a section (moment) at a time.
Fix the mistakes. Maybe change direction.
You might find a better way to approach it.
Find the right light to work in.
Not listen to every opinion and just do the best you can do,
With what you have to work with,
Until "Your" picture comes through.
The final choice is always your.

Remember, in each moment You have everything you need
To move on to the next moment.

The last agreement of the 4 agreements
Always do Your Best
Aug 2017 · 144
use your words
Curtis C Aug 2017
Stopping letting your action speak for you.
Bone up and use your words.
Words gave more understanding & meaning when they are true.
The place where words and actions don't meet is a lie.
Use your words to express your meaning & feelings...not just your actions.

First of the 4 agreements
Be Impeccable with your word
Aug 2017 · 153
Curtis C Aug 2017
What do you expect from me?
Ask the question, stop assuming.

What are you assuming I expect from you?
Ask the question, stop assuming.

When the question is asked and the answer given, healing begins.
No more hiding and pretending.
Then you can put real meaning to your relationship:
Everything is a relationship.
Remove the clouds, let the sun out!
Ask the question.
On of the 4 agreements:
Don't make assumptions
Aug 2017 · 133
Stand and be You.
Curtis C Aug 2017
Most times all you can do is stand and be You. The true real You.
The You that some don't like and others think look funny.
The You that Loves Unconditionally, don't know why, just do
and others may be suspicious off because You do.
The You that sees the Good in the light or in darkness.
The You that smiles and cry at the same time because You feel so much Joy.
The You that has sadness but knows there is the other side.
The You that knows it will never be perfect but it will always work.
Most times, in the hurt and in joy...
You just Stand and be You.
No one does it better.
Aug 2017 · 142
Love is never lost
Curtis C Aug 2017
There is a true joy in knowing and understanding that Love is never lost, ignored at times but it’s always there.  Whatever you truly need and want is there, because you are one with the only source.  To quote a line from the original “Fright Night”, “you have to have faith for that to work.”  Have the faith and take the action needed…BELIEVE, especially in yourself.  Love all and Enjoy all.  There are times that I have let these facts and this truth sit to the side but I always come back to it all.  Where there is light, I Am and where I Am there is always Light, the individual expression of one, in the Allness because we are all One…Creative Energy working to, for and in the highest Good.  Remember Love is the only power, start there.
A soon It is.

(the last line of this post is suppose to be;" And soon It is".  I was talking to an older gentleman yesterday and he keep saying, "And soon It is"  I mention that it was, and so It is.  He looked at me and said, "young man I know what I'm saying, I hadn't lost it yet."  with that I said, "I guess And soon It is, is just as good" does matter the words at times, it's the feeling behind them....And soon It is.)
Aug 2017 · 129
word for today
Curtis C Aug 2017
up, up away...time for getting my day started and see what adventures and experiences are at hand. my word for today...flaw(ed),  a feature that mars thee perfection of something...that sums us all up, That's who we are and in this one little word show how Great we are and brings us forward. Because no matter what; and totally the same, a flaw to one, a joy to another.  none of us are perfect but we are Wonderful, Amazing, Awesome, Enough, All, Oneness, Working from our Individual, to our Oneness...How Beautiful!  Embracing the flaws and not using them as excuses. One of my favorite meaning I found, is the last one: (obsolete) an outburst of strong feeling...Why obsolete? Maybe...something to think about.
I Love You Amazing Ones!  a flaw to one, a Great joy to another...Beauty in the Oneness!!!!  HAVE A GLORIOUS DAY!!!!!1

1. a feature that mars the perfection of something; defect; fault:
beauty without flaw; the flaws in our plan.
2. a defect impairing legal soundness or validity.
3. a crack, break, breach, or rent.
verb (used with object)
4. to produce a flaw in.
verb (used without object)
5. to contract a flaw; become cracked or defective.
   a sudden short gust of wind; squall: a spell of bad, esp windy, weather
2. (obsolete) an outburst of strong feeling
Aug 2017 · 135
I Will Not...
Curtis C Aug 2017
I will not live in fear. I will not hate. I will not push people away. I will Love, maybe it will need to be from a distance.
But you much meet me on Love's ground, in Love's air. Accepting others for who they are, they way you want people to accept you.
You need to see the oneness that we are, our differences are what makes this all Great.
You. Me. Everyone. must work together for the common cause of the highest good. If not move on, I will love you from a distance...The basic love of one human for another.
And do it is.
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